
We have more information regarding race today.

Artimas, how many kids have you been around? And how old are you?

I have been around enough kids, I paid attention to my surroundings when I was a child as well. I am 20, why?

Its about your allowing kids to only mold themselves without adults . I agree about allowing a kid to follow their own path to a point but, only to a point…Kids for the most part are animalistic if unguided. We are born sentient, we are born ignorant and born without social skills for the most part. It could be said we are born feral and dangerous. Without guidelines and without adult supervision the young become feral and many times destructive. Not all but, far too many yet. Our ancient genetic knowledge has yet to become civil. At twenty if you truly paid attention you will see this.

I am aware. Society is only good for teaching them their social skills and how to deal with public, the beginning of school. The rest not so much beneficial. The rest is conformity, garbage. Middle and High school are the times in life where a lot of engineering takes place. “Education” becomes about what to wear, who to impress, what to memorize, etc.


This is true, and even the early part of school doesn’t teach children all they need to know/should know. Besides that, there is much that is unconscious in the way we teach children. By sitting children in desks for the majority of the day and having them memorize and regurgitate “facts” we are teaching them a certain way of life, in the way that raising a child in a tribe by taking the child through tours of the environment and schooling them in ways of hunting (for example) prepares them for a different way of life.

In order to teach children at all there must first be knowledge (or opinion) about the best way to live and/or accomplish things (or perhaps the best way to use fledgling youths).

 This is very strange. I pictured You much, much older.  You must be an 'Old Soul', like my daughter professes to be.  Nostalgia for the pines of Washington, is much more reserved for an older man? Younger people usually prefer the excitement of places like Las Vegas.  I am really stumped.  (Just railing)

We need to teach them social skills, morals, etc. These things are to be taught/influenced to them while they are still small. They absorb a lot through influence from environment, people and the like.

For example a murderer, do we take into consideration what traumas this person could have witnessed through-out it’s child hood to bring it to this point? The child could have witnessed atrocities that influenced it this way, it is all it knows because it was around it while young. Violence, hate, greed, ill-compassion, anger, etc. It can also be caused from mental illness, mental illness that can be from birth or also inflicted onto them due to society/environmental influence.

Or perhaps another example being someone who is religious, do we take into consideration that there are actually parents who think they own their child like an object, who force feed them blind faiths to make them a mirror image? This is conformity of the mind, suppression of the natural creative wonder that humans are born with. It kills it with fear, false hope fallacies and dominance.

I have an aunt who threatened to disown her own daughter because she said she wasn’t going to or did not want to believe in god anymore. You see how people let the petty small things that aren’t even for certain divide them? Divide them for what? Does this child get a choice? So this child has to choose between having a loving relationship with it’s mother by believing in god or being disowned by not believing? How is that a fair choice? Does the child really get a choice? Hardly. This is engineering of the mind through fear and dominance.

Everyone’s interpretation of ‘best’ or ‘perfect’ are subjective to and for themselves. For one tribe life is the best, for another a much more technological one. For me, both. I reserve my humanly nature and love/respect for Earth and the Universe rather than disrespecting and not caring for it to only care for the thing’s revolving around me (The things of which are created by us to revolve around us.) the shopping centers, the Starbucks, the “human” things. So respecting these man made constructs is humanly, but respect for nature and our hosts is not? Anyone who respects/loves our planet is labeled a hippy and not taken serious a lot of the time.

The “education” system is the same way. You put your child into school, they learn the basics. They learn to read, to write, communicate, etc (if you have not taught them yourselves already). They learn how to act in public around other people, they begin to have to memorize certain things like times tables and basic math which is fine. A lot if not all people use basic math skills.

Then they go into the next part, the part with middle school, where all of a sudden they are put under pressure to memorize all of these useless things, some things of which they cannot even understand because that is not how their mind works. They are put under pressure to prove to the system they are worthy of a good grades for high school, when a great mind cannot be graded in such a way. Einstein has already proven this, hasn’t he. This is the part where creativity and difference is shunned, labeled, criticized, etc. Conformity is applauded, because only through those conformed methods can the ‘teachers’ understand the work put out. I think they all forget we are responsible for what we say, our work, actions, etc. But not for what one understands, what one understands is what they are responsible for all in their own.

The students are also distracted by meaningless things, the pop stars and media, the clothes and image, the petty and little. The different ones are messed with and put down while the popular ones are the politicians people often vote for and pay. Like I said, the most charismatic is not the best leader, he is simply the best image.

I am pretty sure we have all witnessed the teacher who taught us one way then another teacher in the next grade that does things differently, even slightly of which can throw us off.

All it is is teaching them what to think, not how to think. Teach a child how to think and you’re letting them mold themselves, you add gasoline to a flame of which has the potential to burn the world with change. You teach them what to think and you’re suffocating their fire with your own methods and ideals.

Then people wonder why geniuses are so rare.

Children are clay, they’re fire.

I despise Las Vegas, I always have. Even as a child I watched these fools tear down a place of happiness and fun to replace it with a casino. Tear down a families means of entertainment and unity to replace it with a place of rigged greed and material love/pleasure.

I love Oregon because it’s nature, the people are more intelligent, caring, etc. I had to leave from bad memories now. They weren’t memories until 3-4 months ago. Now I cannot deal with being there at the moment. The pines of Oregon… The fresh water, the clean air and smell… the brisk chill, the darkness from all of the trees creating shadows.

I am old… this is why I am tired. I feel like a 90 year old being in a young body. This is why I have no friends and it seems almost impossible to find them, because not many young people are interested in the troubles of the world and society. Most of them think they can ignore it all and it will only get better. This is false.

By them staying ignorant, creates chaos.

You do see the irony in this sentence.

You are always on about people thinking for themselves and letting them mold themselves … but when teachers do this, it ‘throws us off’. LOL

Can you define the meaning of ‘how to think’ ?

And can you learn ‘how to think’ without being show what people are thinking and why? Someone will call that being told ‘what to think’ because kids/adults will take that and use it.

It is because teachers are teaching students what to think instead of how. If one teacher teaches a student WHAT to think, then the next teaches them WHAT to think, it is going to be slightly confusing. All minds are different. When a one teacher teaches 30 students WHAT to think, that’s conforming their minds to WHAT and how the teacher teaches, the teaches one method. Give them the assignment, peak their interest then let them do it their own way. I wonder why school is so boring, hmmmm…

Logical and reasonable breaking down of information? An open creative wondering mind? Difference is criticized, labeled and abused in school. When difference is the key. You can peak their interest and they will think all on their own. Rather than the memorizing and boring bs we have today.

How many times do I have to link Plato quotes?

You’re still saying that the teacher has only one correct way of teaching. If all minds are different then teacher’s minds are also all different and therefore they will teach in many ways. You will disagree with some of the ways. :smiley:

In the last 60 years, teaching has changed from rote memorization to guided independent learning. Parents now complain that Johnny can’t read or do math because the system has become so touchy/feely that basic skills are no longer taught.
Apparently it has not changed enough for you.

No matter what, there will be right and wrong answers and right and wrong ways to get to those answers. If a student uses a wrong method and get a wrong answer, then he will complain that he is being held back by the teacher. :wink:

No more please. I think knowledge about teaching, learning and thinking has advanced since Plato.

That’s why Ancient Egypt was more advanced than what we are today right? If anything, we’re going backwards. An advanced species doesn’t shit where they eat. In your terms, just because we have shiny technology we’re advanced. Wrong. Humanity are just adolescents with destructive toys.

I don’t see how 40 students crammed into one class is guided independent learning.

Doesn’t need to change for me, it needs to change for the majority. The majority of people are socially engineered. A lot of people don’t even know their legal rights. A lot of people reject different or new thought, because it is unknown.

No one is talking about wrong or right answers. Aren’t we the ones who determine what is “wrong” and “right” anyway? What does that have to do with conformed teaching and people being able to do what they want in regards of information without being shunned, criticized or labeled?

You need to define your terms. You repeatedly write about ‘advancement’. Now you say that we are going backward. So what is advancement according to you?

That’s one of the challenges of the school system… too many kids, not enough teachers and nobody willing to pay for more teachers.
Any solutions?

You read that a lot on these forums… practically everybody is ignorant, manipulated, engineered … expect the writer. :wink:
If you want to change anything, then you have to work with the people as they are at this moment.

Depends on what, but in general no.

Somebody will be criticized, labeled and shunned as long as there are right and wrong answers. That’s just reality.

Not shitting where you eat.

Isn’t it obvious? Maybe the 1% spent on education in this country is an answer in its own. Education should be free anyways. If it was up to I things would be done in order to advance, not make money. Money is so human and petty. This is the 21st century, yet people still act like they have for the longest time. Evolution is change, time to evolve.

You act as if I am not trying, except people become obstacles as well. Not everyone is ignorant, the majority are socially engineered and ignorant. This forum percentage of beings is not even close to being the vast majority. We are talking about millions and billions of people.

In general yes. We determine a lot of right and wrong. In terms of what is and was already before us not so much. We only create representations for that.

Reality is whatever you perceive it to be. Criticism, labeling, shunning and the like are for the ignorant. Nothing good comes out of labeling human beings except for confusion and chaos. Only in the end do people realize. Criticism is not always for the negative. Labeling and shunning isn’t needed.

FFs, now your signature takes up the whole screen.

Artimas, be warned that Michio Kaku is an admitted liar in his efforts to evangelize science. He creates capitalistic advertisements for the church of scientism. Truth is not his concern, merely enticing children with science’s version of Santa Claus stories.

Thomas Jefferson praised Science too, is he evangelizing science for children as well?

The only lies I see Kaku might have told are about the Higg’s Boson.

We need common sense derived out of wisdom in today’s world, not more Scientists and Engineers though I agree.

Oh, I think the world’s been there before, Svengali. :stuck_out_tongue:

Been where? Where they need help going in the best direction?