The Academy

If an explore went to the amazon river, expecting to find some tribe of natives, would you expect them to have high technology, being able to produce computers? Make high tech cars, make high tech medical equipments …etc …etc?


Back in the '80 USA gave to the starving africans a high tech chicken farm, but it only ran for so long untill a simple bolt had to be fixed…

If people in the first place doen’t have what it takes, they can’t suddenly become critical thinkers over night, they can’t suddenly know about sub atomic knowledge, about advanced physics, about advanced psychology, geology, evolution …etc …etc.

This site has to whip good sense into these ignorents, before we can hope to make elevated philosophy, if you actually notice they ask the same glaringly ignorent questions over and over, and ONLY chooses the most beautiful rethorical answer, not the right answer.
…they ask “what is time” the answer is very simple actually, but very complex and counter intuitive, the right answer has been given soooooo many times, but they never comprehend it, but always chooses the wrong answer which is beautiful rethorically.

…if you want something done right, you have to guide them, not just switch the name plate.


At least when I complain the spelling is impeccable.

I take issue with your notion that cars are high tech. They use vast quantities of energy, obtainable only via massive environmental destruction, and massive use of limited energy resources, to provide minimal convenience to a small minority of the world’s people. So while I would not expect a ‘tribe of natives’ to have made cars, I would not (as you clearly do) consider them inferior as a result.

And this is the ‘high’ technology of which you are so proud that you see fit to insult people you know nothing about?

None of these topics involve critical thinking.

So whip some sense into them. Note: you may need some critical thinking skills yourself before you attempt this.

So what is the simple answer? Go ahead, I’m all fucking ears.

So guide them. Note: by ‘guide them’ I do not mean insulting random ‘natives’ you have never met because they do not produce massively polluting, destructive technologies…


You don’t have the slightest clue about what I’m talking about, which point I’m trying to make.

You don’t see things in the right context, if any at all.

Maybe making cardhouses would be a better pass time than attemting philosophy.

I know exactly what you’re talking about, I just disagree with a lot of it, and the parts I do agree with are misdirected. I’ve fought many long battles with the mods over their tolerance of idiocy and how it degrades the quality of discussion. My main problem is repeated interference in my efforts to drive idiocy from the site. We seem to have reached a diplomatic stalemate on that front. In any case, the point is that if you want their to be better posts on the site then write better posts on the site. Like anything really, if you want to see certain things in that world then be those things, and be them with all your strength, and you’ll attract other similar people.

But all this ‘advanced physics’ ‘stupid natives’ stuff is just so bourgeois, so boring. You’re not an exceptional thinker, clearly. The best you could come up with in response to my questions and counterarguments was that bullshit above. Seriously, buck your own ideas up before you start assaulting other people’s. If you think I’m a dick, well, that makes two of us.

Where excaty do I in any way say that the natives are stupid? If a baker can’t make a rocket, he isn’t stupid, nor if a rocket scientist can’t bake a bread, he isn’t stupid either.

You are jumping to silly conclusions and get all stirred up about your own misinterpetations.

I must repeat, you have absolutely no clue what I’m saying. Train youself in critical thinking.

I’ll give you an easy 1 to start with.

Solve the “wisdom of Solomon”.

You used the word ‘high’ a number of times, heavily implying superiority.

Not really.

The irony.

You have no idea who you are dealing with. I suspect that to you it doesn’t matter. Here’s a hint: You aren’t going to get anywhere pretending you are smarter than I am.

That’s why the ignore button are full of win!

Lamest. Troll. Ever.

and you’re full of shit

I’m treating this thread like it’s in the rant house, because it should be

I’m guessing that’s an administrative oversight, rather than because anyone disagrees with you.

…nice selfcontradiction!

I’m attacking you because I find you to be less than adequate.

The truly tragic aspect of any forum is the group thinkers prowling the chat. Group thinkers does not care for logic and reason, but merely sees things black and white, it comes dow to if they like/dislike someone, then goes full balistic like puerile kids.

My points of critisism are very valid and will reach far above the mental aptitude of these allerged philosophers, why it would be wrong to call them philosophers as philosophy are “love of wisdom” which all so evidently disregard, but only care for a cozy chat where peace interlopers like myself are quite unwelcome to.

You should make an “Off Topic/Non Philosopy”-section where people like youself can hang out and have your idle chat.

You mean like you making this thread? lol

And the pattern repeats… We need a serious forum! And as soon as it it produced, then it’s “No, not that! That’s wrong! You people don’t understand!” Blah blah blah…

Tell you what, dufus, read and respond to the first two threads in the academy by Aum. Aum played by the rules and offered thoughtful observations and questions. They were thorough, correctly cited, clear and concise. Big surprise! Not one single fucking response from all you people screaming for serious philosophy. So put up or STFU. At this point, you have zero credibility. You want serious philosophy? Then get some skin in the game. Show us what you’ve got, big boy.

I’ve been very serious, but what I say is often counter intuitive, and I’ve got warnings for very silly things. Debating with ignorents is very taxing and it takes easily 5 pages to explain very simple and what should be intuitive matters that even teens understands.

Just take the case of Taoism enlightenment: Absolute Happiness. That actually eneded up in a duel which later got deleted, I guess because they realized that they were wrong.

  1. they didn’t comprehend the intuitive reason why a sales person should get more wage than the brewer.

  2. didn’t comprehend a simple graph showing that the removal of plane economy was the cause of the economy collaps in Russia, not the capitalism that replaced it.

  3. didn’t comprehend in general that communism is bad in every aspect, it is only beautiful rethorically, and has a great appeal to poor greedy and selfish people.

This sums up the general cluelessness and hopeless battle I fight against the endless ignorence, specially when mods promote this ignorent mentallity, and by that he constantly gives me a hard time when I try to say something intelligent and then I boil over and OH comes so willingly to give me warnings ad libitum.
There are many other such cases with OH, tragicly.

In above thread I wressel a philosopher who thinks he can claim and thereby prove he’s a man, which is complete nonsens, you can’t prove anything simply by claiming it in words, you need proof to convince people beyond reasonable doubt to prove your claim.
Faust doesn’t comprehend this very basic principle of law, which lawstudents learn as the very first basic rule. He even closes the thread and gives me a warning for trolling neither comprehending my initial question.

As I have stated many many times over, philosophy is love of wisdom, and modern western philosophy are based on logic and reason, which is based on factual knowledge and science, what people want is a cozy chat based on babble and nonsens based on glarig ignorence, devoid of basic scientific knowledge, therefore totally irrelevant to the real world.

Just look that previous puerile threads, there are no philosophy when I offer them improvements to The Academy, the only response is idiocy.

Dear tentative I know that you are a person whom I can reason with, byt trust me when I say that I have tryed for years to speak reason, done my very best to do philosophy exodinare, but it’s always teared down by ignorents and puerile people.

I remember that one, Drusus. Good times…

I’m not sure what you are saying.

Are you saying that it is good that you revealed that you are unable to comprehend very basic matters of law? And doesn’t understand the basic principles in philosophy?

I’m not sure what you’re saying. I think you’re saying that you “doesn’t” understand the basic principles of English grammar.

Yep. Just that people can comprehend what I say, so it doesn’t matter in the long run, contrary you.