Alcohol can regulate unstable emotions

What I find nice about excess alcohol consumption is how it amasses my emotions up into a peak, while I am drunk, and then when I wake up the next day I am basically emotionless. The alcohol maximizes and draws together the emotions (good and bad ones, which can get quite interesting) and exhausts them in massive discharge. Euphoria, high-state, peak. Then later for the next half-day to day I am free from emotions almost entirely, which feels like a nice break (but I wouldn’t want to exist like that all the time of course).

Does anyone else have this experience with alcohol? I primarily drink whiskey (bourbon or scotch), sometimes vodka.

I wouldn’t say that normally my emotions are unstable, but maybe “less than ideally regulated”. I tend to be a very emotional person at times, then at other times very non-emotional and analytical-logical. I have both extremes strongly present in my psyche. So I guess they normally have a difficult time finding a balance or harmony from moment to moment, unless a powerful external force intercedes to help them. That force can be philosophy or it can be love, in my experience both of these are sufficient. But both are also temporary. Alcohol, in contrast, is always there and can always be used to peak-exhaust the emotions thereby at least giving them into some manner of structural regulation over time (rise and fall, etc).

Alcohol is not guaranteed to always be there, because it poisons and is not inexhaustible. Imagine the reset happens and the world’s resources go kaput. Or imagine you have reached a tolerance point where it stops “regulating”. Or imagine you get cirrhosis.

Emotion regulation is done best with inexhaustible tools (like self-care, nipping cognitive distortions, so forth) that don’t poison you & do help you process rather than numb emotions.

Regulating emotions with chemicals is like taking steroids to build strength. There are physical, intellectual, and emotional consequences and the alternatives do a better job that maintains healthy function and well being.

Well yeah, if I cannot physically procure more alcohol when I want it then I will obviously need to go through a kind of withdrawal and detox from it, and find other coping mechanisms. But so far that hasn’t happened. The local liquor store is right down the corner, a short walk, and it is never out of stock yet.

Yes alcohol can be a poison, but so can ideas. Bad ideas and bad impulses/emotions are just as poisonous. Since I already worked to perfect my ideas, emotions, impulses etc. I can happily turn my attention to more reliable and simpler means of dealing with life. Such as a glass of whiskey on ice. Any “poison” in that pales in comparison to the typical ideational poison and braincancer of the average person’s “mind” and habitual thoughts.

What do you need alcohol to regulate if you’ve already got the regulation part down?

I already said I don’t have it down without some kind of external impulse to come in and help regulate it. Did you not read what I already wrote here?

This should not require alcohol; this can be and is done best without alcohol:

“Since I already worked to perfect my ideas, emotions, impulses etc.”

I personally don’t care if you are incapable of basic reading comprehension, but please leave that nonsense out of my threads. Thank you.

You can do better. Until then… here’s the space you requested.

Go away, you are not only incompetent but also boring.

Go smoke some weed and …fade. From here. Kthx =D>

I don’t smoke weed.


What kind of a regulator is that? Emotionless does not speak of balance.

Do you find yourself at the point where you feel/know that you actually NEED alcolhol in your life?

Why is philosophy to you temporary? A great book, a forum – only needs to be as temporary as you choose it to be.

How about finding yourself taking a nice, long walk in nature and absorbing all of that beauty, the scenery, the different sounds, the animals, the breezes? I rather think that that could be a good, healthy sustaining regulator of one’s unstable emotions when they are that way
. It is good for the mind, the spirit, the soul. Does it last? Yes, to a certain extent does but does the alcohol really last? No. It also does damage to the brain and all parts of the body. … hol-abuse/

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. There is a universal need to exercise some kind of power, or to create for one’s self the appearance of some power, if only temporarily, in the form of intoxication. Every fact and every work exercises a fresh persuasion over every age and every new species of man.

So walking can be just as intoxicating as can intoxication, right? Also, it does not harm the brain, unless one stumbles and falls hard on it. It works for me.

Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truths than lies.


gasp! The Freddie? I thought you were just somebody everybody made up.

Are you speaking to Freddie? What would you say to him if you could?

I only heard rumors, and remember none of them.

you can make your own beer pretty easily so i don’t think that this issue will ever come up. people in prison right now are making pruno in their toilets.

Mmmm, sounds… yummy. :laughing:

…was just putting some wine on to ferment [red] when I read that ^^^ …I can’t rely on the integrity of [so called] zero-intervention or bio wines, anymore.

I stick to my previous assessment. Alcohol is the opiate of the dumbasses.

I knew a guy who told others he may have a beer after work. Dude was a fricken lying lush.

But I loved him. Sadness.

being a dumb-arse, is the the natural opiates of the dumbasses masses.

and, I thank you. :wink:

Well you are right, it is not a balance in the way you mean, it is more like a Sine wave curve. Up, down, up down. Like bipolar disorder.

I can experience the intense highs of maximal emotional energy and feelings, and then I can experience the absence of any of that stuff so I am calm, at peace, refreshed from any feelings, like a robot. Only to repeat the same cycle the next 1-2 days later.

I am not saying it is healthy or good, just that it seems to work like this for me.


That is a very good question and I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. You are truly perceptive!

To me, philosophy is temporary because 1) I know not a single philosophy-minded person in my life, so it is all me doing it all by myself with no one else to give me energy, feedback, guidance, encouragement etc. and 2) I can only read and write for so many hours until I get tired and bored of it, again in part because of (1) and I have no one to relax and discuss things with or help me refine and argue my points, which beings me to 3) because almost everyone I know online and IRL is certifiably fucking retarded and absolutely insane, subhuman even. I don’t know what has happened in the last decade but it is not good. The number of sane intelligent people I encounter in even a whole year now can be counted on a single hand. Without even using the majority of the fingers.

Humanity seems to be a lost cause, they are deep in the collapse event and have nothing to contribute except for their own madness, retardation, evil and malice and confusion. I don’t feel like dealing with that, so I tend to avoid the entire thing. I wait for those who are not insane and are not evil and have something of meaning, truth and reality to say. Which is why I talk only to certain people extensively and avoid others unless I am simply here to discharge some excess drunken energetics and put retard motherfuckers in their place, like right now, lol (not you though, of course. You are the only one worthy of even responding to here, as far as I can see).

Yes I used to do that. Back when I had… I don’t know, love I guess. Anyone to give a fuck about me, when my brain wasn’t destroyed by the gross evil and indifference of every human being I have ever seemingly known in any capacity that meant something to me, present company excluded.

Enjoying nature is the nice reward for people who haven’t had their heart and soul crushed into little pieces by the godless fuckwad trollish shitfuckers of the world, who are not only here but everywhere. Literally… everywhere. We cannot escape them. They think they have won in their retardation , but no. They are going straight into hell and they know it, and we will simply wave them goodbye as they pass by. I have no more investment or interest in “humanity”, it is all but dead to me. Only the few living remnants will survive and pass on meaning and truth into the future; the rest are already dead, and they know it.

I should probably read that link, and I will later at some point, thank you.

Yes, sometimes instead of drinking I exercise. It feels good, it helps. For a while anyway.