Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

I don’t know…I think philosophers are more positively receptive to the idea.

I just keep a beard so that I can shave it if I need to change my appearance and skip town.

It is about a blind man who takes photos and then asks people to describe for him what is in the photos. I could say a bit more about how this process functions in the film, but even though it’s clear pretty early, I think it gives away too much. In any case, romance, friendship, trust come into play and the beard conversation given that it included you reminded me directly of the film which I really liked.

How I plan to be on Christmas Day and NYE… with a drink permanently in my hand - cheers Pineapples :wink:



I have no idea if you sport a beard, SG, but I’ll vouch for you.

Perhaps they used it as a device to deny women entry to the club… or something.

If you want to see an example of a photo taken by me look no further than the work uniform one I posted above, lol.

Just look back a few pages.

What, you mean over the 103 pages? I’ll just take your word for it. :smiley:

No i mean the last 3 or 4…

I already saw that you’d taken photos including one of yourself. That’s part of what made me think of the film. Though in the film he mainly takes pictures of other people or things, then has someone or more than one person describe what is in the photo.

I’ve only taken that one photo, and that was of myself. And my brother was there anyway. Sounds like a good film though.

something about the perspective in this photo makes the fence in the background seem comically small

haha, I’m standing on a deck.

haha, that would explain it

glad that’s clear. I am not a giant.

Nano we both look older than when we first came here. Look what this site does to ya.

I’m still getting ID’d for alcohol, but I have lost my photogenicness :confused:

WHY??? :crying-blue:

Yeah, but I was going to say you lost weight in your face. Your face is slimmer. Good for you.