This is why I hate liberals

What do you mean by develop? And how is land different from masses of money that isn’t utilized?

So it’s not about who can do the best with the land, but who will do “something” with the land. What constitutes “something”?

There is no right. If a bunch of people gangup and proclaim something right, then it is by their might that they do so. If no one is imposing their will on me, then there is nothing I ought to do unless I have a goal in mind.

If I play a game and I want to win, then I ought to make certain moves, but if I don’t care about winning, then any move will do.
If I want to have a conversation, then I ought to be considerate or else I may not have anyone to talk to, but if i don’t care about running everyone off, then it doesn’t matter how I act. That is unless someone else takes offense and forms an army to come kick my ass for being an ass and we’re back to might making right.

So I can be nice because I’m smart enough to see that is what’s best for me or I can have an army impose its will on me to force me to be nice or else be locked up.

Trump is the only non-politician republican I can think of.

I used to be republican, so it’s hard to say I was uneducated, but obviously I was, at least ignorant of the fact that my indoctrination was wrong.

I don’t know how you can equate education with religion as the two are antipodal. The religious see education as a threat to their faith. Most republicans cannot be educated because they already know everything.

The only certain barrier to truth is the conviction you already have it and therefore religious dogma cannot be circumvented and therefore the religious can never find truth, even in infinite time.

The only skill Trump has is making smart people mad like the kid in the back of the class makes the teacher mad. Instead of Revenge of the Nerds, we have Revenge of the Dummies… or Jocks, whichever. Trump makes stupid people happy by pissing smart people off.

They would still vote for the senators and such.

And why no one really liked Trump, but he was better than Hillary. No one was singing Trump’s praises before the election, but he wasn’t Hillary.

They sure changed their minds 2 year later as the women were elected to the House 2 for every man.

The DNC rigged it for Hillary to win because they needed her money to pay their debts. Bernie didn’t have the funds, so he was backstabbed. He would have won in a fair election. Plus, it was supposed to be Hillary’s turn since she stepped aside to let the Black man have a go at it first. The DNC made it happen, but people didn’t like her.

The RNC didn’t have a decent line-up either: Jeb Bush, Cruz, et al. Even I liked Trump better than those guys.

Every republican I know has guns as the top issue. They’ll vote to make life harder on their own kids just to protect their guns. Second to that is the mexicans having their hands in wallets, even though the whites have their hands in wallets far more than mexicans. Hatred of the poor is high on the list.

I’m not saying obama is particularly smart, but Trump makes him appear much smarter than he is.


Break it down by income. And break it down by real crime; not drugs n silly stuff. Look at violent crime exclusively of the poverty level incomes by race.

If we have whites here and browns there, then we have 2 races. If we mix them, then we’ll have whites + browns + zerbas = 3 lines of genetics

Yes they do. My mom worked 2 jobs and I essentially raised myself. Heck, I could have been Elon Musk if I had different parents. Who knows what society lost by not investing in me and instead they invested in asswipes like Trump because he’s the big “job creator” who creates jobs for people to barely scrape by at… as if that’s anything to value. “Hey, I created this place for you to go slave for me. You’re welcome. And when you get off work, there will be a parade in my honor for enabling you to make me rich.” These people should be swinging from lampposts; not pedestalized on thrones and having money thrown at them as if they contributed anything.

You mean “is only as rich as the sustainably productive are able to steal productivity from everyone else.” If you aren’t one of them doing the stealing, then I don’t know why you’d even support that. I’ve been asking myself that question for years: why do the poor support the rich?

I don’t know how you’d arrange for that scenario.

No, that’s the irony: when you cut off your own nose to spite your face, you still get the short end of the ugly stick. You can’t win by holding others down in order to raise yourself up. So the wealthy are wealthier, but society experiences less growth than if the wealth had been spread around. So the wealthy are wealthier, but they’re also less wealthy because the society they live in is less advanced and prosperous.

Think of it this way: would you rather live in a society where you have ALL the money and everyone else has hardly anything or a society where you’re middle class and lots of people have money?

It is zero sum. If we were on a gold standard and one more person is born, who gives up their gold for the new person? If the rich get richer, where is the new gold coming from? If gold is fixed and the rich get richer, then obviously the gold is coming from the lower classes. Now switch to a debt-based currency like we have now and the same thing happens with the only difference being the new money that enriches the rich becomes debt to the lower classes. This is why debt has exploded since reagan and why every republican drives us deeper in debt.

Wish mine was :frowning: I’ll trade ya 10 rednecks for each brownie.

Did the white people not like the looks of you so they moved away? :smiley: Around here they say the mexicans keep the blacks run off. I don’t know how they accomplish that, but it seems to be true: the old black neighborhoods are filled with mexicans.

Before you were saying you didn’t want all your eggs in one genetic basket and now you’re saying you’re worried that there may be too many diseases if we don’t have genetic purity. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. But at least you’re seeing that there really is no such thing as an advantage because each advantage brings disadvantages. So why worship whites? Who cares? You get big brains and big egos which cancels the effects of the brains lol


That the land is being cultivated, farmed, mined, or has something built on it, like a house, or monument.

Money is something either you yourself have physically invested in, or someone has physically invested in on your behalf, unused land is not.

There is a right for people with a conscience.

So it was expedient, and not wrong, since there is no wrong for you, for Europeans to settle the Americas the way they did and enslave Africans?

Right, which proves republicans value politician republicans, political education and education in general.

If you don’t think many or most political scientists and social theorists have interests and an agenda at odds with the welfare of common people, think again.

Corporations run the state, and the state runs education (to an extent).

I thought the electoral college and senate were two different things?

But Trump also had baggage, so it had to have been something else, like that he was the only candidate willing to take a hardline stance on illegals, Muslims and offshoring.

Americans know they’ve been getting screwed by illegals and offshoring for decades.

But the republicans kept the senate, which means many Americans approve of where the republicans under Trump are taking the country.

The DNC doesn’t like Bernie as much as Hillary, because Bernie is essentially pro-working class, whereas the DNC, like the RNC, are essentially anti-working class.

This time it was immigration and offshoring, or they would’ve voted for someone with a better record on guns.

This’s nonsense, while Trump is by no means a genius, he’s plainly above the secondary school level and Obama, let alone primary.

Twin studies help prove genetics determine much or most of everything, including crime.

Many unemployed are homeless, and a full time job @min wage pays more than the dole, does it not?

I agree, I’d rather be a millionaire in a society mostly comprising millionaires, than the sole billionaire in an otherwise destitute, unstable and crime ridden society, where I had hundreds of times more money than I could ever need, or meaningfully use, and everyone envied and hated me.

But the gold is worth more, in that it can buy higher quality goods, as we work together to more effectively exploit nature.

And Obama doubled the deficit.

We still need some means of meriting things, while the current means is highly flawed, we need a fairer one, not to do away with merit altogether.

I don’t worship whites, I tend to understand, and prefer my extended family (race) over nonfamily, and likewise they tend to understand, and prefer me over nonfamily.


Genes, twin studies help prove big brains, iQs and low birthrates are partly the result of genes, like almost every other trait.

Right, they’re different, genetically and culturally, and the Mexican birthrate may always exceed the death rate, and the increased prosperity may harm the environment more than the decreased birthrate helps it.

Right, including our genes.

everything is degrees of speculation, there are no certainties.

And if AI also wants to survive and proliferate, and needs us, it will enslave us until it doesn’t need us, and once it no longer needs us, and we’re in the way, it’ll exterminate us.

Or is it because there’s limits to technology?
Billionaires want someone to find a cure for cancer too, because they, or their children will contract it.
And while they may try to keep such cures secret, I doubt they have them, because they’re only living a couple years longer than the average man and woman, as far as we know.
I’m not expecting them to become Gods anytime soon.

Besides, the cure for cancer is already known, it’s nutrients + purging toxins from the body, altho some people are already too far gone, and as the body ages it becomes more difficult to utilize nutrients effectively.
Trying to cure cancer with a potion or elixir is like trying to cure fire with one, you stop pouring flames and toxins onto and into the body, or you cut the cancerous region of the body out, to stop it from proliferating.

Not if we turn all of nature into a concrete jungle or barren wasteland, or consume it at a faster rate than it can replenish itself.

Poverty is partly a consequence of genes, see twin studies, and see common sense.
I’m not saying luck and exploitation don’t also play a role, but it’s plainly not all luck and exploitation.

And if one person from a middle-upper class background out-creates another from a middle-upper class background, than it’s more definitely genes + choices between them.

They meant working poor whites.



Just be nice?
Did that work for the Jews, Gypsies and Armenians during the holocaust and Armenian genocide respectively?
No miscegenation, multiculturalism and giving people, whether they be the overclass, or underclass money they didn’t earn, is extinction, it’s the very opposite of what you propose.
And people who wish for our extermination, ought to be exterminated.

Some of their lineages did, others were eliminated or mixed, and only after centuries of suffering, I don’t want me or my people to go through.

Feminism is something whites invented, others may be incapable of fully adopting it.

It took them centuries to recover their numbers and over a millennium their prosperity, and because of this, many lineages were lost, while others were mixed by rape.

Some individuals or groups are less adapted for existence itself.

In some cases the rich are rich partly by ability, in others wholly by luck.
Because of the nature of the system, it’s always at least partly by luck, and when it’s both economically feasible, and necessary for the state to correct this luck, by redistributing to workers and society, it should.
The way we define property and organize the economy and the state, makes it all too easy for capitalists to exploit workers and consumers.
I am in favor of the, right sort of socialist reforms, ones that don’t engender other injustices.

I’m totally against indiscriminately bombing brown people, or any people.
What the Bush administration did to the Iraqis was atrocious.

My main concern is Muslims, most of them are Arabs, but some are Turks, Iranians, Indonesians and so on.
We need to at the very least reduce, if not eliminate Muslim immigration, especially from terror prone nations.
But as for Muslims who’re already citizens, we should just increase surveillance on them many times over.

We don’t know if Arabic Muslims will be able to fully adopt our secular values, it’s an assumption we’ve made, and something we ought to be concerned about, especially Europe who’re being rapidly replaced by them.

Here’s a list of genocides, some of them were committed by whites (mostly against other whites), and some of them were committed by non-whites:

Other races have nothing to complain about, again, see Nigerian Americans.

There’s a difference between an Irishmen blowing off some steam, having a few pints at the pub and getting into a scrap with another man, and cowardly blowing up innocent women and children.
And while McGregor is cocky in preparation for a fight, he’s humble in victory and defeat.
He’s as much a showman as he is a mixed martial artist.
Here’s an example of another Irish champion who’s just as tough, but less cocky:


If your enemy has decided it wants to exploit or exterminate you, than try to conceal knowledge from and deceive it.

Historically the trend has been more education = more environmental degradation.
I’m not anti-education, rather we need to reprioritize our education.
There’s far too much emphasis on useless info, and knowledge that just makes us more effective consumers.

Firstly, for many, including myself, slavery is worse than death.
Secondly, the masters life, health and happiness are still prioritized over slaves.
Thirdly, not all masters are smart or merciful, some needlessly abuse slaves.
Fourthly, when slaves are no longer needed, they may be exterminated rather than set free.

In centuries passed, education plainly = greater environmental degradation, and while it also = recycling now, nature is still receding, for education also allows us to more effectively exploit nature, as well as invent more obliterative WMDs, which in all likelihood will come back to haunt us, or tinker and toy with the fabric of reality, like they do at CERN and HAARP, which may also obliterate us.
We need more ethical and green education right now, not more education in general.
Clearly we’re not ready to open some doors, we may never be.

Birthrates plummeted after contraception and family planning were made widely available:

I’m pretty sure the aztecs and incas didn’t have any more than a turkey. I’m not sure about the egyptians.

This fact is one of the principle pillars of the theory and if it were this easy to topple, surely it wouldn’t still be a theory.

Read the theory,_Ger … _of_theory

I’m assuming the facts are well-grounded and all that’s up for debate is whether the extra animals had the proposed effect or were just coincidental.

I think the proposed effect is true and you’ve not challenged it but instead have focused on challenging the supporting facts which leads me to believe you probably would support the conclusion if you were convinced of the facts about the animals, etc.

I can’t think of an instance where arrogance has been a property of the fit, but usually a property of the soon-to-be defeated. Pride cometh before a fall.

I agree.

How do you know? If they are so smart, then why settle in a desert?

They pay sales tax, gas tax, property tax (if they own any), and if they filed taxes, they’d get money anyway, so they pay the same taxes as anyone in their income group. The purpose of importing them is to serve the capitalist cause of working for cheap to maximize profits so that we don’t need to employ lazy, entitled, and expensive white people.

That’s what we have now: most states are higher than federal, but all are still too low.

Everyone doesn’t know that since the best stuff I have was made in china and the most unreliable was made in the US.

I can’t know that. All I know is price and quality.

I guess you haven’t seen this yet: Democratic 2020 Candidate Pushes US Govt-Sponsored ‘Social Credit’ System Like China’s … tem-chinas

lol, but hard to see since they’re so open about sex.

Oh yeah, $20 per paycheck is meaningful.

Charging the poor more money is not fairer trade.

If china wants to put tariffs on us, then it can only hurt them. If we put tariffs on them to force them to remove their tariffs, then it can only hurt us. Two countries determined to hurt themselves is not good for anyone.

How will capitalists make all that money with no cheap immigrants or offshoring? They won’t be competitive on the global stage and will go out of business.

Not defending other countries can only hurt us. Keeping the peace is in our interest.

I’ve never talked to a conservative in favor of raising the wage.

Yes, like Hitler was okay for the jews.

Only because we stopped counting unemployed people. Campaign Trump said unemployment was really 30-40% and not to believe the lies (that he was about to tell in 2 years that employment is the best in history).

For the economy overall, participants generally agreed that, on balance, recent data suggested some acceleration in labor costs, but that wage growth remained moderate by historical standards, which was due in part to tepid productivity growth. … 180926.htm

On balance, for the economy overall, recent data on average hourly earnings indicated that wage increases remained moderate.

I’ve not seen one say that.

Ok, a few people have to work, a bunch of machines have to work, and most people do not have to work.

No I’m saying tax the machines and distribute to the community. I don’t think I mentioned terraforming planets.

You’re saying make it harder on the poor to make them go away, but you can only create more poor by doing that.

I don’t think it did anything. You should read up on it

[i]The term one-child policy is thus a misnomer, because for nearly 30 years of the 36 years that it existed (1979-2015) about half of all parents in China were allowed to have a second child.

According to the Chinese government, 400 million births were prevented, starting from 1970 a decade before the start of the one child policy. Some scholars have disputed this claim, with Martin King Whyte and Wang et al contending that the policy had little effect on population growth or the size of the total population.[2][3][4] China has been compared to countries with similar socioeconomic development like Thailand and Iran, along with the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, which achieved similar declines of fertility without a one-child policy.[5] [/i]

The graph also doesn’t correlate … lation.svg

The control started in 1969 and then 1979, but the population didn’t slow until the 90s, so it was something else unrelated to the law.

Prohibiting things that many people want to do doesn’t work. Many people do not steal, rape, kill, but many people like alcohol, drugs, sex.

There wouldn’t be criminals and drug addicts without the imposed philosophy of suffering.

The condition is that you try not to become a lowlife druggie criminal, be healthy, happy, so that we don’t have to spend money dealing with you being an unhappy, unhealthy, uneducated criminal.

That should be the other way around: if you want a healthy society, then you have to take care of your citizens.

That’s probably because you haven’t researched it.

And by definition something new cannot be mimicked because there is nothing in existence to mimic since the thing to be mimicked hasn’t been created yet.

Stephen Colbert: You only do 1 show per week, but I have to do a show every night.
Bill Maher: Well I have to make it good.

How did Bill think of that?

Yes, probably. They wouldn’t want to be bogged down with intense focus.


I think gays are good at all things art while straights are good at all things science. Science is mechanisms while art is the opposite which is all things that can’t be mechanized.

So what? If everyone is extinct, there will be no one around to notice the billions of additional years.

You still wouldn’t be able to stand lazy unproductive people getting something for nothing.

Suppose we make a deal that I come live with you if I complete certain chores, then I make a machine that does the chores and spend my time eating your food and piling-up on your furniture. You’d be pissed and insist I make some productive use of myself, but we had a deal and the chores are done.

Back in the 1800s, people probably figured that by the year 2018, people would be doing less work and not more, but we don’t even have time to raise our kids anymore and we’re doing more work than ever! How can that be??? We used to wash clothes manually in a creek. We used to have to tend animals all the time in order to plow fields and pull wagons, but now we turn a key and an engine carts us around much faster, with AC and tunes… and the best part is we don’t have to spend oodles of time with the car each night making sure it’s healthy and getting it ready for travel in the morning. We have all these machines and we work more than ever; it’s just stupid.

But the amount of work we “have” to do is increasing with time, so in thousands of years we’ll have to wear diapers to take a shit because we can’t spare the time for a bathroom break.

The people can be any religion, but the country itself should be tolerant of any religion. Same with race. Our attitudes should be blind to these things like we are to the ultraviolet spectrum.


Not sure about Aztecs, Incas had llamas:

Egyptians and many Asians (west, south, east) had the following animals: cattle, horses, chickens, pigs, goats, sheep…

I’ve known about this theory for over a decade.

even if Europeans had more domesticated animals, which I’m not at all sure of, again, we had disadvantages others didn’t have, like harsher winters than Africa and many parts of the Americas and Asia.

And our ancestors were still smart for settling and staying in this land, defending it, fully taking advantage of the resources available, and brining nonindigenous domesticated plants and animals over from other places.

I can’t think of an instance where undue guilt and shame has been either.

If intelligence, physical and psychological strength tend to correlate with prosperity (which of course they do, the only question is just how much), while it may have been dumb for brown Caucasians to settle in a desert, it was even more smart than it was dumb to make lemonade from lemons, to turn it into something Subsaharans would’ve envied.

We’re still citizens, we were born and raised here, or we came here legally, meeting all the requirements, illegals did not.

Good, and the American middle class will expand, invest and become globally competitive.

If they can defend themselves, or we have nothing invested in them, they should.

I’d only consider defending a people we had nothing invested in, if 1, they couldn’t defend themselves, 2, their neighbors weren’t able or willing to, and 3, another people was indisputably attempting to genocide them.

The military industrial complex is far too corrupt and incompetent to police the world, and we have far too many sociopolitical and economic problems of our own to worry about other’s problems, or think we can solve them.

Furthermore, I believe every nation and people have a right to determine their destiny for themselves.

Science, particularly social science, is partly manipulated by corporations and state ideologues.

Big business, politicians and ideologues throw money at science, so we have to be mindful of such.

So long as society ensures wages are decent, people who can work, but refuse to, should have it extremely hard, and if they commit crimes, they should go to jail.

Lots of people shoplift, and lots of places hire security, so I guess prohibition works sometimes.

I guess prohibiting some from economically exploiting others won’t work either then.

People who refuse to work impose it on themselves.

Quite a few rich are also drug addicts, and wealth doesn’t stop quite a few rich from committing crimes, particularly white collar crimes.

I think it’s because you’re a bit confused about what creativity is.

The engineer isn’t less creative than the artist.

Okay there Doctor Seuss.

And you need intense focus to compose like Beethoven, or paint like Rembrandt.

Jazz is gay, because it’s whimsical, whereas most classical music is straight, because it’s serious and orchestrated.

Insofar as a skill or discipline can be whimsical, I think gays might be better at it.

Progressives love making sweeping, negative generalizations about class, so why not race, religion and sex?

They love making sweeping, negative generalizations about white (Christian) men, especially (but certainly not limited to) how racist, religionist and sexist we supposedly are, and making policy based on them, punishing all white men (and white women for that matter) for something only a fraction of us do, or punishing us for what our ancestors supposedly did, or punishing white Europeans for what white Americans supposedly did.

If you can criticize us for our ‘history’, ‘shortcomings’ and ‘vices’, claiming we’re some combination of uniquely lucky and malevolent, we have every right to defend ourselves, as well as criticize you for yours.

There’s hardly any racism in this country (see Nigerian Americans, see twin studies and their implications for race), by constantly reprimanding white people in the media, you’re only reinforcing the concept of race in peoples minds.

This isn’t about anti-racism…it’s a war, a war on white people, a war on western civilization.

Progressives want to redefine anti-racism to mean any and all criticism of whites, and redefine racism to mean, just defending whites from criticism (a perversion of the original meaning of a word if ever there was one).

For them, it’s impossible for a black person to be racist, and impossible for a white person not to be, even if they have the very best of intentions, their very existence is racist.

A short, stocky, ugly white man born to an impoverished, uneducated family is somehow construed as privileged, meanwhile a tall, slim, beautiful black woman born to an affluent, educated family is construed as disadvantaged and demands affirmative action (black privilege).

They want to aid in and encourage Native Americans to preserve and protect their biological and cultural heritage, all the while denying the native peoples of Europe (Germans, Hungarians, etc) the right to do the same.

Hell when I visit Italy, I want to see Italians making pasta (and catholic churches, Italian coffee, wine, art, cinema, music and theatre), not a bunch of Arabs making falafel or Chinamen making chow mein, anymore than I want to see a bunch of Poles making perogies (as much as I like perogies) in Arabia or China when I visit them!

I mean a little diversity is alright, but FFS, we’ve got enough to last for thousands of years!

every people has a right to preserve their heritage!

I don’t know why progressives have it out for the tourist industry!

And I want to keep Canada somewhat Canadian, I don’t want to see it turned into just another new world order outpost!

Europeans have given so much to the world (art, philosophy, science, democracy, human rights) we don’t get credit for!

Anyway, that about does it for me, I’ll let Serendipper have the last word if he wants it.

Liberals… those people that vote criminals in office and support them during 8 years of bomb raids, starvation, and mass slavery campaigns and then, when hundreds of thousands of Arabs are dead and enslaved, they turn to the guy who tries to stop it all and blame him for all of it-

except that Liberals never really count an Arab life as a human life.


“Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was “worth it”…wins Presidential Medal of Freedom from Obama”

Again, to all you scumbag sickening evil whore of satan liberals: may the deaths that happened due to your votes haunt your miserable entitled lives. You don’t deserve anything but to reap what you sowed.

I don’t hate liberals, and consider myself liberal on some issues.

The problem with many liberals, and practically all mainstream liberals, is they fervently believe anything to the right of a Cruz, Jeb, Kasich or Rubio on some issues, is a homophobe, racist, sexist, fascist, Nazi and so on…Hitler, Mussolini, Freddie Kruger, Jason, Michael Myers or the devil himself.

They’re every bit as bad as the folks who believe everyone to the left of Hillary Clinton is the next Lenin, Stalin or Mao.

Well actually they don’t believe any of that tripe, it’s just a scare tactic to win more votes.

There’s nothing racist about deporting illegal immigrants, banning immigration from terror prone nations, or even banning Muslim immigration specifically, perhaps religionist, but not racist.

There’s nothing sexist about supporting Brett Kavanaugh, anymore than there’s anything sexist about supporting alleged rapist Bill Clinton, there’s nothing sexist about calling a woman horse face, anymore than there’s anything sexist about making fun of a man’s hair or skin tone, there’s nothing sexist about being a womanizer, plenty of democrats were womanizers, from JFK, to Bill Clinton, and there’s nothing sexist about banning late-term abortion, the following nations have:

12 weeks (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Norway, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan)
13 weeks (Italy)
14 weeks (Austria, Cambodia, Germany, Hungary, and Romania)
18 weeks (Sweden)

And if you’re a white separatist, or you want to keep your nation majority white, or Christian or whatever, that doesn’t make you a white supremacist, you don’t have to believe your people are superior to want to separate.

Israel, South Korea and Japan only want Jewish, Korean and Japanese immigration respectively, but no one accuses them of Jewish, Korean or Japanese supremacism.

And if you’re a white supremacist (I don’t consider myself one for the record), that doesn’t make you a fascist or Nazi, you can be be a white supremacist, and still a civil libertarian, fiscal conservative and pacifist, all things antithetical to fascism and Nazism (white supremacism doesn’t necessarily = authoritarianism, nor violence).

Most of the founding fathers of the US were white separatists and/or supremacists, but other than that, their politics bore little-no resemblance to the fascist and Nazi regimes of early-mid 20th century Europe.

If liberals keep crying wolf, when a real Hitler or Mussolini finally does make their appearance on the world stage, no one will believe them, everyone will think to themselves: gee, another Hitler or Mussolini, what’s the big deal, plenty of them have been elected already, and things turned out fine.

And just because the KKK show up at one of your rallies, doesn’t mean you’re Hitler, anymore than anarchists, communists, Muslim brotherhood or nation of Islam showing up at one of your rallies means you endorse them.

Democrats refuse to have an open, honest conversation with the American people about immigration, instead they bully, guilt trip, shame, slander, smear and threaten anyone who dares to.

They refuse to address the real concerns the American people have about immigration, instead they talk down to them like they’re children or ignorant, unwashed peasants, all the while having the audacity to accuse Republicans of authoritarianism and elitism.

And now they’re every bit as guilty of conspiracism as Republicans, if there was anything to this whole Russian collusion thing, surely the CIA, FBI and NSA would’ve uncovered something by now.

Conservative - one who cherry picks a single person, arbitrarily proclaims them symbolic of a political party, then assumes the sample set of one is exemplary of everyone who describes themselves as liberal, and this is done for the purpose of demonizing a position which is too sound to be defeated intellectually.

Yup, the stench of vitriol is indicative that a conservative is near.

The world is becoming increasingly more liberal as the callous old codgers die off… and it’s going to suck to be you in the midst of that lol

Democrats constitute the majority of americans, so how can the majority refuse to have a conversation with themselves?

People are increasingly moving away from your position because they disagree with it and your side hasn’t provided any compelling reason to change their minds.

Maybe, but they honestly do not need to.

The stats insist they are ignorant. It was the founding fathers’ bright idea to give the peasants power, but the problem is the peasants aren’t educated. And as they get educated, they move away from republicanism.

Both sides do it, but philosophically, power is consolidated with republicans because the socialization of power is spreading the power thin among the people vs concentrating it in the hands of a few. The labels don’t matter; what matters is the philosophy.

They feel they are working for a righteous cause, so they demonize the opposition, but having a righteous cause is antithetical to their own philosophy.

Righteousness; the assertion of good and evil; the belief that some things are incontrovertibly true, independent of evidence, is the dogmatism underpinning republicanism.

Republicanism is not the same as democracy. Republicanism includes guarantees of rights that cannot be repealed by a majority vote.[7] … ted_States

That’s dogma. “This _____________ is true regardless what anyone else thinks about it.”

Perogies are good! :handgestures-thumbupleft:

The world (nature) has given the europeans so much that it doesn’t get credit for.

Because they have nothing to do with the machinery of the economy. In order for the economy to function as a monetary system, there must be redistributive mechanisms in place; hence the focus on class. The economy must function properly for the benefit of society.

Race, religion and sex have no association with economics, but class does.

See? You’re challenging the facts. Why is it only you who is contesting this? If anyone could show that domesticated animals existed anywhere else, the theory would be gone, poof!

The only contestable point remaining is whether or not the domesticated animals made any difference. I think they did and I think you think that too, which is why you’re still not accepting that domesticated animals didn’t exist elsewhere.

But the cold was an advantage that selected for intelligence because one had to use wits to survive it. Overcoming cold is a surmountable challenge because clothing and shelter and food storage is possible for primitive people to pursue, but the heat is an insurmountable problem that could only be addressed with biological adaptation, such as the ability to sweat.

People in the heat cannot overcome the heat with intelligence, but are selected for the ability to run after prey or otherwise find the food that cannot be domesticated or farmed.

Essentially, all one could do in africa was run after an animal until it became heat-exhausted. None were fit for domestication, probably because migration was essential to follow the water and rains. There is no problem that intelligence could solve for them, so it wasn’t selected for.

On the other hand, farming was something people could get better at by being smarter. All the food led to big communities, politics, science, philosophy.

If you want to select for intelligence, provide a problem that can be overcome with the implementation of intelligence and supply the extra nutrition to power it.

They stumbled upon it, settled, then became stronger and smarter and more able to defend it.

Me neither.

I guess there is merit to regulating who comes in and who doesn’t, but if a few slip by, I don’t see the big deal. There are always acceptable losses with any scheme.

Anyway, the thing that got this whole debate started was the woman complaining that she’s told to go home when she’s born in the US. Or Trump saying a judge shouldn’t be a judge because he’s Mexican when he was born in NJ.

I think this is less about legality and more about a war on brown people without regard to where they were born. And I think a lot of people are suspicious about it like me. I mean, they never complain about illegal Russian immigration or possible Canadians flooding the border. Even if they are illegal, no one would care because they’re white.

If we don’t take advantage of cheap labor, then some other country will and because they did, they will be ahead of us. Offshoring to china was the best thing for everyone: it provided jobs to impoverished people and supplied americans with products cheaper than they could make for themselves. The problem was the republicans not distributing the profits properly.

I’m just saying that if korea starts beating-up japan, it is not in our best interest to let that happen. But if Russia wants to reclaim Ukraine, why should we care?

Why should they have it extremely hard? Because seeing them suffer makes you feel good. It’s not their welfare you care about since you’re making it extremely hard on them. It’s not economically viable to specifically make it extremely hard on your customers. All you care about is punishing people and that was my point from the beginning. It’s the “baby video” I posted often on here where the kid is more concerned that the other kid gets less, even if it means he/she also gets less.

Conservatives are willing to hurt themselves so long as it means they can hurt someone else more. I have yet to meet a conservative who didn’t.

They even made a meme about it … 783265.png

You can ban theft because not many people want to steal.
You can’t ban booze because too many people want to drink.

You can prohibit economic exploitation by simply putting the taxes back how they were for 50 years. Problem solved; go play golf. FDR had it figured out a long time ago and most of our problems are simply a result of undoing what he did.

Oh hell. $10/hr is no kind of life and you may as well not bother plugging 10 holes when you have enough fingers for two. Essentially we’re born into a world where we’re presented with two options: go make someone rich or starve. A true independent would never support that. Talk about authoritarianism, you’re proposing people participate in your system or face death as alternative. Where the hell is the free choice? You can’t compel people to work and claim free-market. Actually, the “free” market is reliant upon the compulsion to work in order to feed it the profits it needs.

A true free market wouldn’t have compulsions to make a profit and compulsions to avoid starvation as essential mechanisms, but would be totally voluntary and free from compulsion from any perspective. The only way to make work voluntary is to make it nonessential.

Yes that’s true. I figured you’d point that out.

I can see that. The engineer is creative in a different way. Athletes can also be creative. There are 9 forms of intelligence … fographic/ I suppose we can be creative with respect to each of them.


Maybe they were naturally gifted. Mozart could play song backwards while carrying on a conversation and from just one hearing of the song. They might not have had to think too hard to create that music

Maybe. Have you researched it?