Commucrat Fascism Totalitarianism Nazi State

bruh when u say public what do u even mean?

Huh huh, what does “public” meaaaaaan?

im trying to figure out how you are so confused

What law?

The First Amendment

If Congress cannot restrict political discourse, then Corporations sure as fuck cannot on a public platform.

Duhhhh, you two morons are tiring. I’m done teaching Middle School for now.

i dont think that’s what the 1st amendment says

The CCP now fully engaged in genetic and disease warfare research to produce race based diseases and genetically modified Chinese soldier immunity.

If you think it is dark now - you haven’t seen darkness - just wait.

u need to get off that q shit bruh

u have proven daily over months now how ignorant n uninformed u r, u dont really have a meaningful opinion

Bro you are straight up confused about the meaning of the word “proof”.

Proof means nothing to somebody who has already made their mind up prior to seeing or hearing evidence.

Your prejudice is too obvious, shit-smear.

Yeah you’re definitely confused.

No, I’m not. You’re projecting.

I’m not the one protecting death threats and threats of violence, shit_smears.

Why not? Because I don’t need threats and violence to have a significant philosophy or ideas. That’s you and yours now. That’s what you represent, not me.

You should admit this to yourself. You have no significant ideas, nothing interesting worth listening too. Furthermore, your gaslighting is a joke. And you need to defend this Fascistic takeover in the United States because that’s the only way you’re relevant. You have lost the battle of ideas, long ago, years ago. You put on a good show, acting “Reasonable”, but you are probably the least here. Even the other goons, lamb or PK, are more “reasonable” than you.

Quit acting like a little bitch. No one threatened you. Change your tampon for God’s sake and have some fucking dignity.

how about u shut the fuck up or i put a bullet in ur head?

I would snatch the gun right out of your hand. You aren’t capable of killing me.

so u condone death threats, i guess that means ur not reasonable at all, consider ur name revoked

You don’t have the power to revoke anything because your side lost the election and also because you are a poor reader.

nope, u support death threats, that means ur not reasonable, change ur name immediately

Your mom likes it.