Are we getting into a semantics argument here? Beauty…can we agree on this? We can, we can appreciate it on a level of intuition outside of our socially constructed reality.
Chaos…is chaos. Chaos creates beauty, but the beauty is what we can pick up on.
I don’t know much about it, but it does not interfere in any case.
Yes there is infinity, but it is infinite beyond our own dimension, we can only experience a tiny piece of it. We are encapsulated inside of infinity. Holes get punched in the walls all the time though.
Does this scream erroneous to you?
A full infinity can contain any number of finites, and also, the universe could be made of only 1J of energy, but then it may be fractionally split up so that from below the tiniest, smallest fractions seem rather large.
Perspective’s placticity makes quantification non-absolute.
Where do pillows fit into this dichotemic system of beauty and chaos? How about chlorophyl? Or the plastic things on the end of shoe-laces? Or former President of Executive Yuan of the Republic of China, Su Tseng-chang?