What are you doing? (Part 1)

I just sat on my couch in awe and watched this on the tv. My mind is blown.


To be sure, dead assertions are destined to fall upon deaf ears when the audience knows the truth. I kinda feel sorry for the authors in question, completely out of touch with simple realities like how easy it is to find God if you just open your eyes. Some fools always gonna be like that, and its a matter of culture to save them somehow.

They were probably just doing it for the paycheck.

That’s what she said.

I so wanna be your crackdealer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Got my sister’s hairdresser’s wedding to go to somewhere in North London in a few hours… still don’t know what to wear so my outfit is going to be very spur of the moment.

Interesting conversation 1mp/Smears… Why did that episode blow your mind Smears? :confused:

More like shrivelled up in the end.

EDIT: that felt so natural to type it’s a concern.

Magsj, did you watch it?

LOL I love this post so much.

Hope you wore gorgeous green dress.

Late night coding is the best coding.

Just punched the Pharaoh. Made him cry, he’s now feeling a lot better.

If anyone, by some chance here is an LSU fan…I would like to say, go and fuck yourself. Your team is garbage. I hope that they all get injured before the playoffs.

Thanks. Do you mean on it’s own…or because of the turn it took from the conversation that preceeded it?

forive my misspellings I split a 1.75 liter bottle of whiskey with a friend tonight.

I like it on its own. Just the way it is phrased is so funny. Has a cumulative effect sorta, that I just smirked the first time I read it, then got a chuckle the second time, then it evolved into a full blown LOL. Kind of want to put it in my sig, but not really.

Listening to Deftones Minerva.


Philosophers are like parents trying to teach dumbass children -

They’ve got to repeat themselves on every matter because the kid didn’t get it the first time - furthermore, they’ve got to find new ways to express the same point or it won’t survive the kid’s stunted attention span.



I’ve always really liked Knife Prty.

Punched the Pharaoh again, now I’m feeling a lot better.