Only Jesus Christ Loves You

I’m a philosopher, not a religious person…

But the sacrifice of Jesus Christ cannot be denied. He Lived. And He Died. Countless “Christians” correctly recognize ‘Him’ as the Height and Pinnacle of human existence. For Christians, Jesus Christ is Lord, King of Kings. Hellenic Father, Jewish Mother, a paradox and contradiction of terms. Paternalism at war with Maternalism, to represent the whole continuity and ‘Completion’ of the human specie.

I believe Christ is much more significant than that though… When people say “Human”, what they mean is Christ-like. When Christians reference Christ, He is used as a Measure, a “spiritual yardstick” of Morality, Ethics, Spirituality, and Soul. After all, what have YOU the reader sacrificed in YOUR life? What have you fought for? What have you lived and died for? Have you devoted your very life, your existence, to some Cause? Many people have, in the past, but how many were and are Remembered for their sacrifices? This does not diminish them; for they are not diminished at all. Rather, it is to add significance to the concept of Sacrifice. There are so many powerful, philosophical concepts laden in Christ (and therefore Christianity).

I bring this up, in response to the Covid-Pandemic. Do you trust “the doctors”, “the science”, the government? Anthony Fauci? Bill Gates? The Davos Group? I don’t. Fuck em! I have a strong distrust of Authority, which is innate in Philosophy and Philosophers. So if I were forced to believe in man, for some other individual to heal and cure me of my illnesses… then who would I trust? Who would I seek out? Who would I find?

The answer is obvious.

When it comes to Health, one of the highest values in life (if not THE highest), few are trustworthy. Especially with the Pharmaceutical Industrial-Complex in play. These Demons running the world Drug-companies, are sick and twisted. Owned by Eugenicists, who believe they have earned the right to ‘Play’ with Human-life and Humanity as a whole. Remember, what is “Humanity”? What is our standard and measure of Humanity? What is the underlying morality? Answer these questions to yourselves… then consider the Global-Elite Pharmakon scheming. These scumbags and demons have been selling drugs to children, across the world, across history, for decades, centuries, millenniums. They hook kids on drugs, at a young age.

And you want to trust them with your lives!!! NO! Insanity…

So, yes, in today’s climate, in this atmosphere of Distrust, Humanity must again call-upon the Lord to heal, cure, and comfort the souls of men, women, and children. Only a Higher Power can, truly, reach His Hand down and determine the health of all peoples. With all this murder and genocide taking place… these drug-dealers and drug-industrialists cannot be trusted.

bro if jesus showed up at the border today your people would snatch him out of mary’s arms and put him in a cage and give her a hysterectomy.

K: nahhh, he would be called a “commie” “BLM lover” “Anarchist” “Terrorist”
“liberal” " A Jew"…( of course the haters are so ignorant they wouldn’t get it)
“Democrat” and because the actual Jesus was Mideastern, he had dark skin,
he was Arabic… and we know how the conservative movement hates anyone with
dark skin and looks different…so they would happily have him tortured and killed
to “protect” the state from his pernicious lies… “god” “love” “peace”… such lies they
would proclaim about the return of Jesus…

I believe that if Jesus were to return to the world today, he would be killed
fairly quickly as an opponent to the governments of the world…

Preaching about the kingdom of god… clearly, he hates America and its
its exceptionalism… no, if Jesus were to return to earth today, UR would
be first in line to stone him as a Liberal/commie…


pretty much

Leave it to a couple of Commies to smear your Lord and Christ… godless heathens.

K: and I’ll bet this is actually what you think Jesus looks like?
a Middle eastern Jew?

Jesus looks like those middle eastern brown people you hate so much


Jesus Christ rebukes all your vicious and evil lies.

Jesus is here! He is the drunk in the gutter causing your disgust. He is any unfortunate you despise.

K: you are forgiven for your hatred toward Kropotkin and all liberals…


I was thinking about Covid, Pandemic, Disease… and how to Heal it all.

The thing about life is this… even a pair of loving parents, mother and father, can be wrong. Common people can be wrong about how to care for their children and treat illness. So, many may “vaccinate” their children, resulting in injury, maiming, harm, and/or death, and they fully believed they were “doing the right thing”. But, they were tricked. They were fooled, by vileness and evil that runs afoot throughout the world now.

Thus, when people need a higher power, a higher knowledge and Omniscence… then love of family is not enough. A Highest Authority is required.

And, who else would people trust, in times of such darkness, corruption, and evilness?

Who else will people reach-out for, in such a Dark Age?

Keep spewing your Evil, commie.

Let the world see you for what you are.

Let Christ’s Divine Light shine through you.

Question: What is the difference between a “Doctor” and a drug-dealer in 2022AD?

Answer: …I don’t know either.

The onus is upon Christians and Christ to rekindle and demonstrate the bond between All Humanity, and the reason-why people unrelated to one-another, with no blood bond, deserve trust in times of such corruption, deception, and disease. When drug-dealers control “Medicine”, then who truly can be trusted? Perhaps None.

How about this: Jesus Christ and the covid pandemic?

Now, in however you construe the relationship between Jesus Christ and God, are they not responsible for the existence of the covid virus itself?

Is this Their way of proving just how much They do love you?

Also, couldn’t an omnipotent God smite the Pharmaceutical Industrial-Complex down with one mighty righteous blow?

My guess: His ways are mysterious.

The only thing we know for certain is that He hates liberals.

And pinheads?

Anyway, with Urwrong, there’s always this:


How can the love that is Christ, given to you, be translated into hatred for any other human being?
Why are there so much consternation and egoism in this religious forum? There seems no room here for the commandment–love one another.

The Hatred that rots Western Civilization runs deep.

These Liberal-Leftist-Marxists, these “Democrat” Communists, Anti-Americans…

They hate and want to destroy Christianity, Christians, and these fundamental beliefs. They hate Love. They are Loveless. Their lives are meaningless, void, devoid of hope and purpose.

You need to understand your Enemy, their evilness, their vileness, their minds.

However, of course, Christ’s Love penetrates all, in the end.

Sorry I asked.

I’m not.

When I was younger, even as a young adult, I didn’t believe in Christ or Christianity, Good and Evil, etc. I used to believe it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, grifting, mysticism, etc.

But then I learned Good and Evil are real. Christ is a Champion of the Good. Christ is Lord and God of Christians, for a reason, and a purpose, to defend the Innocent of the world.

But Hate, Evil, Greed, Corruption, Tyranny, all assemble around Christ to assault Him.

Cowardice cannot be tolerated in this battle between Good and Evil. Christians must bear the Cross with Him.

I had a similar path. But I think you’re wrong about the purpose of Christ. It wasn’t to protect the innocent, though what you wrote about that in the OP was powerful. It was to keep humanity in touch with the divine.