Borderlines personality disorder


…and over at Philosophy Now: Mental illness / this forum presently - Philosophy Now Forum
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Mental illness / this forum presently

Post by Alexis Jacobi » Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:57 pm

Real mental illness is very serious and requires a therapeutic environment overseen by people who understand that dealing with and helping the mentally ill is fraught with difficulties. Especially when in an “acting out” stage.

A mentally ill person often takes advantage of those who do not understand its seriousness and those taken advantage of act as they would to a friend in a down moment. Sympathy, tolerance, helpful advice that can only help for one not suffering mental illness — this is sought out by the one who is mentally ill. Those who do this (unwittingly) “enable” the one acting out of sickness to continue in it. It is unhealthily parasitic. That in itself becomes a sick relationship.

One with real mental illness needs to be in a therapeutic environment. I question if a highly conflicted forum environment, where the bizarre conflicts of the world are argued over, where ‘normal’ but somewhat underhanded typical forum interchanges take place is a good environment for such a one.

The problem is…

The psychologists are mentally ill.

You can always spot a psychopath by seeing a ring on their finger.

These are the ‘well adjusted ‘ people, right?

No. They’re causing the problems they’re trying to treat.

I’ve learned the human species has no chance.

I’m not crazy. You can call me crazy but I’m not.

I don’t like the label unless it’s before the word “good”. But. You said y’got every (self-) diagnosis in the book… so maybe stop thinkin ur crazy AND not crazy…

Either y’are or y’aren’t.

If it’s even helpful to diagnose.

I think ur just weird on purpose.

So you think you have a chance, do ya…

BPD sucks, I can tell you that much. But I can also tell you that it can be cured with philosophy.

This doesn’t mean every impulsive or unstable aspect of yourself will be over, but it does mean you can overcome the ‘disorder’ part. Reduce yourself from say 6 of the diagnostic criteria down to just 2 or 3.

Cognitive behavior therapy is proven to help with BPD, one of the only things that does actually help other than opiatizing yourself with tranq meds. But CBT is just a form of philosophy lite for the average joe. Imagine what you can do when you really get into heavy philosophy for months, years, and turn that deep analysis and focus on yourself and your world.

If anything, BPD is also a symptom of philosophical self-disruption occurring at the internalized personality level stemming in part from abusive and neglectful experiences during adolescence and probably childhood too. Women/girls are more sensitive and also more abused and neglected, generally speaking, compared to men/boys so it makes sense they would tend to be pushed into BPD-like experiences more often as they grow up. Also because women philosophize less than men do, again on the average across the population.

I’ve said it before and it’s not rocket science.

Every man and woman in the species knows it makes a heterosexual man’s day to see a breast.

I know this as a man about my penis for gay men.

If a gay man asked me to show them my penis, it’s optimal for me to show it to them. It doesn’t hurt me and it makes them happy, if only for a moment.

Women on the other hand are WAY different.

Men have been talking about the friend zone for decades now. At first I thought about that and then realized women want the celibate father figure.

If you really think about women. They dress sexy to get attention and then complain about being objectified. Check. Borderline.

I’ll say this again. Women will go to nude beaches showing themselves to complete strangers but will never show themselves to male friends. Check. Borderline.

Female ‘therapists’ are married, triggering the negative zero sum problem, the pleasurable exclusive access problem and the consent violation problem. Check. Sociopath.

I’m not a misogynist. I’m just looking at the species objectively using their own terms.

Anyone with a ring on their finger is not worthy of the title therapeutic anything.

Same with men.



Repetitive strain brain injury, much!

I’ll tell you a story. I worked in a grocery store with a woman I REALLY had the hots for.

After a couple years. She invited me to her 30th birthday party. I was 20. I was laying on the floor in her bedroom to sleep there. She asked me into her bed.

I thought she was too drunk so I refused.

She woke up in the morning and thanked me for not coming into her bed.

I’ve heard so many stories about women being taken advantage of from women.

I did the right thing and she never had sex with me.

That’s women.


Life, it happens… why dwell.

I remember a couple years ago there was this woman I really wanted to have sex with. She was shrooming at the time and she gave me that look. You know the look “I want to fuck you right now”. I walked away from it.

She never had sex with me.

I did the right thing.

That’s women.

I’ll tell you another story besides the last one.

I was 21 at the time. I had the biggest crush on this girl who was renting a room in my house.

She got a rash on her chest and asked me if I wanted to see it. Everything in the cosmos wanted me to see her breasts. I said no. You know why? Because I didn’t want an excuse to see her breasts. She never showed them to me.

I made the right choice and lost again.

She thanked me for it.

That’s women.

I’ll just add to my last two posts.

It’s really awkward for an old god to be back here. Especially for the new god.

You’re always supposed to respect a person who gets selected by all beings as being god for a time. That time…. They’re 15 minutes can be billions of years.

I know this god isn’t teaching correctly.

That causes awkwardness.

CBT is targeted in a way that philosophy usually isn’t. The goal behind CBT is rewiring your brain by rehearsing the connection between healthy and useful chains of ideas, thereby breaking chains of ideas that lead to feelings or behaviors you’re trying to overcome.

Philosophy can do that, e.g. by rehearsing inserting skepticism in between every chain of thought you have. But it’s unlikely to be useful for replacing specific unhelpful patterns of thought with specific helpful patterns of thought. And it can also create or exacerbate destructive patterns of thought, for example if someone is indecisive it can provide a million new reasons to be uncertain. In those cases, CBT could probably undo some of that damage.

I do credit philosophy with resolving some of my mental health issues, though it’s hard to truly evaluate. I philosophize everything in my life, so of course I philosophize the way my mind works, and when something gets resolved it’s something I’ve been philosophizing about. That would be true even if the philosophizing played no role in resolving it.

I also notice people deep into philosophy whose mental health seems to suffer from it, even though they would benefit from CBT (i.e. I don’t mean people suffering from delusional and disorganized thinking like that expressed in this thread or in @MagsJ’s link). Look at someone like Satyr, or any number of posters with apparently significant anger issues. If philosophy on its own worked like CBT, you would expect most of them to improve pretty quickly. That has not been my observation.

It could be that your experience with CBT makes your philosophy function more like CBT, and that without that experience philosophy doesn’t usually hit on CBT-like solutions.

CBT is putting people in a trance so you’ll do what you want them to do. Occasionally what they want for themselves.

Yup, in this very thread. And people responded to the missing understanding in it, which you ignored.

Most straight men, and probably most gay and bi-mean also are not going to show their penis when asked. That’s men. That doesn’t make them BPD.

See a breast is the start of a great moment for many men, but you can’t seem to understand in the least what the next moment would be like for the woman and the moments when men hear she will show her breast when asked.

You repeat yourself and seem impervious to even noticing other people, often, let alone taking them seriously, let alone having empathy for the group of people that doesn’t want to show you their breasts.

What do you show here? The same statements you’ve been saying for years. You know what might actually make people feel better? If you could listen with respect, consider that there are deep flaws in your generalization. But you refuse to show or notice your own self-doubt. You hide this under your clothes.

You withhold. Should I conclude you are BPD.

And just like how you criticize women you dress up and make all these flashy statements and call for attention

when telling us you don’t want to exist here or have anything to do with people.

You are projecting your primary way of interacting onto women.

You’re not listening to what I’m teaching and you think I’m too dense or too block headed to understand you.

Why is it so important to hide penises and breasts?

Think about it.

Women get triggered by male flashers because it triggers their own shit. That they’re just whores.

Men will gladly arrest the flashers so they can get sex.

To add to that.

I’m staring out my window looking at the beautiful moss on the rocks from my apartment window.

And I have to think about everyone.

You shouldn’t condemn the soul of the current king. We make promises to each other on who the current king or queen is.

With these promises, we obey their commands.

All of you will get to do this someday.

I’m a retired king. It’s really awkward because I did my job better than the current one.

I shouldn’t be here.

More projection.

Nope, that’s not why. You’re still not managing even cognitive empathy, let alone emotional empathy.