Theater Of The Absurd









There’s no way I’m going to click on that video link Magnus.

Deutsche Bank’s stock indexes are really tanking today. I thought Mario Draghi fixed Europe economically, what gives?

Perhaps this is what Angela Merkel was warning about concerning Germans saving two weeks of food in advance for a national emergency.

I may have sensed that. But my senses are crap. It was right before that old phone call. Simply a sense of you being dangerous.
Not that i dislike you, but i got a clear big feeling of demonic or beast like, dangerous, self/core.
I only felt it once.

Also regardless of whether god is real or not, the religious crap build around the idea of god is terrible.
I feel I hate it, although I try not to take it upon myself, the burden of having to judge such a vast terrible mistake / evil.

Look at Deutsche Bank today! Woohoo!

Germany is now begging the United States to help bail them out…


Sources? … tsche-bank