The End of Secret Conspiracy

Someone hasn’t been paying attention. You should check out the other thread.

This is probably - no, easily - the most obvious false flag that has ever happened.

Also Glenn Beck isn’t a conspiracy theorist. He’s some talking head reading a script that is given to him. Please refrain from ever even mentioning him again. He is a complete waste of time.

Why? At least they are not completely controlled.

What year did the ruling classes stop doing this, do you think?

Banks are like the manipulators of capitalism. The guys with the most money have the most control, but in capitalism, the more money you have, the more money you get. So the richest of the rich get richer. I’m not surprised by this article. I think we should all realize that private ownership doesn’t require capitalism. Private ownership is ok, and it doesn’t require things like corporations before it can exist in some good form.

This is a brilliant point by Reno. Gobbo, you should pay attention to this.

There are two types of fearmongers, the conspiracy theorists, and the actual Islamic Jihadi terrorists, and other “terrorist” groups, who seek power by imposing fear upon their victims. The extreme contheorists, like Alex Jones, are wracked with paranoia. They’re literally taken over, and consumed by fear. But, they see fear as something internal, as a “big brother” government. It’s a fear within, not a fear without. It’s fear of your own family.

The terrorists represent an external fear, of racial and cultural outsiders. So there are two very different types of fears. One thing I’ve noticed, as I’ve been paying attention to all the going ons of our society for the past decade, is that the external Islamic terrorists love to commit a terrorist act, and then the contheorists blame themselves. So the actual, muslims committing holy war, are not blamed. They’re innocent, according to the contheorists. Because the contheorists always point to themselves.

Some contheorists are extremely racist, and believe that white people are the true evil. So it’s impossible for them to think that muslims are to blame. Some contheorists will never blame Islam, or muslims, for a terrorist act, but will instead point to the white man “illuminati” Satanic group theory. Alex Jones is an anti-imperialist. Alex Jones contheories are drowning in anti-imperialist flair.

So each group of fearmongers has a different agenda. You could even say, that each group of conspiracy theorists are their own conspiracy. And they are.

The conspiracy theorists, don’t realize, that they are in fact, creating their own conspiracies, and developing future conspiracies, by giving their enemies an inside look into what they fear already. If the illuminati does not exist now, then the contheorists will in fact create it retroactively, by giving their enemies an open door policy into their inner psychological weaknesses.

So we’re fucked, what do we do now, any ideas Gobbo?

So we’re fucked, what do we do now, any ideas Gobbo?

I knew we’ve been fucked for some time, 2007 was the year I discovered Alex Jones, David Icke and all the rest of them - Jim Marrs, Texe Marrs, Maxwell, Tsarion, Freeman, etc. Even before then I had a few sucpicions, with 9/11 and all. This article is just another nail in the coffin, another nail in the North American, European and Japanese dream, one nail in a long history of nails that more/or less began on 9/11, or if you want to go further back in time, since 1913, or even earlier. I think it’s been more than established now, more than established. We have to enter a new phase, we need to begin looking for solutions or what’s the point of all this info?

You guys are so negative. If you actually read my posts you would see I usually try to keep a positive outlook.

I actually think we’re not too bad off. When I look at how fast the last generation is passing laws, versus how fast our generation is evolving and just generally being quite different from our parents, I see us as outpacing them. I don’t know or hear of very many illuminati 25-year-olds. Perhaps I am projecting but I just think things are getting different.

I’m just of the persuasion that I would rather not have to look at it in this ‘who is going to win’ type race. That’s why I get antsy.

It should be clear what we need to do as a species. Anyone who can’t see the obvious truths when they are so clearly being thrown into our face right now is an evolutionary dead end, and you don’t need to listen to them. I mean… lol… I think the last thing you can say about Alex Jones is that he’s afraid, like that dude did however many times in his post. Crazy… possibly poisoned or HAARP’ed or something, but not afraid.

Eventually these people that just put no thought into anything will be weeded out. The world is turning very, very competitive.

Take nutrition, for example, there is the sense in which if you don’t research everything to some degree, you put yourself in serious harm. How many conspiracy theorists do you hear eating a bunch of food that is horrible for you?


This is kind of out of left field, but I feel like in the future this is what should happen: You get some sort of talisman that is like a super nano-machine matrix that takes the shape of whatever you choose at say 17 years old. Whatever you feel like doing with your life, you get to choose the ultimate tool.

Instead of incrementally rolling out technology like I’m sure they do with the military, just start making things for the longterm.

There is no such thing as an “objectively healthy” food. Should carnivorous predators eat vegetables, even though countless millenniums have passed with them eating meat? Should an herbivore switch to eating meat? The conspiracy theorists claiming “healthy food” are just another representation of already present biology. What is healthy for the contheorist is not healthy for all, and vice versa.

There’s nothing wrong with negativity, so long as it’s fruitful and productive, or has the potential to become fruitful and productive, negativity just means you have to change something or adapt somehow. Too much positivity in the face of adversity means you’re in a coma. I’m done with talking about conspiracies for now, there’s no point, if I comment on political or economic matters, it’ll be more about what I’m doing or going to do and less about what I think they’re doing or going to do. I’ve noticed there’s excess talk about them in the alternative media and deficient talk about us. When you talk all day long about them, you’re turning yourself into a mere passive observer of events as opposed to an active participant.

I’m not sure that he actually did assert that there is objectively healthy food, Gobbo that is. But there are certainly foods that are unhealthy for nearly all homo sapians. And then if conspiracy theorists - this would be everyone who does not think 9/11 was because of pilot errors - are asserted by Gobbo to not eat a lot of unhealthy food, either for them or for humans in general, this could actually be tested. It is not a meaningless generalization.

I think I eat pretty healthy.

So they’ve taken over our economic system and stolen trillions of dollars translates into - we need to eat healthy, no no no. Yes, we need to eat healthy, a pyramid is built from the bottom-up, not the top-down, the foundation is the gut. However, we need more than a change of waste-line and to feel and be healthier, we need to change the political and economic landscape, radically, and I think we should begin by exploring options way outside the norm, options that empower individuals and small groups as opposed to large corporations and institutions that can easily be infiltrated and subverted and have long since been infiltrated and subverted. The answers aren’t so obvious, not what we should eat and drink, and not what political and economic systems should be in place, if they were, we wouldn’t be in this mess we got ourselves into in the first place. Dieting requires more than research, it requires creativity, one has to sift through all the bullshit out there, utilizing common sense and ones own senses, both internal and external, to determine what’s effective for them and perhaps those with similar constitutions. Finding the right diet and lifestyle isn’t easy, it requires a great deal of effort, trial and error. Much needs to be discussed besides - them them them, they they they.

What if somebody wants to be an illuminati, mindless social slave-drone? Have you contheorists ever considered that possibility, that most of the NWO slaves actually want to be slaves, and enjoy their slavery? Have you considered that the illuminati food tastes better, or is better, than the contheorist food? While Alex Jones is busy filtering his water and screening his food, another half of the world is starving to death, and NWO food is just as good as anything else. Contheorists demonstrate a complete lack of empathy on this point, and privilege. Only privileged people can afford to filter water and screen “bad illuminati food”.

And I can almost assure you, without a doubt, that the contheorists do not doubt themselves. The contheorists do not consider “what if I’m wrong?” For all everybody knows, the illuminati food may just be better and healthier than the contheorist food. You don’t know. What are you, a nutritionist? Who sponsors you, the FDA?


When you know people are bullshitting you, because you’re following the Standard American Diet and/or you’re just eating whatever you want and you feel like shit, and your doctor does nothing but prescribe you drugs that make you feel even worse in the long run, what do you do? When you can’t rely on others, you rely on yourself, you put something in your belly, you monitor the effects, not just what’s going on on your tongue, but what’s going on in your belly, what’s going on with your sleeping patterns, how you feel the next morning, the next afternoon. You keep a journal, on paper or in your head, and you pick up hints and tips from others that’re doing the same.

In short, you become your own personal nutritionist for you, you eat with all your senses and not just with the one (the pallet), in addition to doing a shit ton of research, both from mainstream and alternative sources, ever mindful of internal contradictions and inconsistencies, as well as information that contradicts your experiences and the principles you’ve derived from them. In short, you generalize, you become more self-reliant, self-sufficient. I wouldn’t advocate placing your life in your doctors hands, or in a naturopaths hands, certainly not entirely, maybe a little with one you think and feel you can trust or if there’s an emergency. To summarize, you generalize, you become your own this, you become your own that, which is not to say you necessarily become an island or a hermit either. As for the people starving in the third world, I personally don’t give a fuck at this point, it’s not my problem, I have plenty of my own, we’re all responsible for ourselves in this walk of life, primarily, not the entire world.

I just feel that Gobbo is being unfair and hypocritical. If a man wants to stick a needle full of heroin in his veins, or eat at MacDonald’s daily, then who denies him this right to defile himself? He says what a man can or cannot do? Who says that a man ought not to waste his life with gluttony and mindless pleasure?

The contheorists, that’s who. The contheorists want to tell you what food is “safe and unsafe”, what you should or should not eat or drink. The contheorists are mirroring the exact illuminatis they claim to hate and detest. The anti-imperialists are hiding their own imperialism. Alex Jones should not dictate what water I drink. If I want NWO water, then so be it! Alex Jones is not my master. And if people want to have the illuminati as their masters, then why not? People should have the Right, to choose, to be healthy or unhealthy.

Alex Jones and the contheorists are trying to take away our rights to be unhealthy and sick. So, they should be fought on this ground. The contheorists want to “purify the water”. What if I like my water flavored, and poisoned? Contheorists don’t care. They need fuel for their fearmongering. Gatorade is evil.

Because they have diarrhea of the mouth, they try to act like their cutting edge political while their magazine is filled to the brim with superficial pop culture Bullshit.

Who the Hell takes what they say seriously?

They say whatever makes them seem edgy and politically relevant whille they sell their nonsense.

And why are they not “controlled”.