Satanism- The Balancer of the Universe

I asked you previously ;

Again , can you explain yourself a bit more so we know what you mean exactly by a " life of gratification "


That would depend on the individual, but there are certain ‘human’ impulses we all share.
To the extent that we enjoy each one is again, a matter of individual taste.
What I mean by ‘a life of gratification’ is simply to not deny yourself what you want.
Even if what you want is to give everything you own to charity.

So then, you must believe in free will, Dr.S?

can u undo death?

If doing what one wants is the underlying cause of every human action, how is satanism applicable as a philosophy to live by?

No. As far as I can tell, I am predetermined to be what I am.

Satanism != ‘doing what you want’
There’s a lot more to it than that.

Are you into sodomy DS ? Just wondered with the sodomy and lust thing on your sig

Uccisore wrote:

Seize aviemus and his men ! arrest them for fraudulence


Then, I am confused by this statement:

In a deterministic world, it would seem that nobody is ‘denying themselves what they ways’- if they seem to be, they must just be responding to some other drive that they want more, yes?

This way during a food-shortage, your fat reserves allow you many more days survival time. Good show old bean. :smiley:

This way you can have an orgasm, which increases dopamine levels in your brain… :confused:

This way he can spend his time and energy fixing his car instead of driving over cats and old ladies. :smiley:
You did the world a favor!

You saying “it DOESN’T MATTER!” also does not matter, it is, you are.
I hope you feel good today. :wink:

This thread is still up?
“indulging” can both imbalance or balance “the universe” (sentient life).
It all depends on how and why you “undulge” but then religious dummies can go and say all sex is bad or all fun is un-chased even? Their no better then satan, because each has an impractical and un-healthy application of principal.


What does “predetermined” mean to you?
Dont you feel like your atleast partialy capable of choosing who and what you are as a person? The last thing i want you to do is loose hope… hopefuly you have not lost hope though.

This is getting to be complicated now.

Heres somthing to think about:
[93- prl2]
Human will on earth:
The truly wise amuse themselves with hard work and progress and a peaceful future.
Vanity is the speed of an infernal circle, many spin within this for thrills.
Evil is easier then good, because it is faster. Take, don’t create?
Kill, don’t resurrect? Ignore instead of figure-out?
No… I’m a rebel towards less and a follower of power.
Competitive existence means what to humans?..
And once the one defeats all of his “enemies” he is God?..
Or is he alone and death itself?
Please try to take this in the right way.


That everything is caused does not preclude desire, denial, or gratification. It just causes one to have a different understanding of these things.


‘seemingly’ infinite cause and effect, not like a chain, more like a really long mesh web. Nothing is without cause, and usually a complex combination of causes.
‘Choice’ is an illusion, albeit a very useful one that I embrace. But ultimately, within the web of cause and effect, somewhere in the middle of it’s vast game of dominoes, I exist.
As for hope…lose hope in what? Hope is situation specific. Do you mean lose the ability to feel hope? I don’t think that’s possible…

PS - it’s spelled lose not ‘loose’

Yes , but again , are you into sodomy , as it says on your sig ?


My sexual tastes are none of your buisness.

Im just curious , for example , if I wrote " donuts and dip " on my signature , it would be for two reasons , one , I dont like donuts , but I just feel like writing " donuts and dip " , for no apparent reason , just for a laugh , or two , because I like donuts and Im trying to tell people about it , maybe they will like donuts as well and we will get on together .

So Im just asking , are you into sodomy yourself , or is your sig just there for no reason , just for a laugh ?


You know what, I’ve answered just about all the personal questions from you that I’m going to.
We are not friends, in fact I don’t even like or respect you, so if you must address me keep it on topic;but I’d prefer you didn’t adress me at all…
Thanks have a nice day.

 Satanism (correct me if I'm wrong) involves as its key tenet the realization that there is no guarantee of an afterlife and that one's highest moral objective should be to content oneself.

 Unless you advocate what Ayn Rand called a state of "selfishness-without-a-self" state of constant striving for immediate pleasure, I don't see what recognizing the inherent selfishness of human action does to establish a subculture.  The pious monk is a satanist, then, because he does what he will most content himself.

 Please explain how Satanism is any more than a label for people who want to point out that they've realized this.

You obviously have very little or no understanding of the core philosophy, and I have no desire to educate you.
Come back with something not made of straw and I may oblige.

From wiki:

Alright - a great number of non-satanist philosophers believe that moral accountability is largely a construct.

So one’s first moral priority is to oneself.

One question, if asking questions is not too bold in a philosophical discussion:

Why does one explicitly improve themselves

other people? It seems to me contradictory to ignore others as moral obligations and then judge oneself based on them. I might be mis-interpereting - I really just want to try to understand what your philosophy is and how you justify it.

Does that mean that the fulfillment pursued by a humanist who feels better with the knowledge that he has “helped” others is less selfish than the man who fulfills himself by focusing on his immediate self? Both are self-serving.

Lets not screw-over the word “self-serving”.
When you rationalize you make the untrue seem true for the sake of you’r own satisfaction.
(you = general people who rationalize and make then believe lies)

When the strong and the smart ones support the weak and the stupid ones, this is called “giving” or “support”. Because of this we are all alive. When we were just kids we were weak and knew relatively nothing. Our parents “wasted” time and energy on us but what did they get in return? What they got was more life on earth. If the parents had alot of kids and tried to be very good parents, then the future generation would be “better” then the last, wouldn’t it?

When the strong put thier want above the needs of the weak, death and damage fallow.

I dont like religion or the satanism that i see here.
I say:
The slave should serve the master, and the master should serve the slave. We are all human.
This is a non-existant yet wonderfuly ideal dream of human unity.

JW’s believe that God allowed humans to rule themself and “rebel” to proove the point of his right to rule earth and how they cannot rule themself. JW’s believe that humans need God and cannot rule themself. I know that children need to have rules in thier family instead of being neglected/spoiled rotten. JW’s take this principal to God and humanity. “We need our heavenly father” sorts of arguments.

The sad complexity of human nature has it’s un-avoidable error… =(

Dan’s own view is:
If God can do a better job then us ruling earth, then great! Do it now! If not then he should just **** off.[size=67](sorry for dis-respect but… no shit!)[/size] When i say “better job” i am talking about long term stability and harmony instead of extreams and conflict. The human love-affair with imbalance is a sad one, but id guess it had alot to do with the fact that we are incomplete and in danger.

Someone on earth can say:
“God, you hippy fag, eat my shit you useless nobody coward peace of shit.”
and then what happens to him? Nothing realy.

Someone can also say:
“Oh my God! My friend is very sick and going to die! God, please save her!”
and then she dies and is gone forever.

So basicly its fucked!
Many religions believe that God is actualy active, all-mighty, etc, etc. Lies. So many people blame God for this and for that, but he isn’t realy doing much now is he?

Once we say “there is no God” how will that effect “satanism”?
Once we believe in a resurection or after-life of some sort, and believe that in some sort of distant but inevadable justice and better future is going to happen, how will that effect “satanism”?

What do we realy want here spiritualy?

wiki quote:

Yah? Religion killed God. They piss and shit all over his name every day. Religion is all about lying about God, thats all it is… its aaaall about 1 man telling the other what to do. I dont like religion but im not going to become satanist either…[size=75](lo, imagine if agnostic was the only true religion???)[/size]


He,s in a huff now !

You write " sodomy and lust " on your signature and then when someone asks you what its about you throw a tantrum , your funny
