Canada Redeeming

Being jailed is the least of worries compared to what these scumbags have planned for the people.

Canadian Mounted Police trample old woman with walker to death: … e65b6.jpeg

Ah fuck it. I just thought I’d give my boy fair warning.

Of course, blood on the streets always goes hand in hand with the jailings.

Stand against Communism; you should know better Pedro.

Nobody needs to go to jail or die to stand against communism.

Wrong, and you’ve got nowhere left to run to.


You write like you’re stoned.

But I thought you were the one sending people to hell?

Thanks Urwrong! Hopefully the vote that’s supposed to take place next week will put an end to Trudeau’s nonsense. And by this token, I’m kinda confused. Did Trudeau invoke the Emergency Act or did he not? If it’s being put to a vote next week, is it not yet in effect? The best I can figure is that it is in effect the instant Trudeau declared it, but it must still be put to a vote within 7 parlamentary days (days when parlament is in session) to see if it will stay or go.

The act says:

It also says:

So I guess if the vote turns out in favor of the act, we’re in for at least 90 days of Trudeau-archy.

I called my member of parlament to voice my opposition to the act and got his secretary. She said Mr. Kelly is definitely voting against it, and that the conservatives and Bloq are definitely voting against it, but the librals and most likely the NDP are voting for it. The NDP and the liberals combined take up 228 seats of out 338 so they’re already more than half. Not looking good. I can only pray that not all liberals in the House are as crazy as Trudeau and their souls are free enough from Trudeau’s rule that they can vote according to their conscience.

But aren’t you saying jail and death are inevitable in this sort of contention?


I’m just a person with a plan. I submit the plan.

If my plan doesn’t get passed… Trudeau goes to hell.

Don’t worry about it.

If it managed to get under your skin even a little bit, consider shaving some of the trim from the edgier side of your bravado.

I have no real dog in the fight, I just happen to like you personally.

Canadian Government threatening total destruction of Protestors, seizing bank accounts, terrorizing, harassment indefinitely of Law-abiding Canadian Citizens:

Communism/Nazism/Fascism (death threats, threats of violence even on this forum) are here, now:

Fascism is here, because Trudeau is a Klaus Schwab minion, who are beset with the task to forcibly “vaccinate” the general population,

As I mentioned over the past months, Fascism comes to America and Western Civilization from the Liberal-Left-Democrat platforms, not the Right:





This is what Trudeau represents, what he believes, what he has in store for the masses, same as the would-be Dictators in USA:

We’re headed for another major world war people, buckle up:



Remember when Police kneeled down, cowed, prostrated themselves before BLM and Antifa, allowing this scum to run roughshod across the country with their terror campaigns and political street killings???

This is what they have planned for the American and Canadian Citizens for the decades and generations to come…

Sure it got under my skin, but whose skin would it not get under? You basically shot hope right in the heart. That’s kind of a downer, and is frankly upsetting.

I have no idea what you mean by “shave some trim from the edgier side of your bravado”.

Aw, that’s sweet man, but I remember a while back you said you don’t give a shit about me. Have things changed?