Clinton Vs America The Official 2016 US Elections Thread

I live on a Iowa border and just love taking advantage of a nearby state where sales tax for everything is relatively cheaper.

Honestly Florida, WTF is the hold up, you better not be ducking around with paper ballots again in some backwards district, resurrecting the Hanging Chad issue again. Our luck, the Supreme Court will vote 4-4 this time around, we will have to solve it fisti-cuffs if that happens.

It makes you wonder what state has the most electoral college members and if particular political circles are moving to it in undermining political choice for everybody else. What do you think? Possible?

Remember Bush versus Gore in Florida?

Megyn Kelly looks like she is about to have an aneurysm live on t.v. tonight.

I’m just refreshing the foxnews page. It keeps saying 91% fucking percent, but Trump keeps gaining more and more votes.

I’m thinking they don’t want to call it cause a liberal district is lagging for whatever reason.

I’m fucking angry, wanted to know Virginia, Florida by now.

Oh, and Mr. Reasonable’s dissing of Fox News noted by everyone in advance, no need to say it.

Mr. Reasonable, a one trick pony.

there still has been no nothing of note to say,
no surprises at all… so far, it is going to plan for everyone…


It looks like Trump will win Florida, so they are saying here.

One has to admire the passion of the people of the U S of A. Voting I believe is not compulsory there? Look at the turnout!

I see a whole sea of red on that graph…

Not compulsory.

Did you vote?

No, I’m reading the areas left are liberal areas. He has just over 100,000 buffer, liberals live either in gated communities (whites) or ghettos (inner city).

If it is gated communities, trump wins due to lower population density.

I don’t vote. I’m just an anarchist neutral observer that favors Trump over Clinton.

(I prefer a future where thermonuclear exchanges and world wars are delayed.)

No I didn’t vote, the only local candidate I cared about is constitutionally barred due to a recent felony charge against him, the Hancock County, West Virginia Sheriff.

Trump was 100% certain to win my state, I spent my free time campaigning to Ohio Voters. I’m hoping it comes down to just a few votes in Jefferson County, Ohio for Trump to win the state so Kropotkin has a stroke. It will be all my fault.

I’m not a party member, and don’t vote unless I know something about the position and merits. A lot of our offices, I care not one bit about. We even elect our water department officials. I don’t care.

I’m just a neutral bemused observer. As an anarchist you don’t vote period as that gives legitimacy to authority or a government entity. I’m not about to start doing that.

I have my principles however I certainly can understand the sentiments of the Trump campaign against Hillary. She is a giant cunt.

It is compulsory here and we are fined if we don’t vote (only $20). I pay the fine.

Who did not vote for this Election and why?

Not voting<-----anarchist.

You know, if Hillary wins, West Virginia will be forced to be completely depopulate, Bill Killed off our Steel Industry, Hillary is seeking to destroy coal. If I say, I might be able to elect myself governor. Maybe even senator. One vote, is still a vote. I may have to draft myself for the national guard and pay for me through taxes on myself. Pity states can’t print money.