Coronavirus Hoax

I confess, I have not followed this thread in it’s entirety. However, I did read the opening post! It came to mind last evening whilst I was watching my tv screen and seeing many of the inhabitants of India gasping for breath. Hospitals were overflowing, and the folk were being ‘treated’ in the streets outside the hospitals. Some on benches, some on the ground, some in the car in which they arrived at hospital. When I say they were being treated, they were provided with oxygen to aid breathing. Not all - just the lucky ones!
The current ‘official’ death toll was/is between three and four thousand a day. Unofficially, I suspect the death toll is higher.

How many people have died as a result of being vaccinated? I understand a tiny, tiny minority have died as a result of developing blood clots associated with the vaccine. However, it is the case that many more have developed blood clots - and died, as a result of catching the “bad flu”.

Just because they didn’t get a blood clot, doesn’t mean covaxx didn’t play a or the role in their deaths.
I know about 20 people who got the shot so far and 2 of them got sick with flue like symptoms immediately after.
Both have taken time off work because of it.
One can no longer raise her arm above her head.
These are relatively young, healthy people.
If it does this to a lot of young, healthy people, imagine what it can do the old and sick.
Millions of old and feeble people are getting covaxx sickness and probably dying sooner than they otherwise would have.

An Indo-Canadian guy I know told me about same amount of sickness and death occurs in India every year, around this time of year.

[b]EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

‘Look out the window, and think, “why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?” Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.’

April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview.

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.

His main points included:

There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”

Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.

Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign.

Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”

Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”

Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.

The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.”

Dr. Yeadon began identifying himself as merely a “boring guy” who went “to work for a big drug company … listening to the main national broadcast and reading the broad sheet newspapers.”

Continuing, he said: “But in the last year I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus. Absolutely everything. It’s a fallacy this idea of asymptomatic transmission and that you don’t have symptoms, but you are a source of a virus. That lockdowns work, that masks have a protective value obviously for you or someone else, and that variants are scary things and we even need to close international borders in case some of these nasty foreign variants get in.

“Or, by the way, on top of the current list of gene-based vaccines that we have miraculously made, there will be some ‘top-up’ vaccines to cope with the immune escape variants.

“Everything I have told you, every single one of those things is demonstrably false. But our entire national policy is based on these all being broadly right, but they are all wrong.”

‘Conspiracy’ and not just ‘convergent opportunism’
“But what I would like to do is talk about immune escape because I think that’s probably going to be the end game for this whole event, which I think is probably a conspiracy. Last year I thought it was what I called ‘convergent opportunism,’ that is a bunch of different stakeholder groups have managed to pounce on a world in chaos to push us in a particular direction. So it looked like it was kind of linked, but I was prepared to say it was just convergence.”

“I [now] think that’s naïve. There is no question in my mind that very significant powerbrokers around the world have either planned to take advantage of the next pandemic or created the pandemic. One of those two things is true because the reason it must be true is that dozens and dozens of governments are all saying the same lies and doing the same inefficacious things that demonstrably cost lives.

“And they are talking the same sort of future script which is, ‘We don’t want you to move around because of these pesky varmints, these “variants”’— which I call ‘samiants’ by the way, because they are pretty much the same — but they’re all saying this and they are all saying ‘don’t worry, there will be “top-up” vaccines that will cope with the potential escapees.’ They’re all saying this when it is obviously nonsense.”

Possible end game: vaccine ‘passports’ tied to spending allowances, thorough control
“I think the end game is going to be, ‘everyone receives a vaccine’… Everyone on the planet is going to find themselves persuaded, cajoled, not quite mandated, hemmed-in to take a jab.

“When they do that every single individual on the planet will have a name, or unique digital ID and a health status flag which will be ‘vaccinated,’ or not … and whoever possesses that, sort of single database, operable centrally, applicable everywhere to control, to provide as it were, a privilege, you can either cross this particular threshold or conduct this particular transaction or not depending on [what] the controllers of that one human population database decide. And I think that’s what this is all about because once you’ve got that, we become playthings and the world can be as the controllers of that database want it.

“For example, you might find that after a banking reset that you can only spend through using an app that actually feeds off this [database], your ID, your name, [and] your health status flag.”

“And, yes, certainly crossing an international border is the most obvious use for these vaccine passports, as they are called, but I’ve heard talk of them already that they could be necessary for you to get into public spaces, enclosed public spaces. I expect that if they wanted to, you would not be able to leave your house in the future without the appropriate privilege on your app.

“But even if that’s not [the] true [intent of the vaccine campaign], it doesn’t matter, the fact that it could be true means everyone [reading] this should fight like crazy to make sure that [vaccine passport] system never forms.”

“[With such a system], here is an example of what they could make you do, and I think this is what they’re going to make [people] do.

“You could invent a story that is about a virus and its variations, its mutations over time. You could invent the story and make sure you embed it through the captive media, make sure that no one can counter it by censoring alternative sources, then people are now familiar with this idea that this virus mutates, which it does, and that it produces variants, which is true [as well], which could escape your immune system, and that’s a lie.

“But, nevertheless, we’re going to tell you it’s true, and then when we tell you that it’s true and we say ‘but we’ve got the cure, here’s a top-up vaccine,’ you’ll get a message, based on this one global, this one ID system: ‘Bing!’ it will come up and say ‘Dr. Yeadon, time for your top-up vaccine. And, by the way,’ it will say ‘your existing immune privileges remain valid for four weeks. But if you don’t get your top-up vaccine in that time, you will unfortunately detrimentally be an “out person,” and you don’t want that, do you?’ So, that’s how it’ll work, and people will just walk up and they’ll get their top-up vaccine.”

Gov’t lies, Big Pharma moves forward, medicine regulators get out of the way, and possible ‘mass-depopulation’
“But I will take you through this, Patrick, because I am qualified to comment. I don’t know what Vanden Bossche is about. There was no possibility at all, based on all of the variants that are in the public domain, 4000 or so of them, none of them are going to escape immunity [i.e. become more dangerous].

“Nevertheless, politicians and health advisers (to loads of governments) are saying that they are. They’re lying. Well, why would you do that?

“Here’s the other thing, in parallel, pharmaceutical companies have said, several of them, it will be quite easy for us to adjust our gene-based vaccines, and we can hasten them through development, and we can help you.

“And here’s the real scary part, global medicines regulators like [the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] FDA, the Japanese medicines agency, the European Medicines Agency, have gotten together and announced … since top-up vaccines will be considered so similar to the ones that we have already approved for emergency use authorization, we are not going to require the drug companies to perform any clinical safety studies.

“So, you’ve got on the one hand, governments and their advisers that are lying to you that variants are different enough from the current virus that, even if you’re immune from natural exposure or vaccination, you’re a risk and you need to come and get this top-up vaccine. So, I think neither of those are true. So why is the drug company making the top-up vaccines? And [with] the regulators having got out of the way — and if Yeadon is right, and I’m sure I am or I wouldn’t be telling you this — you go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.

“And if you wanted to introduce a characteristic which could be harmful and could even be lethal, and you can even tune it to say ‘let’s put it in some gene that will cause liver injury over a nine-month period,’ or, cause your kidneys to fail but not until you encounter this kind of organism [that would be quite possible]. Biotechnology provides you with limitless ways, frankly, to injure or kill billions of people.

“And since I can’t think of a benign explanation for any of the steps: variants, top-up vaccines, no regulatory studies… it’s not only that I cannot think of a benign explanation, the steps described, and the scenario described, and the necessary sort of resolution to this false problem is going to allow what I just described: unknown, and unnecessary gene sequences injected into the arms of potentially billions of people for no reason.

“I’m very worried … that pathway will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign explanation.”

‘Absurdly impossible’ variants will escape immunity, ‘just a lie’
“If I can show you that one major thing that governments around the world are telling the people is a lie, you should take my 32 years of experienced opinion that says, most of it, if not all of it, is a lie.”

“The most different variant is only 0.3% different from the original sequence as emailed out of Wuhan in … January 2020. 0.3% [is] the one [variant] that is the most different on the planet so far. And now another way of saying it is, ‘all of the variants are not less than 99.7% identical to each other.’

“Now, you might be thinking, ‘hmm, .3%, is that enough [to escape immunity and become more dangerous]?’ The answer is no. Get away, ya know, get out of here …

“The human immune system is a thing of wonder. What it does is when it faces a new pathogen like this, you’ve got professional cells, they’re called professional antigen-presenting cells —they’re kind of rough tough things that tend not to succumb to viruses. And their job is to grab foreign things in the near environment and tear them limb from limb [inside the cell]. They really cut them up into hundreds of pieces. And then they present these pieces on the surfaces of their cell to other bits of your immune system, and amazingly, because of the variability that God and nature gave you, huge variability to recognize foreign things, and your body ends up using 15 to 20 different specific motifs that it spots about this virus. They’re called epitopes, basically they’re just like little photographs of the details about this virus. That’s what they do. And that is what is called your repertoire, your immune repertoire is like 20 different accurate photographs, close-ups, of different bits of this virus.

“Now, if a tiny piece of the virus changes, like the .3% I’ve just described, if you are reinfected by that variant, your professional cells tear into that virus and cut it into pieces, present them again, and lo and behold, most of the pieces that you have already seen and recognized, are still there in the variants.

“There is absolutely no chance that all of them will fail to be recognized and that is what is required for immune escape, to escape your immunity. It must present to you as a new pathogen. It must be sufficiently different that, when it is cut up by your professional checker cells, it won’t find mostly the same thing it has seen before. And that is just absurdly impossible when you have only varied .3%, so it is 99.7% (similar).

“You can go and check that by looking at papers by a person called Alison Tarke. There is also Shane Crotty, and all of the other co-authors.

“And before them, coming from my theoretical understanding of multi-locus immunity, which is what I just badly tried to describe, to what actually happens … If your [immune system] is presented with something that contains even half of those similar pieces, there is no way your body will say, ‘that’s a new pathogen.’

“And, so, the idea that 0.3% could even have a chance of getting around immunity is just a lie. It’s not [even] like an opinion difference.

“I don’t think 3% would be enough. That’s 10 times more variation than has occurred in 16 months [with this virus]. I don’t even think 30% difference would be enough. So, I’m saying that 100 times more variation than has actually happened, would still leave me putting a big bet on the human immune system not being fooled that these are new pathogens.

“I’ve chatted this over with several professors of immunology and they agreed with me, it’s like, ‘why are you asking me this?’

“So, I think that what I’ve just said is that governments and their advisors in multiple countries are lying about variants. That’s a massive thing! You should check it out. Your readers should check it out. If it’s true, don’t you think it’s terrifying?! It was when I realized it.

“So, they’re lying about variants, and then, of course, since [the variants] are not really different, you do not need a ‘top-up’ vaccine. Now you should be getting the hairs on the back of your neck up, because they are making them right now!”

“They are making billions of vials of it. And they will be available by the end of the year.

“And I think they’ll require people to first, be on the vaccine passport one-world database, and then it will roll up into the top-ups, and if it takes a bit longer it will take a bit longer.

“But this is not going away. It won’t go away until enough people, if they ever do, say ‘you’re a bunch of frauds and we are taking our freedoms back, so you can just stop doing this.’

“Because one person shouting into the wilderness and all of the other academics looking the other way, will have us just going down this pipe maybe a week later than if I hadn’t said anything, but we’re still going down to hell.

“So, that’s why I’m frightened.

“The variants aren’t different. I call them ‘samiants’… they’re pretty much the same. They’re not different. Therefore, you don’t need a top-up vaccine, so don’t go near any of them.”

‘Why is my government lying to me?’ Because ‘they are going to kill you.’
“[And if you recognize that our governments are involved in a major verifiable lie], don’t just turn your computer off and go to supper. Stop. Look out the window, and think, ‘why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?’ Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.

“The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you. I have no idea what it will actually be, but it won’t be a vaccine because you don’t need one. And it won’t kill you on the end of the needle because you would spot that.

“It could be something that will produce normal pathology, it will be at various times between vaccination and the event, it will be plausibly deniable because there will be something else going on in the world at that time, in the context of which your demise, or that of your children will look normal.

“That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing.”

“Now I don’t know [for certain] that they’re going to use that [system] to kill you, but I can’t think of a benign reason, and with that power they certainly could harm you, or control you, so you should object [and strenuously oppose it].”

People can’t deal with this level of evil, but Soviets, Hitler, Mao show its possibility
“It’s become absolutely clear to me, even when I talk to intelligent people, friends, acquaintances … and they can tell I’m telling them something important, but they get to the point [where I say] ‘your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death and that of your children,’ and they can’t begin to engage with it. And I think maybe 10% of them understand what I said, and 90% of those blank their understanding of it because it is too difficult. And my concern is, we are going to lose this, because people will not deal with the possibility that anyone is so evil…

“But I remind you of what happened in Russia in the 20th Century, what happened in 1933 to 1945, what happened in, you know, Southeast Asia in some of the most awful times in the post-war era. And, what happened in China with Mao and so on.

“We’ve only got to look back two or three generations. All around us there are people who are as bad as the people doing this. They’re all around us. So, I say to folks, the only thing that really marks this one out, is its scale.

“But actually, this is probably less bloody, it’s less personal, isn’t it? The people who are steering this … it’s going to be much easier for them. They don’t have to shoot anyone in the face. They don’t have to beat someone to death with a baseball bat, or freeze them, starve them, make them work until they die. All of those things did happen two or three generations back and our grandparents or great grandparents were either victims of this, or they were actually members of it, or at least they witnessed it from overseas. That’s how close we are.

“And all I’m saying is, some shifts like that are happening again, but now they are using molecular biology.

“And the people going along with it, I think they would probably say, ‘I was only following orders,’ which we have heard before.

“But I know, because I have talked to lots of people, and some of them have said ‘I don’t want to believe that you are right, so I’m going to just put it away because if it is true, I can’t handle it.’ And I think … all you need to do is find a good reason to tell people, ‘Don’t take the vaccine unless you’re a medical risk of dying from the virus!’ That seems to me a pretty good line!”[/b]

India has population of over 1 billion.
I’m guessing that means over 10 million Indians die there every year.
That’s equivalent to the entire pop of Sweden dying every year, or a quarter of Canada’s pop.
That’s a lot of fucking people.
Any year wouldn’t be hard to find loads of sick people and piles of corpses in underdeveloped, poverty stricken India.

Wow, a former Pfizer VP, so it’s not just tinfoil hat wearing preppers, neckbeards and crackheads after all who believe this is an authoritarian, corporatist depopulation conspiracy.

Wow! Food for thought! Have you been vaccinated, Gloom? I’m doomed, I’ve had one jab. [-o< My dad is 101 - he’s had two jabs, I hope it doesn’t effect his life expectancy!

The percetage of people dying from blood clots after being vaccinated is lower than the base line percentage of people in the population dying of bloodclots for all reasons.
There is a tiny concern that those having died of bloodclots (a small number) after having the vaccine are unusual that they are no typical, being female and not old. A link between oral contraception is bing looked into.
But even if there was 100 times more deaths from bloodclots, the balance of risk is still well in favour of taking the vaccine.

I haven’t, and I never will, no matter what they do to try and coerce me.

Not to mention the pop density is very high, which means the pop density of sick, dying and dead bodies is also very high.

:laughing: =D> :laughing: =D>

If only they would!! You have a pathological need to be a complete prick!!

You shall have to accept that shop keepers, and other owners of property have to right to refuse entry to dickheads like you.
That is their right.

Sculptor is a good example of how successful brainwashing already is.
… and has nothing to say, but always has to say something.

I will not be vaccinated either, even if it costs me my job.
Some of my colleagues got very sick after the vaccination and had high fever for days. In a nearby nursing home, ten people died within 2 weeks after the vaccination. One patient, who had been seizure-free for two years, started having epileptic seizures again after the vaccination.
And this happened only in my personal environment.

" …from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people".

I manage to shop without a mask, and I’ll probably manage to shop without being vaxxed too.
Self-checkouts come in handy, as well as online shopping.
In any case, I’d rather starve than be vaxxed.

A lot of people will refuse to get vaxxed no matter what government and shopkeepers try to do to coerce us.
Even if it’s only 5, 10 or 15%, still in Canada that’s 2, 4 or 6 million people.
Try us, see what happens, you may be in over your head.

Yup, never mind blood clots, covid vaccine sickness is real, it’s serious, lots of young, healthy as well as old, sickly people are contracting it, and presumably it’s killing thousands or millions of people, the vast majority of them old and feeble, but they have ‘plausible’ deniability; ‘was his sickness really from the covid vaccine’?
‘Oh he was old and weak anyway, it was his time to go’.
But with the covid virus they do the opposite, they assume it was the sole cause of death in every circumstance.

In any case, I’d rather starve than be vaxxed.

K: and this boys and girls is what ignorance sounds like…

you have been vaccinated all your life… you just don’t realize it…
I know you aren’t an American, but here to go to school, you have to
prove that you have been vaccinated from various diseases…most vaccinations
occur before the age of 5…and another example, if you step on a nail…
you need to get vaccinated… the Tetanus shot is a vaccination shot…and if you don’t,
one out of three people who aren’t vaccinated and get tetanus, die…
other vaccines that will save your life… polio vaccine protects from polio
which killed and destroyed hundred of thousands of lives earlier this century…
look it up…

rubella …or otherwise known as German measles… I became hearing impaired because
people were not yet vaccinated against this… and I will shortly go deaf
because of this… you say the cure is worse then the cause… I say otherwise
because I have personally experienced it…if people had been vaccinated, I would
have my hearing…and because of various vaccines, such as smallpox, german measles,
polio, influenza, hepatis b, whopping cough…to name a few…
you are alive…and dam ungrateful about it…


Didn’t your “‘real’ doctors” tell you that the Covid vaccine is a completely new type of vaccine that cannot be compared to conventional vaccines at all?
The conventional vaccines are attenuated pathogens that are fought by the immune system. In the case of mRNA (genetic Covid -) vaccines, the genetic information of the virus is inoculated, the body receives the blueprint for the viral proteins, i.e. produces them itself, and at the same time the immune system has to fight these proteins that the cells have produced themselves. This is called an autoimmune reaction. And what this causes in the body - in the case of the vaccine - in the long term could not be proven at all in the short test phase.

Conventional vaccines have a development time of 8-10 years, the fastest vaccine that ever came on the market had a test time of 5 years.

As far as this new mRNA vaccine is concerned, we are the guinea pigs, whether you like it or not.

Didn’t your “‘real’ doctors” tell you that the Covid vaccine is a completely new type of vaccine that cannot be compared to conventional vaccines at all?
The conventional vaccines are attenuated pathogens that are fought by the immune system. In the case of mRNA (genetic Covid -) vaccines, the genetic information of the virus is inoculated, the body receives the blueprint for the viral proteins, i.e. produces them itself, and at the same time the immune system has to fight these proteins that the cells have produced themselves. This is called an autoimmune reaction. And what this causes in the body - in the case of the vaccine - in the long term could not be proven at all in the short test phase.

Conventional vaccines have a development time of 8-10 years, the fastest vaccine that ever came on the market had a test time of 5 years.

K: that is simply not true… why do think they came up with it so quickly?
variations of it has been around for a while… it isn’t completely new…
it is simply an offshoot of prior vaccines… vaccines work on roughly the
same principles… this is no different…a lot of work was done during the last
pandemic, the H1NI…and people have been hard at work dealing with this
because the fact is, everyone knew another pandemic was coming…
which is why the Obama/Biden put a infection disease office in the White house…
which IQ45 dismissed…you make this seem like we were totally not paying attention
to infectious diseases but in reality, we were and it showed in how fast our response
time was… and that response time was built on work already done…


I don’t fully subscribe to germ theory, especially when it comes to coronaviruses and influenzas, because they’re ubiquitous and necessary for homeostasis.
As for viruses in general, from my experience, observations and research, nutrition and toxicity play a far greater role in disease than big pharma and its science care to admit.
Modernity and its medicine are a double edged sword, some diseases have plummeted, like some of the ones you mentioned, probably for all sorts of reasons, like improved waste management, knowledge of/access to nutrition, particularly for poor farmers and urbanites, while others, like autism, cancers and infertility, have skyrocketed, but I guess that’s a good thing now, since the Malthusians (whom I’m sure we can trust with our health) say we’re overpopulated and climate doom is just around the corner.
I think terrain theory and the work of scientists like Weston Price are better at explaining many diseases.

Modernity and its medicine are a double edged sword, some diseases have plummeted, like some of the ones you mentioned, probably for all sorts of reasons, like improved waste management, knowledge of/access to nutrition, particularly for poor farmers and urbanites, while others, like autism, cancers and infertility, have skyrocketed, but I guess that’s a good thing now, since the Malthusians (whom I’m sure we can trust with our health) say we’re overpopulated and climate doom is just around the corner.
I think terrain theory and the work of scientists like Weston Price are better at explaining many diseases.

K: and on with the grand assumptions… how do you know that “Autism, cancer and infertility
have skyrocketed” if you put these statement into context, they would make much more
sense… the reason that “Autism, cancer and infertility” has increased is our better awareness
of those issues…we can diagnosis these thing much better today…it as been in my lifetime
before it was understood about what autism was…before that, it was the weird kid down
the street…autism wasn’t understood to be a disease before 1938 and it wasn’t until
1981 that autism and Asperger disease was two separate diseases… now how do you know
that autism has “Skyrocketed” without any evidence before 1980?
was autism a thing before 1900? who knows? you certainly don’t know…

and what about cancer? cancer has been killing human beings just about as long
as there have been human beings…the point has been the increased awareness of
cancer, not any increase or decrease in cancer…we can diagnose it better and
thus it seems like cancer has increased but in reality we can simply identify better…

and the last thing, infertility…and this has happened in every single civilization…
from the Greeks who complained about it to the Romans who complained about it
to the British who complained about it and now we complain about it… every single
civilization that we know of, has once it has reached a certain point, the fertility
rate of women in that civilization had been reduced…Augustus, Roman emperor,
worried enough to actually change the laws regarding childbirth in Rome… women
were expected to have a certain number of children and if they didn’t, they were punished
and if they did, they were rewarded… that was one of Augustus big failures as emperor…

this has occurred during every single civilization since the beginning of time…
if the civilization reaches a certain point of civilization the fertility rate goes down…
and everyone freaks out… today is our day…notice that women in third world
countries fertility rate has not changed or gone down… only first world, the
industrial countries has the fertility rate gone down…

we are always coming and going… but you have to give us some context or otherwise
your points don’t make sense…
