Haiku Tag


And told her story
to the rhythm of cowbells / for the sake of the Jesus
and the taste of milk / under open skies

I am a lord, but only your lord. :-$

Thanks :smiley:

I was going for poetic poignancy… I hope I nailed it :slight_smile:

A multiple choice?

Under open skies
Stand in that moment in time

I see. :laughing: So when it is convenient for you, Trixie, you become lord not - what is it lordess? lol

I have no lord. I serve no one except perhaps only that within myself which calls to me…my Self.

grow where seeds may fall

or be the seed which doth grows!

discerning landscape!

discerning landscape!

Shadows blue, deference who?

Tell, why, do you shew.

And that is precisely why you need me to be your lord. :-k

Tell, why, do you shew

Best to keep the self within?

Bound by need and want.

Bound by need and want

a precarious journey

he blindly pursued.

He blindly pursued
the snake through the garbagebelt
and cut his right foot.

and cut his right foot
still walking the path most trod
despite the hazards

despite the hazards

The heart will conquer in-spite

enormous loss, appearent

Enormous loss apparent.
never transparent
but obscure though each lived day

Reminder for haiku–syllables 5-7-5.

Enormous loss apparent.
but obscure though each lived day
never transparent

never transparent

Enormous loss for some gain

Shone some one many

Shone some one many
Confused Incoherence is
hard to follow well

Fucking blasphemy
Eternally damned just for
Living a life here

Hard to follow well

Keeping up with the other

Don’t watch them, watch you.