There is no such thing as an allergy

Since becoming agricultural creatures, we have changed our diets from meat, vegetable, nuts and fruit to add grains and legumes. Grains and legumes being full of histamine chemicals which are designed to make them inedible to insects and foraging animals. Thus, if we return to a more primitive diet we can avoid having adverse reactions and inflammation. The use of antibiotic drugs can reduce the ability of the gut to deal with such foods by destroying the intestinal flora. Food additives, colouring, insecticides, herbicides, growth hormones, and many other chemicals are added during the food production process which upset the delicate balance of the internal body system.

Thus, saying that ‘the food is the problem’ is most probably a trick of the pharmaceutical industry to divert attention away from the less obvious chemical based causes.

But then other people do not react or react as much.
I had a poison ivy allergy.

From the same exposure as someone else I would get a rash over my whole body. The welts and sores and puss were so complicated and big on me it would close my eyes, make it so my hands could not move and cause physical pain. Not just itching, but my body would hurt. I could get rashes without contact also. If someone burned it in their backyard far away from where we lived. It would last for weeks if I did not get treatment.

Of course with poison ivy we have an irritant, a toxin in your terms. But some people are allergic to things that are not irritants to anyone else: water, leather, plastic, semen, metal in coins…

Allergic to water? Humans are made of 85 percent water. Is this person a robot? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Careful! They might rust! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Debatatable. Though irrelevant as the article you presented had nothing to do with allergy.

Appears to be a engorged penis that has penetrated. I recommend to stop backing up and trying to squeeze it out, these things tend to come out on their own eventually.

If it doesn’t come out in a hour, squirt a little Icy Hot back there, should do the trick. Recommend telling your buddy crashing at your place he has to find a new place to stay or this may happen to you again. You may be suffering from aSemen allergy, mentioned in a post above.

Thanks turd. Also, it’s very convenient that you made your name turd. Now I can call you turd and not have to worry about it.

We’ve been agriculturalists for 12,000 years. That tiny minority (1%) with Coeliacs disease are those that have failed to adapt. A widespread adoption of a pre-agricultural diet is not only impractical but undesirable. Hunter/Gatherer life expectancy is around 38 years, the rest of us do well on grains. Oats are probably one of the most nutritious and healthy foods you can eat.
Your idea that grains are “designed” with “histamine chemicals” to deter other animals has little to recommend it as a theory for a host of reasons the brevity of this post is not going to address. Suffice it to say that all domesticated animals also do very well on grains of all kinds: chickens, sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and deer all thrive on cereal , either as a stable or as a supplementary food in the winter.
You cannot change the whole world for the benefit of 1%, especially since they are perfectly capable of identifying Coeliacs and offering them a series of alternatives. We are omnivorous as you might know.

I once had a girl friend who claimed an allergy to semen. I would have thought that spitting rather than swallowing was not adequate protection against a REAL allergy.

I am highly allergic to ALL food additives these last few years, but had always had a mild intolerance to them previously, so I can only surmise that a new breed of food additives (preservatives, colourings, flavourings, etc.) are being used, plus ALL packaged foods (including fresh produce: fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, seafood etc.) are now being sprayed with preservatives for longevity, so that’s a lot being ingested in every meal on any given day.

There are a minority with REAL allergies to specific foods, but we are slowly being poisoned by these ‘new’ additions in our diet… making a person slower, unable to fully think, etc. Sounds like something sinister is going on, doesn’t it.

If you have ever had a cold or flu symptoms, then, you too are sensitive to grains and legumes. I would say that there isn’t one single person on planet Earth that is not sensitive to gluten and grain products. My knowledge of diseases has led me to believe that there is no such thing as a cold or flu virus and that these conditions are a direct result of eating grain, sugar and dairy products. All these products contain grass related histamines which cause aggravation and irritation to the mucus membranes in the throat, nose and lungs. The medical/pharmaceutical/government authorities like to keep the plebeians in the dark about disease and what causes disease. This is because our society has invested heavily into grain, dairy and sugar production and there is plenty of money to be made from these products. Large cities most likely couldn’t exist without wheat and rice because they can be stored for long periods of time and are easy to transport. The dark side of wheat and rice has been hidden from the public. The fact is that wheat and rice cause many diseases and this information has been hidden from the public for hundreds of years. The list of diseases and problems that wheat, sugar and dairy products cause is so long that I would need about 10 full pages to list them.

I am sorry that you have been deceived by the government and medical authorities for so long.

Note - I don’t eat grain, sugar or dairy products. I haven’t had a cold, flu, headache, chest pain or any other problems since changing my diet. I would recommend that every body eat 3 pieces of fruit per day. This should include one apple, one orange and one other random fruit. The apple will look after your gut and intestines; the orange will look after your nose, throat and lungs.

Note - Pre-agricultural man lived much longer and was much stronger than the smaller and weaker farmers who lacked vitamins from eating grain foods.

Are you serious? You don’t believe in influenza? I’d say from that statement alone any “knowledge” you think you have around diseases is unreputable.

What evidence do you have that flu and colds are a result of eating grain?

flu virus is airborne. If it was a result of food it would be easily detectable as a type of food poisoning as people who ate the same would become ill. As it is close contact is all that is needed to spread it.

So far I’ve seen nothing that links your ideas to any sort of truth. Your articles are unlinked to your theories which in themselves are illogical and poorly thought through.

Well, if you are so knowledgeable and smart, then, you will have no trouble in answering this simple question.

Where do cold and flu viruses go to when people don’t have the cold or flu?

Note - Unlike other diseases, the cold and flu is an annually occurring disease which is a good test case for germ theory.

The evidence is that any naturopathic doctor will tell you that cold and flu is caused by grain, sugar and dairy foods. You can test it yourself.

If flu viruses are airborne, then everybody should have flu viruses 256 days a year non-stop. This is called logic. Germ theory is the opposite of logic.

Animals can also have the cold or the flu.

Only if they eat grain, sugar and dairy foods! :laughing:

Flu migration spreads the virus. The virus survives year round in some areas, especially tropical reigions likely due to humidity in these reigions. In winter months studies have watched strains of the virus travel to temperate zones effectively seeding these areas for the winter months. … asonal-flu

Now that that’s done let’s move to more pressing matters. You don’t believe in germ theory?! You can literally see pathogens and trace them. And can see that they travel airborne from person to person as you can catch it from someone just by being near them (rather than just by eating the same food as someone). Yet dispite this proof you don’t believe in it? Preferring instead to believe in something some quack has told you? You said we can prove ourselves that grain causes flu symptoms. I’ve shown that flu migrates, yet if grain causes it we WOULD be sick all year round. Yet again you have been tripped up by your own faulty logic, and yet again I say to you; you have not been able to supply any evidence to support your ridiculous claims.

Believing does not make a thing true.
Saying a thing does not making it true either.

What the hell do you eat? I’m interested to know how your daily diet runs.
I’d appreciate some detail, and the truth.

Water in contact with the skin. If you are making the argument that one cannot be allergic to water because much of the body is water, that argument is weak for several reasons, the main one being that some people are allergic to water and break out in hives if their skin comes in contact with it. From there you also opted out of actually responding to my post. It will keep your hypothesis virginal but untested.

They aren’t allergic to the H2O portion of the water, but rather some of the many regular contaminants in water.

It seems that Platospuppy1, Jonquil, and I are on the same eating plan due to the same reasons… no grain, no dairy, nothing processed.

Upon ingesting milk after 10/15 minutes or so I would indeed be hit by what felt like a flu, but I actually think that it was my immune system being compromised and so either causing an allergic reaction to preservatives in the milk (before, I used to be able to drink milk without this happening) or the lowering of my immune system allowed hay fever to set in.

If one’s stomach is constantly bloated, then something is wrong… not to mention the health implications that arise from that.