RaptorWizard ~ The Gale Force Tyranny Cosmos

The value of a novel is not that it is real or will ever happen but rather it represents reality in an architectural model of how it could be or should be. Similarly, when theoretical physicists dream of a utopian golden age of scientific discovery where humans have evolved to the point of mastering hyperspace and bending the universe to their will, the value of it is not that logical calculations indicate humans are too insignificant for this to be our destiny, but rather the value is in the theory itself of creating a vastly unprecedented and advanced society, the architectural model of how humanity could evolve and what humanity should achieve. Achieving this in the imagination, the world of the mind would be the focus that could manifest itself into a better reality. The value is in the journey of humans becoming the lords of creation rather than the destination.

Understanding the stars and the universe is a very important goal. By examining the universe we can interpret and predict things to come. The sky is where the Great Dragon was said to dwell, and from his illustrious home we can see the signs of his effects on creation. The inner self is one of the mechanisms intimately connected with the wheelwork of the universe. The great Wheel of life turns eternal, bringing one through life, into death, then back around again into life. Though the new life is always different, the core essence, the spirit, of a person remains the same. This spirit, breathed into each person, is eternal. To achieve harmony with the universe, one must perfect their harmony with the spirit. Indeed, the spirit in each individual is a reflection of that greater universe. It is a reflection of the Wheel of Life and the Great Dragon that created it. The obvious path is humble, safe, but pays the wage of a cook, not a champion. Examine your world from all angles and you will see the interconnectedness of all things. Even that which is humble can be the key to greater things. On the martial arts, the pride, perfection and achievement of an individual are represented in many ways: the honing of the mind, civic achievements, and glory gained for the empire, the development of the spirit and one’s inner energies, and the training of the body. Through the body the practitioner imposes his will upon himself and, through that, upon the universe. Through use of his body, the martial artist achieves transcendence and strength, overcoming all obstacles, both physical and spiritual. You must focus your mind and learn from your surroundings constantly. The lesson of perception may be the greatest goal. Concerning the celestial order, the world is a place of order. When order is not enforced, chaos reigns. Chaos is the natural state of the world. The order that currently exists is the result of the power of the Great Dragon. Out of this streaming chaos, the Great Dragon created the world, perfect in every way. But nature, the forces of the universe, demand balance. For every bit of order, there must be corresponding chaos. That first world, that perfect world, was pure order. It could not last. The perfect order choked life and did not allow growth, and so chaos was allowed back into the world. What is this force of chaos from which evolution comes?

Pokemon Colosseum- Outskirt Stand


Pokemon Colosseum- Phenac City


Pokemon Colosseum- Cipher Syndicate’s Theme


Pokemon Colosseum- Relic Forest


Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - Mt. Battle


Pokemon Colosseum- Cipher Admin Battle


Pokemon Colosseum- The Under


Pokemon Colosseum- Shadow Pokemon Lab


Pokemon Colosseum- Realgam Tower


Pokemon Colosseum- Nascour’s Theme


Pokemon Colosseum- Es Cade’s Theme


Pokémon Colosseum Ending and Credits


Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness #124


Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness- Meeting Greevil


Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness- Gateon Port


Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness- Dr. Kaminko’s Yard


Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness- Theme of Suspense


Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness- Pokemon Lab
