Place for FUNNIES?

I saw this on Facebook.
I LOLed.

Literally everything drops this guy’s jaw & he is NOT having it!

Shared annually.

My favy.

I love how YouTube shows the most replayed part of a video when you’re dragging the thing to the punchline. Give us a kiss!

After obtaining a philosophy B.A., one is done with all superstition. Now I’m suprastitious.

I got that and my BA went south for a while toward BS then out of that trying to go north again,.

Actually my compass reversed at the time for some strange reason.

Hm. Can relate. Mine seems mostly stuck on north. Not complaining.

What do you get when you cross Johnny Appleseed with Woody Harrelson in 2012?

You get a Martin Luther saying, “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree,” to the rookie reporter on scene right after Global Public Health launches the selectively M.A.D. reset.

Ok but why not?

why not what

How Mary knew he could do it.

because of what not.?.
or , because of what, not?.?
, therefore, no need to ask why.

(because both what and what not become absolutely uncollectible causing a 0 sum)-visibility.

All is for Nought.

& There is only one Nought.

But, if you burn… you ought not.

Yes all for nought, but not ought for all,

Ought nought if not for all, and all nought

If one for all, but all not for one


That question has been disposed of

I thank think

answer : (method) love conquers all

but all do not necessarily conquer love

What love is, is not necessarily what it ought to be

meaning: if a 51

To will one thing, you must get rid of all the little foxes.

if Cheryl… she real… will her, and broom the rest

of course Martin Luther was an exception

Thanks for that

Tell you no rest when the rest is ejected

There is more a wicked grandmother, a little mother captured by a Japanese warrior during the Second World War and impregnated at 13, followed by many more fathers children and where they are now let’s count the ways.

The deal too busy to worry, court date Friday have to see maral the Persian boy’s mom who barren and overjoyed with having the kid,cause she is barren, the sweet grandson I we may never ever see and the Persian boy languishing in prison for 7 years locked up not really a Mary Renault type.

Yes her and her dad half Japanese half Malay Filipino can’t really clean up here or there genetics aside

Just woke things to do lawyer will call to prep for court tomorrow, and if anyone knew maral like I do, then we could dance a gig and forget a recurrent awfulness about my graduating class reunion, and why things came out of a mouth so smitten with their peerage

And. Plucking at eye phone keys well knowing all the errors that need to be corrected couldn’t find specks, early morning grogginess, and some day it will all be sewn up in a pretty package and sent back to some one more deserving