Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

I see more a quiescent calm rather than guilt in his face… a nice photo of you Ben :wink:

Looks like he had been checking out porn all night. Weren’t you benny eh eh?


Could be that too :smiley:

So maybe that’s where the guilty face comes from. He got caught.

I look guilty to you?

I was feeling quite moved by the Sun - it was setting behind houses and shining through the gaps of the blinds.

Perhaps I’ve the look of a dog beaten too much, always appears self conscious / guilty regardless of circumstance.


You mustn’t get me…

I seek a very innocent lifestyle. I avoid many elements prevalent in our culture, including porn. Never taken drugs, don’t drink, don’t party, non-violent, non-competitive etc. etc.

Whilst I screw up a lot, my aim remains true.


Thanks MagsJ for the compliment.

Hey, nothing wrong with a little nature show. Sit back, take a few field notes… it’s all very scientific.

I’m intrigued Mannequin. I want to see other photos.

Oh I know … I’m that man who visits you in your dreams at night, only you’re not too sure if it’s an actual dream or not.

Why do you hide so much, laughingman? Don’t you want to come out to play?

Man in my dreams? You’re mistaken.

I only think of big breasted women in my dreams.

Hiding? Not from people here.

I’m weary of observing government spooks.

As this great Murican country collapses individuals like myself undoubtedly will be rounded up or something much more worse. I just see it as rational paranoia on my part.

Fair enough :slight_smile:

LM, think of all the pics I’ve posted of myself and all the terrible things I’ve said. I’m pretty sure the govt doesn’t give a crap.

Nice calves, bitch.


I like playing things on the safe side with my heretical philosophy of mine.

Please look carefully and then select the image that better applies in the context of this thread.

Man, you know I have a somewhat fucked up philosophy myself. No one seems to even notice it.

Phone, you’re saying you like my calves then?

Didn’t you vote Democrat man?

Voting is a waste of time.

Your time is better off masturbating.