Jews are the most racist race

Yeah, when being forced we would all be Nazis, but in 70 years nobody will see the difference.

Yes. Go on.


The Nazis were strictly (pan-)German but there were similar fascist, nationalist, racist movements in other European countries. Hungary and Romania were allied with Germany and they supplied troops. Slovakia was also supporting Germany (but I don’t remember how much material support they gave). Finland fought against the Soviets as a German ally. Soldiers from the various Soviet Republics fought on the German side, usually because they believed that it would lead to liberation from Soviet oppression. They did a lot of the dirty work in the concentration/extermination camps and the mass killings in the field.

Sorry if I am not consistent enough in the use of ‘Nazi’ and ‘German’ for your taste.

Perhaps you can point out where Wikipedia is wrong and tell us what is correct.

He “backed off”, deferring the decision to Congress (the only time in his reign), because he is Muslim.

Would you prefer “Judaist”?

Yes, they were, as are the Zionists. That is why they are called “serpents”, “snake in the grass”, “betrayers”, “Judas Priest”.

You think being born by Jewish parents makes you guilty of their sins? You appear to be a racist.

Yes, in war, prejudice is impossible to avoid. Are you at war? Do you still hate the Japanese too?

Even in the USA, all Japanese were “detained”. And now the USA has a huge number of detainment camps, “FEMA camps” for that same purpose. When you are at war with an enemy, you can’t afford the time to examine each individual case, so you arrest them all based upon suspicion. And when things get tight, the camps get emptied. But next time, not so publicly.

Who’s idea was it really to exterminate them and who chose which “them” got captured? As you said, the Judists were also Nazis. Hitler and crew pointed out their betrayal in WW1, but being the “invisible god” is their essence. The Khazar Judists needed to get rid of those who resisted creating the Israeli state and also come up with millions of “sacrificed” in order to produce a “holocaust” as required by the holy decree of the Judaists.

If the Nazis had agreed to give them the land in Palestine before the Brits, you would probably be speaking English-German right now. The Zionists were running the show by keeping the sides even until they could get an agreement with one of the two parties. America was their “ace in the hole”. They said that they would bring the USA into the war if, and only if, they were promised the land in Palestine. The Nazis (partly Judist) in early WW1 were worried about Russia and France, not the Jews. But then the Balfour Declaration was made with Britain, so it was arranged that the USA joined the “Allies”:

The Judists had gained control of the USA economy via Woodrow Wilson and JP Morgan Jr in 1913, so the stage was set. War was on. Thus the USA became pro-Allies rather than pro-Axis, despite how well the USA and the Germans and German nazis had gotten along prior. And you get to continue speaking English mixed with Yiddish, hating Germans, and loving Jews.

The Zionist’s Israel reestablishment project didn’t work out so well after WW1 (they didn’t have enough incentive for the Jews to all move to Israel), so they had to do it again and this time the Nazis were aware of the Judist betrayal. But that didn’t stop Zionists. The use of false flags/scapegoating, the “Devil”, allows for great power to manipulate (which is why the Pope and almost the entire world eventually had to just segregate them). It is merely the story of Moses vs the Pharaoh all over again.

Only idiots are concerned whether someone is Jewish born. But in war, who can afford to not be an idiot?

The question to ask and keep in mind, is really why … precisely why … are you at war?

The “Nordics” whoever the fuck they were did not say “fuck you dude”.
Races, however you might want to define them are made up of people, and people do not speak with one voice.

White is “like” many different races?? Are you taking the piss? As if “Jews” were not many different races.
I think you might want to define “race” before you go too far to embarrass yourself further. Maybe you are being ironic.
Are you a Jew- you look like one.

Michele Bachmann, one dumb as fuck Jew.

And btw, the U.N first established Israel as a “Racist, Socialist State” (aka “Nazi”).

[quote=“Turd Ferguson”]

As Lev now (and again) attempts to distract.

Please cite.

Please cite.

It used to be in Wiki. I don’t know if it still is. With the NWO agenda, it wasn’t PC to be listed as racist, so they eventually changed it. Perhaps now they have erased the evidence … I’m not going to go chase it down (again).

It is more than obvious that Israel is a racist, socialist state. The U.N. hardly has to tell anyone. What people have forgotten is that:
Nazi, “National Socialist” = “Racist, Socialist State”. Israel is merely one.

Globalist, “Global Socialist” = “Racist, Socialist World”.

So, Hitler and other Nazis where Judaists who believed and practiced Judaism. The things one learns on ILP. :open_mouth:

I described Nazi policy. What did I say that was racist?

I don’t hate the Japanese. I don’t hate Germans. Or Russians.

The internment of the Japanese was a travesty. As was the treatment of German immigrants during World War 1.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on WW1 politics.

I would prefer if the discussion remained focused on the events on WW2, because much still needs to be said about it.

jew is seperate from the religion, it refers to a bloodline. why does this need to be clarified on a philosophy board…

hitler was part of the jew bloodline, he had a jewish grandparent. hitlers best friend was also a jew. hitler was a pawn of the judists who used him as a scapegoat for their agenda, which is to grant global victimhood of the jews. a similar psychology is in small children.

there are twelve tribes of jews, but are not brothers all of the same race? Therefore the jew race is one race, divided by 12 brothers.

the jews were counting on hitler to lose the war and fail at his objectives. They wanted him to thin the population of the jews, so they could keep more power to themselves. It was also used to elicit worldwide empathy and give them pass to takeover Israel. The absurd character of the nazi, including their garment, gas chambers, march, and fascist politics, cemented in children the association that nazi=evil and jew=victims. Hitler was the their token scapegoat, the icon that would remove the growing anti-semetism for years to come. Anti-semetism, after ww2, was no longer a political stance, it became associated with absurd costumes, unethical experiments, and mass murder. anti-semetism became =nazi, nazi became =swastika, swastika became =evil.

jews have a genetic habit of betraying their brothers, to secure more wealth for themselves. ww2 was no different. Look up the story of Joseph.

Exactly. Thus:
Judist vs Jewish

And btw, for Lev, just a quick look in Wiki:

And although they SAY “democratic”, obviously they are a religious dictatorship that we now refer to as “Socialist”. They couldn’t vote to become a Christian state even if they wanted to.

They declare themselves to be racist. I don;'t see what there is to argue.

Though he says here…

This is Jew vs. Jew and not as exception but as purported rule.

There is no need to distinguish between Jewish and Judist if he is right. Your point would be meaningless if his general position is right.

Because the original arrangement was between 12 enslaved tribes vs Egypt, the tribes, coming under their newly established serpent god (“Israel”), were the people of “judgement” (hence “Judea” and “Juus” which became “Jew”). Via worshiping one particular serpent, they became one people. And came to be referred to as such, the Juus (the people of Judea and Judgement), later called “Jewish”.

But as is always the case, not all of them worshiped that serpent god, thus the rise of Christianity as well as many atheists among the Jews. Even in Christianity, many are actually atheists, more are Judaists, and some even Buddhist and Muslim. Any large enough group is going to contain variations that include complete mis-categorization.

But the effort to create a Jewish State and Jew controlled world requires large numbers. And that means that if there is a chance to call someone a team member, then do so. Thus the race was the focus, not merely those who properly worship the serpent. And then because the serpent won the last great war, none distinguish the race from the worshipers other than those leading … and altruistic philosophers.

So the Judaist worship was intentionally conflated with the Jewish race throughout the language. But the truth still remains that some of the Jewish race are innocent from worshiping the serpent of judgement. The language does not dictate the truth. So many people misuse the language unintentionally and some are fooled by it as was intended.

As far as the language, forgiveness has to be considered given how much manipulating has been going on to obfuscate the language (manipulating is what the serpent is about: obfuscation and extortion). There are times when I might say “Jewish” when I really meant “Judist”. Shit happens.

I am not going to blame a person who happened to have been born of Jewish parents for crimes committed by the Judust worshipers of the Serpent. But when and if they choose to inspire judgement upon others (especially by nefarious means), they choose their own guilt. One cannot assess a person by what they are called, but rather to what they are called to do.

If you use that black ball, you are guilty.

The false dichotomy that is leading so many into these hatreds is the idea that a person must either love the Pharaoh types (“Conservatives”: Romans, Nazis, Arabs, British,…) or the Jew types (“Liberals”: Israeli, French, African, Jamaican,…) or more simply: “Order vs Anarchy” or “Slavery vs Freedom”.

As almost always, the real hope is neither, but an in-between (an anentropic harmony). So everyone is [falsely] accused of either loving the Jews or hating the Jews (“You are either with us or against us”). People are extorted into the hatred from both sides. Those who don’t play the game are the only ones free from it, but accused and hated by both sides (why did you think that I haven’t been trying to make friends here).

Even the Jews are accused by their own people for not being more racist (“You must support OUR people”). The Blacks and the Feminists do the same thing. That is how the Serpent works - creating false reasons to hate and attack someone … else … in JUDGEMENT (aka “god”).

I don’t believe the Jews being slaughtered was fake but I remain open to possibilities that it could have been or even greatly exaggerated… As all of us do philosophy here we should all remain open to the concept of the winning side writing history as they see fit. That creates the possibility that the jewish community could fabricate things or if not that definitely exaggerate and use it as a scapegoat/cry of manipulation when needed.

About Japan, I personally believe the US bombed Japan for revenge and not to end the war. I believe Russia was already at Japans door step and ending the war with them. Correct me if I am wrong about Russia taking Japan out of the war and our bombing them for revenge.

There is no master race but instead each side having aspects of which they are superior in. Einstein finished the nuclear bomb but Nordic/germanic people started it. That war was one of the biggest leaps In tech (war tech mostly) in human history, and most of it was due to germanic people. USA and other sides would take German tech when possible and figure out how it worked themselves so that they could build it for their armies as well.