Borderlines personality disorder

The whole process is humiliating. Fine, I said it!

That’s why you have to be picky - because there’s a lot of dumbasses in the universe!

Which with a growth mindset is translated “They have a lot of potential and they’re not ready yet.”

If you have to be perfect to be ready, y’ain’t ever going to be ready, because it takes iron sharpening iron to get ready, and you don’t (IRONICALLY) wanna sharpen with anybody until you’re perfect. It’s freaking stupid! We’re all retarded!

F*** everything!

Seriously, though.

I’m 100% well adjusted to the status quo, which changes. Fricken period!!


Ahhhhhh that felt good.

All resolved in the water of perfection=mercy.

Jackass refuses to get the purloined memo, or forgets it as soon as it is read/misinterpreted.

It’s over. I know women have borderline personality disorder in the human species.

Men have it sometimes too.

Everyone in the species knows it makes men happy to see the breasts, and it causes the females no harm.

You can call them whores. That’s what men usually say. But actually…. It’s borderline personality disorder when you look deeper.

Money works. But more importantly, you have to walk on eggshells to even see your best friends tits. While complete strangers get to see them occasionally in venues. Like nude beaches etc…

I’m going to stop dealing with women now.

It’ll keep me stuck here.

It doesn’t cause women, you say, harm to show their breasts. Woman should show their breasts more or they have BPD.
Do you know that it can cause women harm to make eye contact with men while walking down the street, let alone showing their breasts to men who ask to see them. You don’t seem to know the wild confirmation bias men have about any attention at all, let alone a woman who shows them her breasts when they ask. The failure at empathy on your part is astounding.

I think that’s likely for the best.

Just as a reminder, I am not considered a woman by the F.O.E.S. (I’ve been exiled), and I need your help with this:

I’m the person who taught the sex dimorphism no means yes problem.

I’m talking about actual friends not having the same access as complete strangers.

That’s definitely borderline behavior.

I learned alot from the devil. May his soul rest in peace. The devil was a borderline.

I’ll explain this a little differently.

I can feel the living and the dead in my spirit all at once. The dead have no minds or bodies but they still have souls. And I can feel those souls.

I’m back into my old powers again.

Using them keeps you stuck here. People think power is a glorious thing. It just keeps you stuck here.

Young souls like Jesus wanted everlasting life.

He’s one of my students right now.

The Nintendo game of life is to earn death.

I’m giving you all the information in existence.

What you do with it is not up to me, it’s up to you.

I’m not interested in converts.

I’m warning you what keeps you stuck here.

I grant no consent (& revoke all previous appearances of consent) to total strangers, because they and we are not informed about each other, and mis-/dis-informed consent is no consent at all… just as an unjust code is no code at all.

There must, bare minimum, be actual introductions.

After that, if I consent, despite all warnings… you may regret it.

Either way, the damage is at least contained.

Ichthus. You really don’t understand.

The only reason people keep coming back is because they are conjured for revenge - that’s a spirits worst fear - is that there’s no justice.

The other is that people are curious and want protections from the eternally dead. It’s selfish and ignorant to call back the dead.

I’m looking at the hardest choice in my life right now. To become god again or not. If I’m god again people will keep calling me back. I’m too old to want to exist. I’m looking at giving it to someone else.

They’ll do it in their own way.

I’m just teaching you how I was god eons ago.

God can’t stop being God. Marriage is only until death. After that, we’re like the angels. You’re not friggin Mormon.

Tell me you’re not friggin Mormon.

The martyrs will be avenged. Separate issue?


…and over at Philosophy Now: Mental illness / this forum presently - Philosophy Now Forum
Something similar is going on…


Mental illness / this forum presently

Post by Alexis Jacobi » Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:57 pm

Real mental illness is very serious and requires a therapeutic environment overseen by people who understand that dealing with and helping the mentally ill is fraught with difficulties. Especially when in an “acting out” stage.

A mentally ill person often takes advantage of those who do not understand its seriousness and those taken advantage of act as they would to a friend in a down moment. Sympathy, tolerance, helpful advice that can only help for one not suffering mental illness — this is sought out by the one who is mentally ill. Those who do this (unwittingly) “enable” the one acting out of sickness to continue in it. It is unhealthily parasitic. That in itself becomes a sick relationship.

One with real mental illness needs to be in a therapeutic environment. I question if a highly conflicted forum environment, where the bizarre conflicts of the world are argued over, where ‘normal’ but somewhat underhanded typical forum interchanges take place is a good environment for such a one.

The problem is…

The psychologists are mentally ill.

You can always spot a psychopath by seeing a ring on their finger.

These are the ‘well adjusted ‘ people, right?

No. They’re causing the problems they’re trying to treat.

I’ve learned the human species has no chance.

I’m not crazy. You can call me crazy but I’m not.

I don’t like the label unless it’s before the word “good”. But. You said y’got every (self-) diagnosis in the book… so maybe stop thinkin ur crazy AND not crazy…

Either y’are or y’aren’t.

If it’s even helpful to diagnose.

I think ur just weird on purpose.

So you think you have a chance, do ya…

BPD sucks, I can tell you that much. But I can also tell you that it can be cured with philosophy.

This doesn’t mean every impulsive or unstable aspect of yourself will be over, but it does mean you can overcome the ‘disorder’ part. Reduce yourself from say 6 of the diagnostic criteria down to just 2 or 3.

Cognitive behavior therapy is proven to help with BPD, one of the only things that does actually help other than opiatizing yourself with tranq meds. But CBT is just a form of philosophy lite for the average joe. Imagine what you can do when you really get into heavy philosophy for months, years, and turn that deep analysis and focus on yourself and your world.

If anything, BPD is also a symptom of philosophical self-disruption occurring at the internalized personality level stemming in part from abusive and neglectful experiences during adolescence and probably childhood too. Women/girls are more sensitive and also more abused and neglected, generally speaking, compared to men/boys so it makes sense they would tend to be pushed into BPD-like experiences more often as they grow up. Also because women philosophize less than men do, again on the average across the population.

I’ve said it before and it’s not rocket science.

Every man and woman in the species knows it makes a heterosexual man’s day to see a breast.

I know this as a man about my penis for gay men.

If a gay man asked me to show them my penis, it’s optimal for me to show it to them. It doesn’t hurt me and it makes them happy, if only for a moment.

Women on the other hand are WAY different.

Men have been talking about the friend zone for decades now. At first I thought about that and then realized women want the celibate father figure.

If you really think about women. They dress sexy to get attention and then complain about being objectified. Check. Borderline.

I’ll say this again. Women will go to nude beaches showing themselves to complete strangers but will never show themselves to male friends. Check. Borderline.

Female ‘therapists’ are married, triggering the negative zero sum problem, the pleasurable exclusive access problem and the consent violation problem. Check. Sociopath.

I’m not a misogynist. I’m just looking at the species objectively using their own terms.

Anyone with a ring on their finger is not worthy of the title therapeutic anything.

Same with men.



Repetitive strain brain injury, much!