Canada Redeeming

Probably the proportion of rational people in the US is slightly or even significantly higher than in other places, as represented by what we know of as “red blooded republicans.”

I sincerely ascribe this to the fact that they have a tendency not to have abandoned religion, and thus retained a sense of reality.

The American disease goes North.

He wondered how ignorant – stupid? – someone would have to be to believe that the covid-19 pandemic was fake.

Sure, argue over how far the government ought to go in regard to masks and lockdowns and vaccinations. People can make legitimate arguments from both ends of the political spectrum here. Same with arguments regarding the “deep state” and the role played by the pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex. I’m inclined to go there myself.

But to actually believe that pandemic itself is fake?! To actually be able to think yourself into believing that it’s all about Big Brother planting microchips in us in order to create a global government along the lines of, what, 1984?

That’s Urwrong territory to me. That’s someone with a “condition” who, in my view, needs psychiatric care.

And, if not a 'condition", how about someone willing to discuss all this along these lines…

1] a demonstrable proof that your own news sources don’t have a political prejudice/axe to grind…is only interested in the “objective truth”
2] given the existence of conflicting political prejudices, why yours?
3] the profoundly problematic role that dasein – a subjective/existential narrative – plays in any particular individual’s political prejudice

A retard like Iampiggy cannot differentiate between what is ‘fake’ and what is ‘real’.

Now, fulminate more, fanatic.

Like I said…

“That’s Urwrong territory to me. That’s someone with a “condition” who, in my view, needs psychiatric care.”

[size=50]is there a fake psychiatrist in the house?[/size]

Mayor Watson declares state of emergency for Ottawa due to ongoing demonstration
February 6, 2022
Announcements and Events
Mayor Jim Watson today declared a state of emergency for the City of Ottawa due to the ongoing demonstration.

Declaring a state of emergency reflects the serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the ongoing demonstrations and highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government. It also provides greater flexibility within the municipal administration to enable the City of Ottawa to manage business continuity for essential services for its residents and enables a more flexible procurement process, which could help purchase equipment required by frontline workers and first responders.

K: yep, peaceful demonstrations always get declared a 'state of emergency"


…good news …fantastic, in fact.

why do you keep saying that cities were burned down?

Mr Compulsive Liar:


I totally agree. This move to enact to Emergency Act is not a demonstration of strength but of cowardice. Trudeau is literally pulling out the big guns in the face of people singing kumbia around barbeques and bouncy castles. The protest is the least threatening thing we’ve seen in ages… except to Trudeau’s power, and that’s why he’s quaking in his boots. He’s panicking. The enactment of the Emergency Act is an act of cowardice. No, it’s more than that. It’s an act of panic.

I agree. To pull off a conspiracy that large requires an amount of effort, coordination, and control over information leak that I don’t think human beings are capable even in groups. On top of that, covid is something the individual experiences. So while not all of us will catch it, most of us have known people who have had it, and have died from it. Try telling those people that covid is fake.

Was this before or after the kids were dropped off at the bouncy castles?

Seriously, where did you hear this? I’m honestly interested. One of the most interesting phenomena that’s come out of these left/right battles of the last several years is how misinformation is spread, not only in general, but to target groups. I can enumerate a few occasions where I spoke to leftist to learn that they’ve been fed falsities that I didn’t even know were going around. And I know that many of the details of this protest, the ones that speak in favor of it, are only known by those who follow the news sources that dish them out. What I mean is, if you’re being fed right leaning information by your favorite internet algorithm, you’ll know things that no left leaning enthusiast will have even heard of, let alone disagree with, and if you’re being fed left leaning information… well, visa-versa. It’s interesting how it’s creating silos of media-built worlds for us to live in without even knowing we’re living in them. We all kinda assume that, right or wrong, believe it or not, approve of it or not, that whatever major events of the day are going on in the world, everyone who’s paying attention knows about it. But I’ve recent become disillusioned to this. Only our local group (or immediate internet network of peers) knows about what’s happening on the media-constructed islands we live on… and who knows what’s going on on other islands. We can no longer take for granted that the island we find ourselves on is the world.

So what sources are you being fed, PK? Seriously, I want to know.

Does it? Does this statement not presuppose a kind of absolute unquestioning faith in the integrity and moral purity of Justin Trudeau? What if–and this is a stretch–Trudeau is just panicking?

And where was this concern when the city of Ottawa, and the rest of the world, shut down businesses in the name of fighting the spread of COVID? Where was this concern when BLM/ANTIFA riots were burning down businesses and scaring business owners into leaving their state? I’ll tell you where. In the peripheral vision of those who turned a blind eye.

And just a note about the alleged damage the protest is doing to the economy… it’s not. In Ottawa, they blocked the Ambassador Bridge, a primary economic route between Canada and the US. But does anyone seriously think that’s the only route into and out of Canada? The only economic damage the blockade is doing to the economy is that the truckers have to spend a bit of extra gas money to drive to the next closest route.

You want proof? Here’s actual video footage of Nancy Palocy standing in front of a burning San Francisco (skip to 2:45):


Wow, and I thought our demonstrations were peaceful. These BLM protests really put the truckers to shame.

So I don’t know how many of you have been following the news but it looks like we here in Canada are no longer a democracy. I’m sure you must have heard that Trudeau enacted the Emergency Act which is basically a war time act that gives him dictatorial powers. We officially live in a dictatorship now.

Dave Rubin came up with a hilarious comparison to emperor Palpatine:

At 9:15 and then at 12:20:


Let me remind the historians among us that this is exactly how Hitler gained power.

Say what you want about the truckers, the way Trudeau is handling this pretty much proves them right?

So my bank account isn’t frozen yet, but it may be any day now. I donated $100 to only to learn a couple days later that they seized my funds and there is now an act put in place, to compliment the war times Emergency Act, that donating to a “terrorist” organization can be met with freezing the donators bank account ('cause you know, when you’re dealing with barbeques and bouncy castles, you know you’re dealing with terrorists). I don’t know what says authoritarian government better than the ability of the government to freeze citizen’s bank accounts without due process because they deem them to be “terrorists” for donating to a charity.

So pray for us, my brethren and sistren Americans, we may become the next North Korea parked right next door to you.

PS - I may just start a gofundme account to fund anyone who’s had their bank account frozen. I’d love to see how many degrees of separation the government considers to be a terrorist threat. They say it only requires, on average, 6 degrees to cover the entire world. Think the Canadian government can freeze every bank account on the planet?

Yeah gib,

That’s some nasty shit.

Do you know why I send messages out to the world?

Because the more you know, the more accountable you are.

I’m not doing it to be nice. I’m doing it to send people to hell.

You’ll see.

…Unless we all change existence together.

Well, it’s actually kinda fun.

I didn’t know you did send messages out to the world.

WOOOAAAW!!! This came out of left field! You’re the last person I expected to say that!

Well listen my man. Anybody who saw them, live and in person, execute a coup on the presidency of the United States, and thought they were going to be turned aside by some protests…

People, including truckers, are about to learn exactly what they gave up in reality by turning a blind eye themselves to countless absurdities of the past.

It applies to the crazies. Not to me.

Yeah, welcome to the real world.

(There is no such thing as leasing out your ass. You sell it, and then they own it.)

“It’s for the blind helpless starving pregnant persecuted children of whereverthefuck, just give us unrestricted power and control over your life.”

Well, if it’s for the blind helpless starving pregnant persecuted children of whereverthefuck…

Most’n cases they don’t even have to run that game.

It’s enough to go with the tried and tested… “you’re not one of the crazies, are you?”

For many of us, this is a game we have seen before.

Just a re-run.

Left-forward passes to the midfielder…

You think I’m omnipotent?

I know how existence works.

We all made this together, we all change this together …

Anyone who welcomes hell can have it.

They’ll immediately run back to me.

Indeed, you have my support.

Listen to me carefully now, gib.

At this point, they hold all the cards. Don’t donate, don’t protest, don’t make them angry, wear your mask.

Don’t be a hero.

The next stage is always, always, jailings. And the people being jailed will think it will mean something, but all it will do is make them more implacable.