The Virus to Come

What if these covid vaxxines aren’t really for covid, but something else?
What if they’re not for this virus, which to us conspiracy theorists appears far less virulent than they said it’d be, to say the least, but for the virus to come?
What if they plan to release a bioweapon hundreds or thousands of times more deadly than covid, a real plague, a black death that would wipe out most or all those who didn’t receive these vaxxines?

Why on earth would TPTB do that?
Because that way, they could wipe out most or all of freethinking humanity in one fell swoop.
Two birds with one stone, on the one hand, the vast majority of people remaining would be sheeple (it would also instill tremendous fear in the few remaining anti-vaxxers and non-vaxxers, making them far more likely to take the next vaxxine), and on the other they get to reduce the population, which’s what many of us conspiracy theorists believe they’ve been wanting to do for some time.

And what else is in this shot?
What does this RNA/DNA altering nanotech really do?
Does it allow them to track and trace us with their 5G?
Does it alter a part of our humanity, to make us more compliant, obedient?
Is this the first step down a long, dark road on our way towards a transhumanist dystopia?

If this is their real plan all along, when they release the bioweapon, and it wipes out a large % of humanity, mostly those who didn’t take these vaxxes, of course they won’t tell the people it’s a new virus, they’ll say it’s just a new, mutant strain of covid, they might call it super covid.
Super covid might in fact be an entirely different virus, or it might be a strain of covid they created in a lab.

Covid could be their John the Baptist and super covid their Jesus Christ.
Their Malthusian Messiah, our doom.

Act 1 (Fake Problem): The 1st covid gets released at the end of 2019.

Act 2 (Reaction): Most of humanity is locked down by the end of 2020.

Act 3 (Solution): Most of humanity are vaxxed by the end of 2021.

Act 4 (Real Problem): The 2nd covid gets released at the end of 2021.

Act 5 (Reaction): Most of the unvaxxed are wiped out by the end of 2022.

Act 6 (Solution): Most of humanity is enslaved by the end of 2023, or will they revolt?

The vaxxine could be an unholy baptism of sorts, a rite of passage.
Many of the antibaptists will be culled, the reaming won’t be able to enter the dystopia they’re preparing to unfurl unless they receive it.

What will happen to the unvaxxed, the unbaptized?
If many survive supercovid, and still refuse to join the NWO, will they be able and willing to lead a revolt?
Or will they live on the outskirts and underground?
Overtime, will they become partly or fully immune to the bioweapons TPTB try to genocide them with?
Will humanity split in two, unvaxxed/vaxxed becoming the ultimate faultline, never mind politics and religion?
Will unvaxxed and vaxxed take entirely different evolutionary paths, culturally, and biologically?
Which path will ultimately be victorious, if any?

In previous millennia, we saw various religions, and philosophies used as a pretext to enslave the people.

Mark my words, this millennium increasingly we will see science used as a pretext for enslavement.

The majority of the population has blind faith in science, even where it’s been heavily corporatized and politicized.

Where neoconservatism and cultural Marxism are failing and have failed, science, particularly medical but also environmental, will pick up the slack.

We ain’t seen nothing yet, this’s just the tip of the iceberg, right Bill?

Fast-forward to 2:46


Who are these, bioterrorists, Bill?

You mean your friends at the World Health Organization?

I think not.

The revolt option might already be taken off the table (depending on Mr Trump’s outcome). If it is not already off the table it certainly will be by 2023.

The purpose of the surveillance state is to ensure there are no bad-actors (anyone acting against the state). The surveillance state is already huge and growing exponentially. So any effort to revolt will be easily quashed in the bud. It will not happen. And if it appears to be happening, it can be assured to be merely a rigged game in order to establish another state goal - perhaps to just get rid of the old, the weak, or just any remaining bad-actors - dissenters. The Globalist agenda is all 3 of those.

So “revolt” - now or never.

bro are you being serious about the 5g thing?


What if garden gnomes are real?
What if no banana peeled?
What if ghosts could rub our feet?
While Santa Clause nibbled our teat?
What if dogs were cats and men were boys?
What if logs were bats and tools were toys?

What if government was so checked/balanced, it could never, ever mean to do us any serious harm on a grand scale. [-o<

Well unless DJT or someone from the ‘radical right’ got in there of course. :imp:
There is no radical left or radical center. O:)

What if big government, big pharma and big tech were incapable of colluding and conspiring together? [-o<

What if the ruling class put our interests parallel with or ahead of their own? [-o<

Then you wouldn’t have a “ruling class”. You would instead have a constitutionally based democratic republic with capitalism as its economic system.

And who would want THAT? :astonished:

The closing act will be nonstop Covid viruses and new lock downs until the global economic collapse of 2026 when China replaces the United States as the new dominating global power hegemony. All of the current western elites are in on it to ensure this global transfer of power happens. [The checks are in the mail and the cash payments in their bank accounts.]

I think we may be moving from a (crony) capitalist world order to a neofeudalist world order.

Iberia lead the mercantilist world order from the 16th-17th century.

The UK from the 19th-early 20th century and the US from the 20th-early 21st lead the capitalist world order, China may lead the neofeudalist world order.

The neofeudalist world order may take on a globalist character in the west (the Americas, Western Europe) and a nationalist character in the east (Eastern Europe, Asia).

A globalist character in Australia and a nationalist character in North Africa.

As for Subsaharan Africa, it may remain a no man’s land.

Paleofeudalism was metaphysically monotheist and religious, neofeudalism will be metaphysically atheist & (pseudo)scientific.

This virus will be the first of many manufactured crises to come.

Real and imagined crises will all be used as pretexts to unfurl scientific feudalism.