Rap is Dead. Change my mind.








The first ones I posted I really admire but these too are quite nice. I realize these are probably my favorite dutch rappers, from a town slightly to the north of my own clan in “West Frysia”

I like this one. It’s funny, I probably love the Netherlands more than any other European country, but whenever I hear the Dutch language I’m like “What the flying fuck is this, What is this strange exotic language” … at 1:15 I swore he was gonna start rapping in English… Then I hear one those Hebrew like guttural sounds…Other than the guttural sounds though, I think it sounds closer to English than to German.

method man and redman did an album together called blackout and the whole thing is the shit

Thanks Mr R, that reminded me… @Fixed… that’s the style of Rap, of Redman and of other similar artists, that is my preferable sound… rare for a female, I’ve been told… but I’ve never fitted, into any one mould.

N.O.R.E. is another similar artist, to he, that was always on my playlist. Also Smif n Wessun, Sunz of Man, and others in the same ilk, but only some of their tracks not all of their tracks, mind.

Now we’re talking… :smiley:

The first more than the second, tho the second’s ok… The Opposites have gained themselves a new fan. ; )

:smiley: I grew up in the heart of London Town, where no-one ever mistook me for any clown, don’t mess aroun… tho I don’t mind em being sent in, coz they’ve always been entertainin…

Every year thats an intense day.

Let me call on an American for a second.


A lot happened before it got to the level of the Opposites.

This is the first rap song that came out in the country, the Osdorp Posse with Moordenaar


I can hardly expect anyone to listen through this all the way. He’s talking about robbing the tram or rather killing everyone in it and raping the rest because he was asked for his ticket, which he was insulted to have been expected to possess. It was extremely funny when it came out and actually still is, completely ridiculous and with a hard beat.

The Osdorp Posse ended up becoming a successful act that kept developing for twenty years. They had to quit at their peak because they kept peaking and they were getting tired in middle age of all the bruises and bleeding noses they were waking up with after shows.


I was on stage at the open mic they did at the end of shows once rapping my cousins lyrics, some guys from there crew helped me out when I was slipping half a bar in a complex verse, they all knew his lyrics because he was considered the best rapper of the Netherlands and had been signed by their label for several different albums… as I’ve told often I guess. All that exists of his music is very primitive recordings I did in my basement with him which got the attention of the OP and some songs he did with a medium clever producer in another basement… Def P, the leader of the Osdorp Posse, was quite pissed off at him for having ended like that, ruined what could have been the best thing ever.


He basically died inside of his own artwork.

In which we were all entranced.

Shaman… dark class shaman.

this is the last beat I ever made on which he rapped.
I have the rap still somewhere on a cd, Zeroeth Nature is on there too with a prophetic text.

All of our texts were prophetic.

Now, rap is different.
It has gone from the hyperreal to the unreal masquerading as real, causing reality to adapt to the unreal.
This is how nature works.


Full Album

Still depressing though this racism that’s so natural in otherwise really decent rap. Im through with this “the white man did this” crap. I didn’t do that shit to you broseph. You’re doing it to me and getting rich off it.

But really great album.


Rap is commie music.

Yes, boomer, the love of money and individual glory is clearly communistic.


Ok so this was satire, I understand now. Makes more sense.

I didn’t catch that.

So now I replied ignorantly to your mention that it was satire thinking it was the thread you said it in that you referred to.

Meanwhile Broodje Bak Pao ran out and Haydn was still playing behind it.

The Universe, crazy basterds.

from my high school days


Nice, they didnt play that over here.

I only learned of Bone Thugs through that song they did with Biggie.


i can still do every word to that one at full speed.

you should check out e 1999 eternal. the entire album is the shit. the also did one with tupac called thug love that is really good.

Thats dope.

As far as rap bein dead now, what do you recon this guy is trying for?


probably regretting he arrogantly pissed on mumblerap because he needs it.

snoop is like a circus act nowadays