Jews are the most racist race

“acted out”? Millions of people died.

How do you fabricate a movie about 10,000 emaciated prisoners and rotting corpses? - that takes a lot of time and effort and lots of people who participate in the deception. Then you have to hide the fact that it was fabricated by making sure all those people don’t reveal the ‘truth’.

But if it actually happened then it’s easy to film it.

There is not just one movie, or one photograph, or one witness. There are many.

It was/is exaggerated. In 1968 there were 2 million. In 1970 there were 4 million. In 1972 there were 6 million. I was there.
… and everything appropriately blame shifted, as always. Scapegoating works SO well on the masses, worshiped by many.

Were you a jew or a nazi?

Systematic murder of Polish civilians: … rld_War_II

“I was there”, in circa 1968 when they were deciding how much money each human is worth and thus how much money Germany was to pay to the Israeli elite, the Khazars. First it was how many were directly killed. Then they added that each married couple would have had two children, on average. Then they added that each of those children would probably have another child. Thus 2 became 4 which became 6 (the number required by religious prophecy to be sacrificed before “God’s chosen” could return home).

Are you trying to suggest that because the Nazi’s were bad guys, that the Judists were good guys?

I didn’t say anything about whether the Jews or ‘Judists’ were good.

I’m merely trying to set the record straight for those who think that the Nazis were not bad or evil or that they were justified in some way. The Nazis followed a policy of intentionally killing Jews and Slavs, either directly by shooting, hanging and gassing or indirectly through starvation and forced labor. To say that it did not happen is to deny a vast amount of evidence. There is a paper trail left by the Germans. The events were photographed and filmed by the Germans. There are eye-witness accounts by the perpetrators and the victims.

Are you trying to suggest that those people (yes people … not vermin or subhumans) ought to have been killed?


Yes, and the Jews are killing off the white race indirectly by manipulating media and politicians into allowing and even promoting interracial mixing, liberalism, cultural marxism, the collapse of the family unit and other decadent things that contribute to societies dying out by either collapsing or getting conquered.

Which is why Nazis tried to get rid of them in the first place.

That’s really indirect. Can you show that Jews were doing those things?
Can you show that those things lead to societies dying or collapsing?
Can you show that Germans were so weak that they could not resist those things?
Can you show that it is legitimate to punish all members of an identified group for the ‘crimes’ or ‘sins’ of a few?
Can you show that the appropriate punishment is death?

Germans were completely separate from the Jews of Poland and the Soviet Union until Germany initiated a war. Therefore, they could have avoided racial mixing simply by not invading those countries.
The towns and villages of Poland and Russia, which were cleansed, did not promote any of the things you listed to the German people. How could they?

Slavs are white. Poles and Russians are white. So why kill them?

I am suggesting that there are NO good guys in a war … and that includes the Judists. They were not even close to being innocent, even long before the wars they started.

You have only a one sided view of such history. As has been pointed out, the victor gets to write the history. But that doesn’t mean that everyone has to believe it. There are plenty of witnesses who contradict the official version, just like every other government action - lie first and admit the truth only after you have completely lost.

Were the civilians killed not innocent? Babies? Children? Women? Old people?
Is everyone guilty by virtue of a label placed on them? All Jews are the same … guilty? All Slavs are the same … subhuman?

What kind of justice or fairness would that be? No justice at all. :-k

The German victors would have written that those deaths were good.
The Allied victors wrote that those deaths were bad.

The dead are still dead - millions of dead. What someone writes, does not change that simple fact.

I have no doubt that if the Germans had triumphed over the Soviet Union, then they would have killed many more millions.

Tell us what you think happened.

One ought to discuss the concentration camps, slave labor, the extermination camps, the mass killings in Russia and the killing of civilians in Poland, the killing of Soviet POWs, medical experiments.

But it’s your choice.

You are the one who keeps calling them ALL “Jews”, as if they were all guilty.

The Judists are people who sacrifice even each other. You cannot lump them together as a race. But the Judists thrive on deception and manipulation, creating false hopes and threats so as to create hatreds, loves, and wars using false flags, scapegoating, and blame shifting. So of course, they hide. They hide among the Jews.

The Khazars, Caesars, Czars, and Tsars are all the same people. All Godwannabes. And as long as even one continues in that vein, the bloodshed and sacrificing of others and their own will not cease. They have boasted quite proudly of turning nation against nation until they rule the world. Even after Israel was reformed, they continued to murder in the name of getting the USA to go to war against; Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, … anyone who might pose a threat to their expansion (have been caught). Probably the only good thing that Obama ever did in office was to prevent the USA from going to war with Syria to wipe out yet another Israeli neighbor.

He only backed off because Hersh could show that it was the rebels who likely used the chem weapons. He was ready to go in, as per schedule, but then that pesky (mainstream!) journalist caught on before the propaganda machine could rev up.

So you created this word ‘Judist’.
These ‘Judists’ can be Nazis, Jews, communists … basically anybody.

Why are you muddying the water by using that word?

I was posting about the Nazi state policy of killing Slavs and Jews.

-All Jews must report to a certain street corner on a certain day and time. They are then taken away, shot in the back of the head and dumped in a pit.

The Nazis did not care which Jews making a positive contribution to German society. They did not identify manipulative ‘Judists’ and only go after them.

That means that the civilians were not good guys. They can be killed at will. Right or wrong?

If the judists are so good at manipulation, how did they let hitler get into power? They wanted hitler to do what he did, so they could use him as a scapegoat and further supply power to the jews. Hitler was the biggest jew of all.

So you are saying that Hitler was not a Judist, he was being manipulated by Judists. :-k

Did they teach you that there were only these two options?
The Nazi-Regime was a dictatorship. The brother of my grandfather was shot, because he refused to join the party.

Phyllo, did you never hear about “collaboration”?
Your statements are based on a black-and-white thinking. First you said “the Nazis”, then “the Germans”, but you never say “the.Europeans”. There have been many SS-formations in all European countries (except the UK, Ireland and Iceland). So if you identify the Nazis with the Germans, you have to identify them with the Europeans as well. And when the so-called “resistance” became stronger, the end of the war was almost reached. There was resistance in Germany as well and even much earlier than in other countries.
The politically correct Wikipedia is not an objective source.

No offense, but you said it plain as day. The only options it seems, were jew or nazi.

Yeah, when being forced we would all be Nazis, but in 70 years nobody will see the difference.

Yes. Go on.


The Nazis were strictly (pan-)German but there were similar fascist, nationalist, racist movements in other European countries. Hungary and Romania were allied with Germany and they supplied troops. Slovakia was also supporting Germany (but I don’t remember how much material support they gave). Finland fought against the Soviets as a German ally. Soldiers from the various Soviet Republics fought on the German side, usually because they believed that it would lead to liberation from Soviet oppression. They did a lot of the dirty work in the concentration/extermination camps and the mass killings in the field.

Sorry if I am not consistent enough in the use of ‘Nazi’ and ‘German’ for your taste.

Perhaps you can point out where Wikipedia is wrong and tell us what is correct.