Official Petition to Rename Forum

You know, honestly, Off-Topic could be one.

I think it would be pretty clear that the topic it is off is philosophy.

Unfortunately, it’s a bore. Yes, a non-descript description. Off-Topic Drivel, there, pinache.

I’m trying to meet Carleas half way. Mundane Babble is too colorful for him, but Off-Topic is less dry than Non-Philosophical Chat.

You could dunk Non-Philosophical Chat in coffee and still not be able to swallow it.

Ah, it’s shorter but come on, it even has the same lame hyphen usage (guess I’m an anti-hyphenist. :evilfun: LOL)

Contemplating Other Things

The Lounge

(Although that’s almost all of ILP)

Other Contemplations

Truth and Lies in the Extra-Philosophical Sense

Extraphilosophical Talkings



lets be real its some kind of travesty that part of the site isnt named after me i think we can all agree on that


Jive Talkin

More Words

Written Quagmire


Detoured Ideas

Typical Banter

Post It Notes

Creative Conjecture

Extraphilosophical Banter

I like Banter

Dude… I was gonna suggest the word Banter, but thought that no-body would like it…
it’s pretty much self-explanatory, and evocative of casual exchanges be had.

Which just brought to mind…

The Yak Zone :laughing:


The Non-think Tank

You can’t censor yourself in a brainstorm. Even if the idea is clearly silly, it keeps the door open for the good ones.

You know, the more I think about it, the more simply “Banter” seems like the right choice.

I would like to formally propose it as an option.

Unless some better choice comes along, banter has my vote.

And I really think we shouldn’t forget this as a plan B:

Necrophobic Transmutation

…but with a prelude, perhaps …I think Banter on its own, is not expressive enough.


That should be a forum all on its own…