Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

Two can play at this game mag!

oh hey are we playing who posts the cheesiest song?


Hip hop and rap is cheesier than a well thought out melody…

What are you thinking for a non cheesy song?!?!

“I wanna fuck you bitch whore, cause I’m tired right now of the video store, fuck me hard even if I don’t care if you cum, I want to see your sweat so I am feeling like a man… oh bitch whore, just fuck me, actually, just let me rape you to see, what the highest ecstasy can be … etc…”

Yeah, I know what non-cheesy means. Never felt the vibe.

"I wanna fuck you bitch whore, cause I’m tired right now of the video store, fuck me hard even if I don’t care if you cum, I want to see your sweat so I am feeling like a man… oh bitch whore, just fuck me, actually, just let me rape you to see, what the highest ecstasy can be … etc…”

That shit was whack and it’ont even flow man.

big cynthia is the greatest rapper of all time

That’s my boo

we have to share her

Oh fuck you. I can make that a hit song in tempo.

I hate this shit. That’s what everyone calls “non cheesy”. Fuck all of you.

and there it is. mr self righteous incel dude has a fruedian slip and says he wants to fuck all of us

my consent is violated by this act of violence

hes supposed to be permabanned already since he lost the debate to me in the other thread

Man, the word fuck has like 30 definitions dude.

And you never debated me… if that was your idea of a debate (and I wasn’t even trying to debate you other than the first post which was my challenge) you never responded to my salient points. You’d have been laughed out of that debate by Carleas as moderator and judge, if Carleas weren’t so diplomatic.

I’m not an incel dude. I’m actually quite charming. That’s your entire projection of people who don’t have sex, because you’re a demented sex fiend… there is this bizarre thing that exists in life that you don’t understand… it’s called integrity. I walk the talk… I refuse, absolutely refuse, to have sex in a zero sum reality — and if reality like this is forever, I refuse to have sex forever.

Your head is in the trash heap of spirits right now.

I’m nice to couples, I have lots of friends who are couples, I tell them my thing, they accept it and still do their thing, and at the end of the day, we’re still friends, how fragile your ego is that you are incapable of this.

And when I see how fragile your ego is, what I think to myself is that your mind is rigid and you don’t get out much.

Hey Mr Reasonable, are you a demented sex fiend?

Well… most of his posts are bragging about sexual escapades and his signature literally has the word “pimping” in it. His ego is so fragile that his entire self worth revolves around sex and money. Everyone on ILP knows that about him. When his ego comes up against integrity instead of shallowness, he gets upset and viscious. Unfortunately for Mr Reasonable, his intellect is shallow as well. He could never win that debate.

I jab at him as much as he thinks he’s jabbing at me because I want him to see his true reflection in the mirror, while still teaching him something.

You feel you are doing him a favor?

It’s hard to say. I don’t know everything dan. My wounds are still fresh too. All of us on ILP are wounded.

no but ecmandu is. its the only thing he thinks about. hes been stalking me here and making all these crazy claims that anyone who has sex is a psychopath. its complete nonsense and the fact that he makes these claims in the first place demonstrates that there is something fundamentally wrong with his world view and his emotional state.

he is also a liar. he said that if i beat him in a debate that he would accept a permaban. when i defeated him in the first reply, he started worming around and showing that no matter how badly or how obviously he was beaten that he would not concede. he has no honor, and his word means nothing.

You’re a liar. Everything you said in that message is a lie.

You can’t win a debate without a moderator / judge whether it be one person or the pol.

If I were a sex fiend, I’d walk around a a three block radius and fuck some really cool / pretty women who’ve offered it to me. We’re not even remotely the same type right now, spiritually or intellectually, you have stunted growth. I say, you still have “trash brain”… when you step out of this darkness in you (and I know, because I lived that darkness as well), you will meet your true self.

Here’s the deal Mr. Reasonable,

Nobody I can conceive of will ever be TRULY satisfied in a win / lose existence. All of us as spirits need to come together and make a new plan.

You hate yourself. I don’t. Somewhere in the dark recesses of that mind of yours is a brilliant light that knows all of this. That the hamster wheel of winning when others lose is life’s current biggest problem.

first off i won the debate and u r the liar

second there is no way you are walking out into the world and getting laid something is wrong with u and people can tell

if u think i hate myself u r legit insane i love myself more than u could ever imagine i am literally my favorite person in the world

u lost the debate now accept your permaban and have some dignity for gods sake … 9#p2787379

You can’t just declare yourself the ‘winner’ unless you have a debate moderator or pol making the decision. Besides, not one salient point I made was addressed by you.