Why is Nietzsche significant for you?

Yes, civilization seems to be full of imaginary idols and society has become one giant theater of vigorous ritual.

In the absence of idols materializing as you say people are content with idolizing"humanity" itself through science.

Romanians are Vlachs, you moron, not Romanies. The words are similar, but the ethnicities are entirely different.

And I am neither a Vlach nor a Romanian resident. You need to get your facts straight.

I am a Celt.


N proposed a new style of epistemology. Its pre-conscious valuing- rather than universal-truth-oriented. There is his future, the 2000 years required to explicate him to the full merit of his deeply human work.

He may have been more deeply human than anyone alive now. Bravest heart to have ever graced industrial Europe. That is how he killed that god, sheer absence of cowardice.

Truthfulness was born there, but its still in its infancy.

Look up value-philosophy, value ontology, tectonics, daemonism, self-valuing logic.

Ive read a lot of comics. A Belgian one called Lucky Luke used to be my favorite.

Magnus, you are more sensitive than an overweight teenage girl.

Also, you’re still totally losing the debate, and you look like a crybaby now because of your last string of responses.

K: ummm, I’ve read philosophy books and you read Comics books…
I think I see the difference between us…


Krop… I am always fearful there are people who absolutely dont stop to think.

Light reading this morning

Thats Thucydides, Aristophanes, Chechovs nephew, Freud, Nietzsche, all in French and German.

K: really? Posting pictures of books is sure to convince everyone you read them
today, all of them! I am a very fast reader and I read a couple of
chapters in my current book on medieval philosophy maybe 60 pages
and that took about 3 hours, so I don’t believe you read those “light reading”
books unless you read a page from each and that is your version of “light reading”.

god, you are a small, small person needing phony applause for a phony
action of yours…


The reason you are uncivilized is not because you are unwilling to be civilized. The reason you are uncivilized is because you cannot be civilized.

And the reason you cannot be civilized is because you cannot endure the high standards of civility.

You never really are civilized. Not only with me, but with pretty much anyone else.

You are timid and meek. That’s what you are. Don’t confuse that with civility. You don’t know what civility is.

The only difference between the manner in which you interact with me and others is the fact that I aggravate you thus forcing you to drop your standards even further and become a troll.

The moment things become difficult, you become a troll.

You are a troll by necessity, not by choice. Everything else is a lie you need to tell yourself.

My namecalling is not a defense mechanism, it’s a strategy I use to limit other people’s evasiveness. A weak one compared to a club, but nonetheless a strategy.

What you do, on the other hand, is nothing but a defense mechanism meant to reduce the pressure.

You evade, I confront. You reduce the pressure, I increase the pressure.

There is a massive difference.

I am very sorry for crushing your hopes that I am merely defending my own ego.

Moron, I am not defending my ego, I am offending your ego. I am attacking.

I am interested in dealing with issues, you on the other hand are not.

You are a wuss.

The only way to drive a car with safety is by making sure they are not broken. Thus, if they are broken, you want to fix them before you drive the them.

Of course, you can drive them without fixing them, but that would be unintelligent.

It’s the same with you. It would be unintelligent to continue this discussion without first addressing every one of your faults.

You want to paint a picture of me being unable to return to the topic.

But I am capable of doing so, it’s just that I do not want to. I do not want to because it would be unintelligent.

You want to make it look as if I am asking for an apology so that my hurt feelings can be assuaged.

But is a man who is trying to fix his car trying to make his car apologize to him for making him suffer? Or is he simply trying to correct the faults so that he can drive his car safely?

What do you think, Gib?

See what you’re forcing me to do? Treat you like a little baby.

The mlore you try to defend yourself, the deeper you will dig yourself into the ground. Then it woulf become literally impossible for you to look yourself in the mirror, acknowledge your faults and correct them. Most likely, you will remain a reality denying freak that you are.

I am not irresponsible. You are. It’s pointless to turn the tables. You would just reinforce the idea you’re a dismissive fool.

You are not merely failing to understand what I am saying. You are lying to yourself that you understand me. You are not realistic about how much – or rather, how little – you understand me.

There is no excuse for this. There is even less excuse for your subsequent effort – a marathon effort – to evade responsibility for your original misbehavior.

Fagot, you are quite simply not paying sufficient attention. Don’t argue with me. Face it.

I am being real, not sexist. You really are a woman.

You are turning yourself into the subject by the fact that you are broken.

And once again, you are trying to distract yourself from my point by appealing to lexical imprecisions.

What an utter imbecile.

The ones who rule are not necessarily powerful. A man stuck in a room with a monkey that has a gun is not less powerful than the monkey even though the monkey is ruling in that particular situation. That’s only one example.

The number of mistakes you make every time you post outweighs my capacity to correct them, thus it makes it impossible for me to catch up with you. This is why discussion with people like you is impossible and the only way to deal with you is through physical force.

Physical force is the only thing you can understand.

You didn’t take any point. The point was thst what is relevant is what I meant, not how words that I use are defined in dictionaries.

It was pretty clear what I meant by the word “elite”. What was unclear to you, but you didn’t have enough courage to either attempt to clarify on your own or ask for clarification, is how is it possible for the elites – for those who rule – to be something other than powerful.

What you did is you made an argument that because elites are by definition powerful they cannot be anything other than powerful.

You wanted to prove me wrong. That’s what you wanted more than anything else. Which is why you rushed to make any kind of argument that gives you at least some hope that you are right and thst I am wrong.

Your argument is retarded, my friend.

Instead of trying to understand what it means to be on top of the social hierarchy, you simply went for dictionary definitions.

Power =/= being a leader

MA - Why did you allow “Nietzsche being the capstone of long forgotten hyperborean values” come to this form of discussion? Why are you trolling each other?

You are a moron, Venture/Kenny, and because you are a moron you need to shut the fuck up and listen.

Yes, shut the fuck up and listen, which means, no more questions from you and no more lecturing on your part. It’s outside of your limits.

Now, to answer your question, which should have been answered by now, and I believe that it has been answered to an extent, I am not the one responsible for the discussion taking this particular direction that we may designate by the word “ugly”.

Gib is.

I am doing what every responsible man would do, provided he had enough time of course, and that is dealing with the ugly rather than turning a blind eye to it.

It’s ugly to deal with it, but that’s what reality is, it’s ugly.

Reality isn’t merely sunshines and rainbows.

Do you understand, Kenny? I hope you do. You are a young man, 18 years of age if I am correct, so there is still some hope for you.

Gib is hopeless. He’s a dead end. He’s in his 30’s, maybe even in his 40’s. He is a father. Single father. He’s also an incurable drug addict. And most importantly, he’s a fag who is insecure about his masculinity.

What hope is there for him? None.

I can only hope that his own children won’t go down the same road.


Either you accept reality the way it is and deal with it, no matter how ugly it is, or you deny it in order to maintain the illusion of living in a happy pretend land where everything is perfect.

You really are asking me “hey Max, why don’t you play along and act in a manner, no matter how pretentious, that makes it look as if everything is perfect? do you not prefer a happy discussion over an unhappy one?”

Sorry kid, I don’t do that kind of shit.

Gib is a moron and moron must be dealt with in a manner that suits a moron.

You have a democratic sentiment. Not saying you are a self-identified democrat. Judging from that other thread you started, I’d say you are kinda against democracy. But you are, deep within your self, a democratic soul.

You apparently believe in “equal rights” and “freedom of speech”.

Gib certainly does.

You think that everyone should be treated the same way – equally – and God forbids anyone ever tries to put other people in their place.

You do really think that someone like Gib should have a right to speak.

I am younger than 18 and I do not uphold equality, rather equity.

Anyways, back to Nietzsche, are you trying to emulate master morality? (clearly delusional, erroneous and illusory)

Magnus is special needs. You can ignore him.

Well, Mr. Anderson, I may just bow out of this discussion at this point. The weekend is fast approach, and I’ve gotta focus on my debate with Biggy and my Rick & Morty thread. May not have time to play anymore. We’ll see.

Very entertaining =D>

This does beg the question… has Magnus lost his mind? considering this is a moderated site…