Workerless Society - How Many Exchanges ?


Myth of Services

Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal (and EU, JAPAN and USA) must grow their economy (to pay back impossible debts), they must generate more goods and “Services”: now exactly what do they mean by services ? it seems that the fewer services “we need”, the fewer pains in the a*s in terms of interactions, relationships with other entities THE BETTER, the richer we actually are, the easier life is; the simpler the things we need to get implies fewer services, not more services. Who on earth wants to deal with more services ? what exactly are they talking about ? Oh, I see, all of that huge flufforama, complexity of having a million different credit cards, a million different ways to pay for the same BS, all of those consultants to tell you about all of these new discoveries about the economy and “Productivity”, all the new restaurant types and especially all of the new sicknesses and pills and psycho sicknesses, behavioral sicknesses, you name it sicknesses you can imagine so that there can be a million different new fangled kinds of pills, new doctor types, new “social worker” types, new specialized “nurses”(better if hot and horny!) types new health care center buildings and “services” and types, new exams, new tests, new [and put in any word of anything useless, not needed, just complicating your life, aggravating it, etc.] things.

And that is what must increase, we need more of all of that, get it ? We need to invent ever more things “we never knew we needed” to then count them in a computer and count how many of those there are and make the number of those things increase so the GDP of those failed and bankrupt countries start showing that they are “growing again” so that the financial jokers and poker game card players can trust that, if their economies grow they will eventually pay back their debts.

Now, honestly, how idiotic can you get ? you couldn’t make this stuff up!

I don’t believe in the Services economy, I think it is all BS, I think more services make everyone worse off, I think the less services we need and have the better and richer we are. There. I said it.

I also think no one in those EU countries and most of the world see the real problem: it will be impossible to create enough real jobs to pay back the debts, because extra jobs are no longer needed structurally because a Technological Economy kills jobs, doesn’t create them: also add in that we now have millions of new workers and areas of the world producing the “goods” part of the economy (think your LCD TV in South Korea, think China, India (your software ?), think Brazil, Indonesia, etc.) and you can be sure that the USA, EU and JAPAN are headed for a huge gradual economic contraction that will last years.

There is truly only so much BS that you can make up as services, it won’t work, you can’t fool yourselves any longer…

To Busty:

“Yum, yum, yum - I’m not fat, I JUST LIKE FOOD!”

"They eat their Pot Pies and watch cable TV "

You have deeply acquired a “Pleasure must be punished” mode of reasoning from you prior christian religion: but since you need to believe in god since you need to believe in absolutes, you have transferred that god to that huge turd called Nature, and since we punish nature by using it for our pleasure, we must all be punished. Nice job of fooling yourself, of making believe you don’t believe in god anymore.

We need ever more pleasure forever for all because we simply must be honest and say to ourselves: we are slobs, filthy slobs that just want pleasure and fun, and there is no god and therefore: EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY AND THEN YOU DIE.

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People are simply chunks of matter with a block of text attached. So when 2 people encounter each other their blocks of text collide and that generates 2 new blocks of text in their mind ready to collide again, and the cycle repeats. But it is mostly a game of testing what opposes our will power, the opposing will power games, we want A and the other person may or may not want the same or similar or slightly different hence the debate, interaction, the colliding and interacting blocks of text (and that is why people want to eat and stay together to feel they have a similar will power wanting the same things, friend or foe, but mostly a slight game of approval and disapproval, but mostly approval as we are all friends, etc.). And even our face, body, situation, all of those objective invariants of which we cannot do much about (the girl wants a pretty face but has an ugly one, etc.) seem to be part of an abstract will power opposing ours (and we try a surgery to fix a face, body and make it prettier and such) with the idea that in some strange way our invariants are actually dependent on our will power, when they are a given, independent: as if our ugly face is saying something that we don’t want to say since it gives a given reaction of disgust from the other person, as if that can depend on my will power, but it can’t, it is independent but we still create a guilt complex on something that we didn’t do or choose but gets associated with our will power and wanting it. So we try to compensate in all possible ways, but, lets face it, nothing you can do can make ugly pretty, so just give up and accept it (especially if pretty also means pretty body, sound of voice, way of moving in others word hot and even more than hot, intriguing and so forth, and then add nice and interesting blocks of text that pretty chunk of matter emits and there is then no comparison, matter just decided that one chunk is better than another and you are the bad chunk, the envious, jealous bad one full of guilt because you know you are the bad one and you suck and you assign it your own fault when matter and that huge turd of nature decided for you). As if the ugly face is a set of symbols that you always say but goes completely against what you want to say therefore embarrasses you, makes you lose a win/lose game, it opposes your will power but it is saying it all the same.

And even more interesting is the association of a pretty face with a block of text and how the block of text changes and becomes more interesting and almost acceptable independent of what the block of text says: if San Jose Mommy’s (by the way, will you be my mommy, please ? I need a mommy more than I need to get laid, I haven’t had a boner in 20 years, go figure, will you be my mommy ? pretty please ? I can play in the backyard while you cook…and I need a spanking too!) hot and horny teenage slut talks, then whatever she says, whatever block of text becomes “pretty” interesting, but only because a pretty chunk of matter is emitting the symbols, but the symbols get confused and interact with the other parts of the chunk of matter, while if that old piece of crap Alexandra talks (maybe she was hot when she was young, but she is now a horny slut that plays with vlad’s black d*ldo, go figure) any block of text she emits becomes a huge pile of crap and false: the independence of the symbols emitted from the chunk of matter no longer holds, the symbols get contaminated by the emitting chunk of matter.


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Since the chinese spammer is emitting all of those weird symbols, so cool! I love the fact that I can’t understand them, they must mean something really cool and interesting… then I will take a stab at emitting a set of symbols that represent a new design and schematic and block diagram of a new modified mind (or mind - brain ? or man - brain ? ):


Wow! Who knows what is going on in those neural circuits, in those symbol processors and information to matter converters, in those healthy emotional to symbolic converters, etc…

Each symbol must be a completely different circuit, a metaphysical recursion engine producing the structure of abstract, each set of symbols must be an equation, an interaction, a wild new universe that is colliding with the next set of symbols, but the delimitations and words are not given, it must be figured out, whoow, it will take many trillions upon trillions of man years to finally understand that new mind…

Interactions between groups of people, between 2 people are always a person searching for confirmation for himself, always looking for a good judgment, or any judgment, or any trigger of a flow of thoughts in the other person or any possible conditioning of the other person’s will power by making him answer and interact, etc. So this flow of interactions make it seem that you are always winning because you are forcing an interaction, getting confirmed, a slight win/lose game based on talking to pretty or interesting: you want to talk to pretty because you want to be reflected in the acceptance from pretty and associate youself with that acceptance, etc. So we want pretty to reflect ourselves in.

Snob, but by explaining it always you think you can put yourself on top of it and be superior to it and compensate the imaginary or real or subtle good judgments you are not getting by pretending to be outside of it and rationalizing it: sore loser, no way jose’, nothing you think or any truth you reach will ever compensate the experience of interaction and receiving a good judgment and being accepted, recognized or loved, liked, or whatever.

And then those who may work - force on some detached task that will give them an indirect confirmation or acceptance, but the deatched item may interact once evey now and then, maybe once a year, or every ten years so all the expectations are thrown on only those very low frequency interactions: the lower the frequency the higher the expectations, better many more often and lower expectations, or none at all, so you just give up and you are not a slave of the need to interact and be affirmed and judged well, loved, etc. you just cancel the function that forces you to interact and that assigns non interaction as you supposing to feel bad.


May I intercede on god - atheism and such: no one knows, there is no right answer, you can only say to the question:

Does god exist ? I don’t know. End of story.

The universe is too weird, crazy, relative, strange, insane, you name it to exclude the possibility that a god exists go figure.

We search interaction with pretty (the pretty lady - girl ?) to find ourselves, to affirm ourselves: we are only searching for an extension of ourselves through the other, and we are really talking to ourselves through the other, hoping in a good judgment, we need affirmation, value given to us through other independent minds to be sure.(or even bad judgments ? being seen as evil ? anything as long as ee are defined ?).
We are searching for ourselves through others always.

And the mesages we communicate interacting, slight messages or body languages or anything can be interpreted in so many ways by the other party, from indifferent to extreme, and maybe they both get it all wrong or all correct and you would never have imagined, and you may attempt a chance but the other party may think “are you insane to try that ?”, or “what were you thinking ?”,or may be plesantly surprised, or anything you can imgine. Unknown is the name of the game, always…

Everything is a Dream gone Bad

Good job Busty ! That a boy, create complex Iconoclastic blocks of text! That’s the way I like it.

  1. That would have to be 1,000 dollars a month for a family of 4; so 160 million people could be covered; and housing is a variable cost, house could cost zero, it is already built, etc. Also health care is a variable cost it could cost way less as many countries in the world show that sufficient enough health care can cost a small fraction of the cost in USA. But to the GDP it would be 1/20 of the GDP and the same as the Military Budget so free salaries don’t even cost so much at all.

  2. GDP is really a fairy tale number, it is just a wild number put there to show some correspondence between goods and “services” and numbers, big numbers, so they look like we are so so much richer than what we are; but we are rich only according to how we interact with each other, what we consider and evaluate as rich. Anyways, don’t believe in the GDP numbers too much…

  3. I still think that the problem is cultural - we need some big projects, a lot of them, to make people want to work and engage in big new things…

  4. Don’t believe in the so many new ideas things, I don’t think many great inventions or contraptions are really possible anymore, we got spoiled in the last 300 years, too many huge game changers(Electricity, Trains, Cars, Jets, Computers, etc.) and we took that progress for granted ! Are you kidding me ? No way jose’, most of the biggies have been discovered and applied, now we must choose how to use what we have.

  5. The greatest invention(s) will also be the last invention possible for Mankind: a new design of the mind - brain - new neural circuits, etc. Now we are talking about really game shattering changes, a new way to look and experience the world because you have a new brain! WOW!

  6. The system is a crashed computer program (like me) because work is no longer needed, necessary, that is the real problem, and there is no way to invent or force work that is not needed. And we have two reciprocally reinforcing forces that are making this issue of “what work do we need ? how much should it be paid ? how many jobs to do what ?” worse everyday: technology kills jobs, and millions of new workers worldwide (China, Brazil, Indonesia) now participating in the global workforce, so in a sense there is a real resource scarcity going on JOBS ARE FINISHING AT AN ALARMING RATE, ESPECIALLY FOR THE USA, EU AND JAPAN.

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So the interaction, the desire to always communicate and interact with a person, group whatever is always a proxy for self reaffirmation, for self security, to be sure you actually exist, you are loved or like or you interact, but you want the other(s) to like you, or that “special” person to like you and so on, but you are searching yourself through the other, so you are creating a complex dependancy and imaginary cause and effect that you exist if only through another mind - will power gadget that will excute its independent decisions, and the messages may be slight or heavy, right or wrong, clear or vague, even slight body languages, a different word, a small movement may mean everything or nothing or be misunderstood or understood more than you ever imagined and the other person may think “how dare you think of that ?” or “what were you thinking ?” or may not even notice and you be invisible or may beat you up or whatever, always vague, possible change whatever.

About the fact that you don’t know that god exists: also you don’t know that aliens exist and that anything your mind can dream up exists, and even after you are sure something doesn’t exist it still may exist, and even after the fact you still may be wrong, you will never know what is and isn’t, you can never be sure, actually everything and anything does exist exactly because it is attached to question marks doubting its existence and so forth.

So all and anything really does 100 % exist and also all and anything really 100 % does not exist.

The problem is really simple: admit that you are a 100 % loser, a total sore loser and give up and don’t try anymore.


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This is like free jazz only using words and concepts instead of notes…

Like when you want to seduce, conquer, you want the other pretty lady to like you (but why should she like you ? so that you can like yourself ? are you a “painting” that must be liked by an independent will power, mind to confirm your value ? are you looking for value for yourself since you doubt your own value ? and why should you have any value at all assigned to you ? why do you need to like yourself ? and you need to like your thought paths that excute external symbols to the other person and she must like those constructions ? and how and why can a sequence of symbols be pretty and liked ?, etc.) so then you try to devise all kinds of logical paths, all kinds of ideas, you try to be witty and try to make her like your behavior, your choices, your ideas, your surprises (mostly fooling yourself that they are nice, likable, fascinating when they are probably not even perceived by the other party or considered ridiculous, a turd, embarrassing, whatever). And that is if you are pretty physically, which you probably aren’t much, etc. But you can’t force ugly to become pretty, since pretty is not only image but sound of voice, movement of body and many other subtle signals that are automatic, can’t be faked etc. (and this applies to all human encounters and contexts like work, career, you name it).

So essentially you are trying to seduce yourself through her, through another will power gadget, through another mind, trying your best or trying to figure out the best path, logical, the best sentence, the best block of text to emit.

And both parties (or groups of people ? or things ? whatever ) are playing a mix of this game, sometimes wth signals that are loud and clear sometimes with very small amost invisible signals (the smaller the harder to decode which makes the guessing game so much more intriguing ?): but then what we want to do is mostly think, we want an excuse to activate a never ending flow of thought processes, thinking, guessing, playing this game of “love”, or “seduction” or whatever, always changing the rules always failing and winning, always with great expectations at the end of the affair and ordeal, the prize is the pleasure, but if you think about it, the pleasure and prize is really so simple and small after all that incredible effort and all, does it make any sense at all ? is it worth it at all ? simply, probably, we do assign the worth of the end result (which is always iffy, the more iffy the better and never guaranteed to last, since each next encounter is always another version of the game) arbitrarily, just because.

We want to create a perfect thought and guess process to win a game: we are in love with the thought and guess process, not the external object of attention, not the excuse for the thought processes…

Hose it all, who cares, assign yourself a winner even when you win nothing, simply:



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This is like free jazz only using words and concepts instead of notes…

We are Failure Searching Machines: strangely it is as if we are searching out a stage, a confrontation, a situation where we know we will fail, and then mourn and complain and execute a never ending flow of thought processes, and feel like a “sore loser”, and “feel bad, angry, and all kinds of similar, depressed, you name it” just because, because this is how we really feel achieved: and then we fool ourselves, we find a smaller set of bits, a smaller hobby, a simpler hobby that probably doesn’t involve other free will gadgets, other “people” where it is “easy to win” but then you know it is a cop out, so it is to no avail. And all kinds of associations between failed endeavor of achieving target A to B gets projected to corresponding to easily achieved target C to D, so then you try to feel good about this new win, this new success: but it is justified, it should be correct to feel good since the law that is operating is the law of conservation of experience and values: any affair of going from A to B is 100 % equivalent to any affair of going from C to D, it is a simple projection to another realm that trigger the same emotional slots and results: the emotions are the same but independent of the signal triggering them.

But then the famous variable of being convinced C enters the equation, and we have a hard time changing it to a higher number than we are used to it having, so we have that the variable C is 80 % for target A to B (convinced that we have achieved and that feeling good is justified and that there are no longer any interdictions to feeling good, satisfied, 100 % satisfied) and only 50 % for target C to D: and the convincing variable is most likely due to other free will gadgets conditioning and intervening to confirm or deny achievment : but we can prooject the free will gadget to something else and win all the same. If we are good enough and smart enough and powerful enough to get on top of the variable being convinced of C in our Man Brain, which can be done, is best if you want, but you don’t want.

But she did it only because she “felt sorry for you”, or she really considers you “a pain in the a*s” but doesn’t want to let you know, or maybe she is 100 % oblivious to all and you are 100 % totally taken and an emotional wreck for decades over something that doesn’t even know you exist, go figure, or maybe she does have a glimpse but is not sure, and maybe she jumps all around the possibilities, or not, and same for you or not, but it is all true and false, and even being explicit (of both to each other and themselves, even that is only a guess, it is never explicit and clear, only a guess, and the person guesses his own mind which he does not know, etc.) hides the truth and falseness from both actors as true and false are hiding behind each other forever in an infinite recursion creating doubt, strange, etc. But simplify all, either yes or no.

Be a sore Loser, please.



The following from an anonymous coward.

So why should we prefer A to B instead of C to D ? Why do we want to amplify inequality ? Why do we want to construct and produce inequality in order to find a goal and target and a reference system for our experience of life ? Just because, because we need a scale, we need “special”, e need to invent, create, make believe something is “so much better” than something else just because, to find “something to do” (waste time ? or fill up time ? occupy time ?), you like that pretty lady, ok, but why should the like become love and then obsession and then ever more ? why should simple properties she has (or any other context of life, any othet thing or group, job, career, anything…) that are ok, that you like be amplified to higher and higher metaphysical values in you mind so as to produce the need to win it, to achieve it, to get it ? because we need inequality to define things, to make sense of things, we need to find a difference that is worth fighting for: of course there are preferences, and often prettier things, we all know, somethings are a lot nicer, but then it ends there, ok, end of story, nothing to get hung about or obsessed about. But our mind activates an amplifier that will make that difference become obsession and mostly insanity, nothing is really that much better than something else (of course the scale towards the bottom, worser never ends), but we need to amplify it beyond any justification.

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"Wow - you can’t even engage in a polite discusion but immediately resort to all out slander. You must really know that you’re in the wrong here. "

Hey vlad, get that black dldo of yours and shove it up Alexandra’s pusy (I know you can’t use your puny dck since you are impotent like me, but that’s ok) she’s just a horny bitch! I framed the slut along time ago as soon as she opened her mouth. Jesus Phking Chirst what a whore! And vlad, get out of the closet, admit that you are a fagot, a queer, a disgusting filthy queer…

Abstraction ?

It is interesting to here the Standard Economic Model economists go on and on with the myth of Startups, new companies, small businesses, there are all these new activities and jobs and new small companies that will generate all of these new fangled jobs, all based on Innovation and Research and Development and Services, you name it, we need ever more Education, we need so many new fangled Specific Skill Sets for all of these new small companies Startups, Venture Capitalist companies investing in all of these new ideas, activities, and what not hiring “Millions” (since we now have millions of unemployed in the USA, EU and JAPAN). And this same magic formula will save the once rich First World, the three stooges, USA, EU and JAPAN.


No, no one ever asks, it is there somewhere, it is some abstract formula, just say Startup and Innovation and Education and automatically all kinds of wicked new jobs, ideas and activities will come along. Of course, it is better that it all remains in the abstract, fluff, that no one ever really asks such questions otherwise the huge deception, fairy tale, the huge ride they are all taking us for would be revealed.

So keep on imaging that there will be oh, so many new activities and jobs and such, we just need more education and a better skill set, there is all of this worldwide demand for so many new fangled goods and services you wouldn’t believe it!

What we really need is huge public private projects hiring millions seriously, Skyscrapers, Rockets to Mars, Bus Systems, you name it…

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Like when you see a pretty face and she opens her mouth and you don’t like her anymore; what is it ? logic kills instinct ? logic changes the perception of pretty ? the sound of the voice ? the threat ? the feeling that she will provide an opposition to your will power ? not feminine enough ? not the right magic combination ofpretty, body, movements, sound of voice and even the block of texts emitting ? wow, what a very rare complex combination you are searching for, of course it is impossible, but you cover it up by adding artifacts, you make believe that it is better than what it is, you are triggering good feelings (when none should be triggered?) or you are trying to make it up, both in the terms of invention and in the terms of trying to add to.

Logic and instinct get mixed up, don’t know what to do, don’t know how to separate themselves and they get confused and lie to each other. Basic impulse and all our aesthetic requirements…

And even when the rare magic combination is found and you can interact and all goes well (it must be reciprocal, which will make it even harder, she must like you, fat chance as you suck so much but you think you don’t, you think you are cool, go figure) every instant, every event, anything at all is a trial and error, just one small invisible bit goes wrong and the entire fragile construction is shattered in a million pieces, you lose all; but you will try to go back in time, try to change what happened, but to no avail, and even if she wants to go back, you really can’t, it is dead, done, over, or you can fake it for a while or even forever, but it won’t be “like before”, etc. And then anything can break the magic, maybe the voice isn’t as nice as it was a second ago, maybe that new block of text she emits is slightly ugly and logic kills all the rest ? how strange, what a mess…

Don’t make believe that you are simpler and more basic than all of that BS, don’t be a snob and deny how Unatural and Fake and totally artificial you really are; snotty snob showing how close to nature you are when you are simply a machine, block of text, a flow of thoughts, a microprocessor running a crashed program that doesn’t know what it is doing, all Man Brains are totally artificial constructions, fake, false constructions emitting, nay, vomiting a sea of lies to the outside world and to themselves and all.

Good luck. Sorry that I sh*ted on the Internet again.

We are our own worst enemy always. Please give us back Nothing, we don’t need anything else anymore, just give us back our old Nothing, Nothing forever, pretty please…

And this ph*cking website is becoming a poetry class…

Please scroll past these blocks of texts. Please erase all of my posts from the Internet. Please erase the Internet. Thank you. It is just someone Vomiting on the Internet.

To WS7:


“But despite this cornucopia of free everything the recipients of this largesse seem to spend all their time breeding more dependents, shooting dope, shooting each other in the streets (a daily occurrence), burning down one another’s houses, stabbing one another, stealing cars, hanging around in the streets, selling drugs, breaking into houses in the suburbs, forming up gangs, and in general transforming what was once the wealthiest city in North America into a dystopic living sh-thole.”

Answer : Because Man Sucks, End of Story.

to Busty:


"You are totally ineffective as a communicator. "

Answer : And you actually think I have anything of value to communicate ? Or that I am even interested in comunicating ?

As soon as you look at her or it or whatever in the eyes, there are expectations, possible failures, win/lose games, guessing, oh I don’t want to paly anymore, oh it is too late, oh I can’t go back, oh, the more I try the more it gets worse, or anything else, I meant that, no I didn’t mean that no this, oh I made a mistake oh, excuse me, oh it’s ok, oh this and that and everything in between. And there are “Intentionalities of Expectations”, possible “Expectations of Pleasure”, or “Intentionalities of Behaviors”, or “Not Right” and so on and guess this and guess that, and don’t interact at all forever or run away or interact constantly forever and try even when you are losing try ever harder just because, because we suck, etc. and no matter what it is never enough, but I thought I won, but I lost…

We need a huge deflation, we need the prices of real estate to crash, homes shouldn’t cost more than 50,000 dollars top, all payments should be much, much cheaper, we have to end this high maintenance society where everyone wants to be paid so much more than the rest of the world: 800 dollars a month is a high salary in most of the rest of the world, so exactly what manipulations, what so special skill set, what so special value added are you bringing to a job compared to anyone in all of those other places to deserve so much more ? Are the manipulations, transformations, the input → manipulation → output manipulations and transformations and informational transformations and manipulations you do so much more special, so hard to do, so great that anyone else in the world, that was to do the same, couldn’t do it ?

Obviously no, what you do can be done probably the same by anyone worldwide with the same training, so why should you be paid so much more ? No way jose’, we need a huge crash in salaries an costs of everything, all at 800 dollars a month unless you are really special, sore losers, freeloaders, turds…


Someone is about to sh*t on the Internet again…

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DJ says:

“You know, if Vlad ever met a woman like you in person, he would be on his knees groveling and begging to kiss the sole of your shoe in about 2 seconds.”

But that’s the point: why should you as a chunk of independent matter care what that other chunk is, does, etc. ? why is information and thought always social, always within an imaginary context of someone looking, no matter what, of something outside (but that is the point: there is no external reality, nothing at all, it is all a lie an illusion a make believe that kills you), looking and judging (like god ?), the fact that information and value and what you do, how they are evaluated especially by yourself has been programmed by how they are evaluated by society, by other chunks of matter that are simply other free will gadgets opposing, testing playing around with your free will to achieve, succeed, obtain something, anything, to repeat the same mental program over and over again start point → target because my free will says to do that, because it is being judged by some external, abstact, denotational, symbolic social environment that will trigger how I am supposed to feel according to how a tribe, society, economy and culture defines normal, good, better, king.

But so what ? you can fail, no problem. The real problem is the guilt complex (and reciprocal or imagined or invented or real or fake or guilt complex hiding behind a subtle satisfaction behind a subtle terror behind a rage behind a depression behind a joy behind, and you get the idea, a never ending array of levels, recursions, loops, programming loops cycling through so many numbers as emotions so as to reach nothing and everything and be a total contraditory drone) of not having achieved a success model as constructed from outside of you, from some independent, therefore false and irrelevant system of references. And that is supposed to trigger a feeling, as the feeling you feel, the emotion you feel, the pain/pleasure you feel is the only thing that really counts, is the end point of all: so just disconnect the feeling good part from its social artifacts and symbols and denotational abstract models and feel good for no reason at all: trigger the feeling good and satisfied feeling from nowhere and nothing at all, do not make it depend on anything else, anything outside (or inside, or any thought processes, thought flows, on the prison of necessity, on the prison of cause and effects and reason and acceptances) of you or anything at all: you feel good just because, it is independent of anything and everything because the feeling is sufficient of itself it does not need further artifacts, or reason or complications to justify itself, it just is. As soon as you make your feelings depend on externalities or anything at all, you lose and will lose forever, that is how you are chained by reality, but deny reality, lie to yourself, trick yourself and all and win.

Sore loser, lose, and rage and beat yourself up, it is all in vain, you will never win, the being convinced variable “C” hoses you again…


That was from:


Please study it all very carefully, your test is coming up soon, better get a good grade on it all or mommy will beat the living daylights out of you…


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Warning: I just make this crap up: it has absolutely no value. Thank You. Please scroll past these blocks of texts. Please erase all of my posts from the Internet. Please erase the Internet. Thank you.

To Busty:


"unwitting victim of feminizing estrogren-mimicing modern chemical pollutants, "

Are you sick in the head or what ? You are worried about all these “chemicals”, “pollution” and such BS; why don’t you free your mind instead ? How on earth can you know or care about all that BS (a negative effect of science: too much information, everything is questioned, eveything is a problem, everyone becomes so snotty and a snob wanting perfection and all the studies and all such huge crap. Who the ph*k cares! just do all you want!) and then the truth is lifespans have continually increased, we live longer thanks to all of that pollution then. If it were true that pollution is doing all of this harm then we should all be dying earlier, instead we are healthier than ever, the world is going forward and moving forward by the boatloads and all you greens see is superstitions, boogie mans, and evils and things like that. You all still believe in witches and the Devil: like I said repeatedly, all of this environmental crap, and greenies, and against consumerism and pollution is ALL A RELIGION, A BACKWARD WARPED SICK RELIGION STOPPING MAN FROM GOING FORWARD. MIGHT AS WELL JUST GIVE US BACK THE OLD CHRIST AND HEAVEN AND HELL AT LEAST THEY DIDN’T BUST EVERYONE’S CHOPS WITH ALL OF THIS BS, OH, YOU CAN’T BUILD ATOMIC ENERGY PLANTS, YOU CAN’T BUILD HIGH SPEED TRAINS, YOU CAN 'T BUILD THIS AND THAT AND YOU NAME IT A NEVER ENDING ARRAY OF DON’T DO THIS AND DON’T DO THAT WORSE THAN THE WORSE FUNDAMENTALIST RELIGIONS!


“Skyscrapers? They’re going up all over the fucking place.”

And then the USA isn’t building Skyscrapers at all, they have stopped building them a long time ago, while they are building them in other more progressive and advanced parts of the world like China and Dubai. We need to get the USA back into the Skyscraper business big time: build hundreds in all of the cities, in Boston, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, you name it, hundreds of new 100 floor skyscrapers, large monoliths, large structures of which to feel proud of, an achievement, you have achieved, you have won, man has conquered nature. Show off by building Skyscrapers jackasses!

We are slaves of “Other Minds”, of what thought processes are occurring in other minds, their judgments, their intentionalities with regards to you, what they intend to do with you, how they feel about you, and how is that tied into so much importance for us ? Is it from our history ? your mommy had complete control over you since the beginning, so that power slowly migrated to other actors, but they are always external actors that always have some power over you no matter what. But the greatest power over you is the power of judgment, even when it rarely has any effect, it becomes a symbolic mechanism in our mind, we need acceptance, we need to be judged well, mommy has to love us no matter what, and if it isn’t mommy it has to be anyone else, anything else, we need security and therefore we are always searching for that acceptance and good judgments from the independent other minds, since independent minds are simply free will gadgets.

So all we do, no matter how hidden, and indirectly, all we do, we do for some kind of mommy, for so kind of judgment, for some abstract denotational, indirectional external mind, or external eye, the eye of GOD (and this is where religion comes from ?): so much effort, an effort of a lifetime, no matter what, even if it is judged just one second every 50 years (the final judgment ? heaven or hell ?), but just that second of judgment, that says: good, that is good, I liked that, makes up for all the effort. We are slaves of other minds always, a whim of our brain, a fluke of the way our mental computer program operates.

And we are also the connector of the world, connecting all kinds of random entities through all kinds of narratives, through all kinds of make believe causes and effects, since we can invent anything at all, we can design any cause and effect, any association at all, as our mind can mix and match and make up any sequence of events or situations, or items, any slab of matter can become a word or tag or concept and behavior, anything can be connected to anything at all (and the worldwide Internet makes connecting anything to anything even easier), then we can invent any rules, any world, any make believe interdiction, essentially any game we force ourselves and a group of people and the entire civilization to play: AS IN MAN IS THE INFINITELY PROGRAMMABLE MACHINE AND INFINITELY PROGRAMS ALL MEANINGS, ASSOCIATIONS AND ENTITIES IN HIS ENVIRONMENT IN ANYWAY JUST BECAUSE, FOR NO REASON AT ALL.

We are just a slab of matter who thinks that it is awake and alive: nothing further from the truth, we a monolithic slab of Mass Energy - Matter, hence nothing that tries to be something.

Please give us back our Old Nothing. We don’t want anything at all anymore. We want to Give Up. Give us Empty, Bare, Vacuum, Void. Let us Vanish completely. Please give us back Nothing, Nothing at all, give us back our Old Nothing forever (AKA DEAD), that is where we truly belong.


Slut says:

"This is Fascism and fits well with a neo-con agenda. I’m sure Vald got a hard-on reading it…

As you state you practise chauvinism too, if you’re under 40 Bustin - I dare say you’d do most well as Jarhead fodder - if white collar unemployment for you looms?"

I answer:

…Those last posts of the resident genius were kind of depressing…

Hey Alexandra, just get vlad’s black dildo and shove it up your pssy, that’s all you need really, horny slut. You don’t need all their BS, just ignore vlad and busty, just ignore those two fagots…

Please scroll past these blocks of texts. Please erase all of my posts from the Internet. Please erase the Internet. Thank you. No Rights Reserved, all of these blocks of text do not belong to anybody since they were not written by anybody; they are machine generated; feel free to pollute the internet by copying them and posting them anywhere, but please DO NOT POLLUTE THE INTERNET ANY FURTHER ! Thank You.

Comic Book World

As a strange affair, people on the internet become fake, make believe, they just become a block of text, disembodied, without substance, inventions, make believe, a comic book world, blocks of text with some associated free will gadget connected to them, but there is no face or body associated with them: but then why must a face or body or name be associated to a block of text ? might as well associate a mountain, a tree, a car or anything else, as in anything can be associated to anything else, anything can be put in a bag and assigned a new symbol, a new content, a new delimitation, and any other thing can be composed of any other things and the rules of engagements (between them or anything else) can be any or even other bags full of items, wickedly different and unrelated items that come together to produce something new and mysterious. very strange…

I was thinking about why Modified Brains, New Brain Designs is not an issue of discourse, is not a subject of conversation: because it essentially does away with a “common world” amongst people, the entire idea of “consensus” and a “common reality” disappears when talking about a new Man Brain as a new type of Observer, Processor.

So essentially, there is nothing to talk about, the new brain will observe a reality that is 100 % subjective (but only to us, as our reality is also 100 % subjective but hidden behind a layer of imaginary objectivity since it is made up of many independent but similar processors (each person) communicating that which they have in common and their rules of engagements, but if you take the set of all processors (a civilization, a population, a group of people) and you assign it as one single entity (how it should be assigned as it is made up of multiple copies of itself to make believe that it occupies all of the universe and is a simulation of some kind of external objective reality), that single entity is just one very specific, arbitrary, make believe, joke on itself modified brain, the famous and well known Man Brain the resident genius talks about always.

We are always interacting and talking with others so as to test if we win/lose and to exist/in the minds of others, to feel that we are achieving, and doing the right thing, to be comforted by the communication, by what we imagine to have in common, we need to reinforce the consensus and common ground our Man Brain is subject to by continuous communication with other copies of itself, nay, better if they contradict you, so that it looks like there is actually some difference amongst Man Brains so as to continue the farce of independence and external reality: nothing further from the truth, each encounter is a new creation, a new game that serves to simply confirm forever the final score of the same game played over and over again, and each new second of interaction is a subtle test, you want excitement and change and guessing and chance, but you all know deep inside that there is no surprise and guess, the Man Brain is always reproducing itself and versions of itself until it doesn’t anymore by sticking wild things in the skull, crack open skulls and start sticking wild gears, pistons, stick an Oldsmobile Ninety Eight in your brain connect, the wires in wildly chaotic ways, you get the idea…