
Kris you said it in your OP here that media was a powerful tool. So why is it suddenly the fault of the victim of that tool when it comes to light that people on the far right are wanting to use it to weaken the democratic process?

Well, the first thing that you have to do is decide if you actually want to stop it.

All life is guided by the Perception of Hope and Threat. The Media is the Perception Matrix (featured in the film The Matrix) presented as a Gordian Knot, wherein every strand of deception merely wraps around to another. One of the oldest questions of Man is how to avoid deception, how to untie the Gordian Knot of deceit.

But there is a serious question to be answered before you even try. A great many powerful people are vested in the Matrix of beliefs and deceits. Not everyone wants to take “the red pill”. They would prefer not only to remain in the Matrix, but also to keep the Matrix strong and populated. So do you really want to become an outsider to it? Do You want to “take the red pill”.

Before the Propaganda Ministry (aka Media) changes their tactics, they have to be given a reason. They have to perceive the hope in communicating the truth and the threat of deceiving. Typically since lies work for at least a while to escape judgment and/or gain profit, people have to be brought into serious need before they give up their hope in deceptions. They have to perceive a threat greater than their former hope or a different hope greater than their former hope (an even greater means to get rich and powerful). They have to give up on the impetus for their ego, their religion, their golden calf, their protected beliefs in what they are and what they do.

But my take on it is this;

On the planet of the apes, in the land of lies, all they do, to their own demise.

Medications/drugs, Media/entertainment, and Money are actually all the same thing, a medium used to keep your mind and heart trapped within a gilded cage, a solipsist fantasy world wherein you work, suffer, and die as a slave at the bequest of The System, The Matrix.

But to get out of it is like a heroin addict surrounded by heroin addicts trying to be the only one clean - what are the chances? And what is actually to be gained by you individually? How many of those people all around you are still going to be your friends? How many are going to suddenly hate you? The deceivers do all they can do to control all belief so as to hide the truth. They can’t tolerate hints of light in the darkness.

So before you even try, decide if you really want to try, decide; “red pill or blue pill”.

LOL, Far right? They are the only ones?
Victim is one word to use. It works but, not fully. I am asking whys, whats and hows.

Yeah, that “Far Right” association was kind of … emm … ridiculous considering that Hollywood, and thus all popular films, are excessive far left having to conform to pictorial censorship and psychological manipulation schemes especially concerning religion, gender, and race. And TV is more about the superiority of police, secret agencies, government spying, white women with black men, and atheistic scientists with a confused, lonely, religious white male semi-superhero or clown thrown in for contrast.

Yeah “far right” all the way. :icon-rolleyes:

I didn’t say it was just the far right. Someone’s got a case of the “onlys”. But you are aware of the citizens united and the mccutcheon decisions right? Those were heavily advocated by right wing groups that want to use media, the very effective kind that you mentioned in your OP without limits to influence our democracy. They literally spent huge money and time to see to it that campaign finance reform laws all became ineffective.

Now who should win an election? The guy that’s really who everyone wants? Or the guy who had a billion dollars to spend on the really effective advertising that you mentioned? I mean in current events, there’s no doubt that those 2 supreme court decisions effectively create a situation where elections are more buy-able than ever before, and there’s no doubt that they were brought fourth and advocated for by the financiers of the republican candidates.

Should corporation’s dollars be the same as your vote?

What you seem to be missing is that such has been the aim of “Democratic Socialism” from day one (a serious leftist agenda). The only difference is that now they are more willing to just say it and try to make it legal (the Obama agenda, “Rule of Law” - make whatever you want to do legal before doing it). In many countries they brag about how wonderfully they can manipulate the children into being better social idols. It is only because the USA was designed specifically to deter that, they have been hiding it for so long.

Liberals are FAR more manipulative than Conservatives, but they are both in the game. You can’t have merely one manipulator without getting blamed. So the Republicans play the pretense of “conservation” while the Democrats play the pretense of “liberation”.

The Libertarians are the only ones intent on maintaining the Constitution and avoiding total socialistic dictatorship. But you can see how much influence they have. If Ron Paul had been elected, he would have been assassinated. It is a war that they are playing for keeps.

And corporations have had citizen rights for a century or more, just not an individual vote in Congress.

Uuum I mean that about weakening the process.
The left is working just as hard at it.

It is a Cold War and there are no good guys in a war, because both sides have to use the same weapons against each other, “whatever helps you can be used to hurt you”. Deception in Media is merely one of the many weapons with which to fight the war between the bad guys on the left and the bad guys on the right, the “two hands” with which to clutch the population and control it. The war is between the socialist elite Godwannabes and the general masses. The “war” between conservative and liberals is merely the stage play with which to keep the masses confused and distracted while conquering them.

“News” for US people:

The “contrast” of being “conservative” and being “liberal” in the USA means the “contrast” of being “conservative/liberal” and “socialist/politically-correct” in Europe. That’s absurd and ridiculous.

The “war” between conservative and liberal “parties” in the USA or the “war” between “conservative/liberal” and “socialist/politically-correct” “parties” in the EU are merely the stage play with which to keep the masses confused and distracted while conquering them. Motto: divide and conquer!

Well Europe is legally and openly socialist. I don’t have a problem with nations being honest about what they are doing. But in the USA, Socialism is directly ANTI-Constitution, and actually illegal. So they have to hide doing it, pretending to be a capitalist nation, pretending to be supporting the Constitution, pretending to allow citizens to vote for Presidents, pretending that citizens have any rights at all. Obama has made a campaign toward not pretending any more and just making it all legal to be a dictatorial socialist nation with totalitarian rights for the President (A Pharaoh).

It’s just like this:

I had to think on that for a while. It isn’t a trivial issue.

In Sight of SAM.

They likely thought they were facts, but they were manipulated by corporations and governments, and individuals as much as reporters are today. The difference between then and now is 1) journalists have less time and funding to research things, fewer companies own the mainstream media then they did back then, new is seen as entertainment primarily.

In the EU it is the same!

The biggest difference that I can give credit to is that the Media was eventually united (1981) into a single organizational mindset with censorship guiding it (as was required by the government during the 70’s so as to allow it to be considered as the “Fourth Branch of the Government” - Propaganda Ministry) with an agenda (what you know as Agenda 21 from the UN). Because as the socialist political leaders of the world openly proclaimed, “Because this is the future that WE want” (Ref: Agenda 21 Rio +20).

You are right it is not trivial.
SAM is a good proposal. I work for a company that is slightly like that. You work for the whole, the owners will pay you well and help when you need it. They see the company as a family of sorts.
I see the goal but, not a clear path. I do know it must be grassroots method.

Well as I said the entire way it works is detailed and complicated to explain, but how this relates to the Media is that a part of the SAM structure requires what amounts to a insider’s newspaper for the group. The newspaper (or LAN Network) basically spreads the gossip that would be typical of a church or small town anyway, except its business is to know everyone’s situation and needs. So it takes a little different mindset, a far more open, intimate, and honest mindset, because everything is “above board”. Unlike society, 2/3 of the activities are NOT under see-level. Deception becomes very difficult to get away with or be rewarded by.

And then imagine that the “owner” (although SAM has no owners) runs the corporation strictly in accord to the needs of the employees/members. Such is the way of a not-for-profit organization, or a church (501C, I believe they call it). Everything done; assigning work, schedules, pay rates, everything involved, is organized around the needs of everyone. Of course how to assess those needs gets into some complication and is actually based upon the “Integral of Joy Over Time”, IOJOT. It takes a bit of a wizard to learn how to do that, but after some practice, isn’t really all that hard.

And would you mind if I take this over to the In Sight of SAM thread for the rest (having less to do with the Media)?

Please do, it is an interesting project.

Kris, of course both sides are guilty. I just figured that since the most current, and the most robust attempt to make elections something that can be bought and sold were the citizens united and the mccutcheon cases that it’d be relevant to point those out. At the current point in time, it’s the right that’s leading the charge on weakening the process for everyone. No one on the left is in favor of those decisions.

The “Left” merely represents the more cowardly lot, always afraid to take the blame for anything. But they very much favor anything that leads toward absolute control for a governing elite over the masses (as long as they are a big part of it).