Yes, Picard was the cooler captain. Kirk used his wank while Picard focused on solutions other than ‘explosions’ of various sorts. Picard’s brother owned a vineyard (sweet) Kirk abandoned his son and then sacrificed him
Picard has been through hell, i.e becoming a Borg, being held captive by a ruthless Cardassian, having to put up with Whoopie Goldberg (Crooked pukes in disgust…)
Kirk on the other hand cheated his way through the Kobyashi Maru test, fought black people who posed as klingons, (seriously, watch some of the original Star Trek, they were just black dudes with no weird skin mutations or anything), and had numerous homo-erotic encounters with Spock, Bones, and a multitude of one episode only crewmen who mysteriously died after a ‘private’ meeting with the captain. Clearly Kirk had issues.
Finally, Picard = Professor Xavier.
Kirk =
I can hear shatner saying “phazer blast” before shooting the bad guy…
besides kirk got all the babes, especially the hot alien babes…
picard almost got dr crusher (not that she wasn’t a babe, but she was the only one unless you count the borg babe but she was the borg) and he never even got her…
but checking down the list…
Picard was the more successful explorer–just think of all the cooler aliens and beings they saw.
kirk was there first and cooler was only better effects
Picard was the coolest bald man (until Vince Mackey). Kirk wouldn’t admit he was bald.
dramatic pause… “scotty man,” dramatic pause… “you’ve got to give us more power…”
Picard was not a hot-head.
kirk was playing the emotional human against the “logical” vulcan… picard did have his hot head side… “ahab, you broke your little ships…”
Picard was a strategist. He didn’t have to outgun his opponents, instead, tactics were his strength.
as was kirk…
Picard had class–just as officers should.
kirk had class, but he also had a sense of humor about himself
Picard was educated–he spoke several languages.
kirk had a universal translator, he spoke them all
Picard faced the Klingons, the Romulans, the Borg… Kirk faced the Klingons…
kirk faced the romulans too… as well as many other alien races
Picard likes wine.
kirk likes romulan ale, which was more potent?
The best one: Picard was a philosopher, Kirk was a neanderthal.
kirk was well versed in philosophy as well, and he got the jokes…
Damn Trekkies. Nerds. Giving ILP a bad name. But since it came up…first of all it’s not Picard. It’s The Picard…or Locutus. And he’s cooler. If only for the fact that he went bald gracefully and didn’t wear a TJ Hooker wig. But keeping it fictional for a sec, Picard is still cooler because his character has more subtleties, and subtleties are cool.
but if fiction is stranger than truth, than we’ve got a problem because picard would’ve made a much better captain, as he wasn’t banging uhura or green aliens.
Lt. Cmdr. Data got his groove on with a chick… Natasha Yar!
Plus Vulcans probably couldn’t get all down and dirty (that’s much too emotional).
Whereas Data could be told to go until she blacked out.
Kirk was better. He was more into it and appeared to be having real experiences. I like them both though.
Spock was much better than Data. He was also “human” in that he had struggles with himself and others. Data was mostly an innocent or savant type of character. However, his single mindedness was great at times.
Remember the Nexus? Kirk didn’t want to leave. Picard had the inner strength to walk away from eternal happiness. Picard has a stronger will than Kirk, plain and simple.
Now Data and Spoke… I mean Spock:
Obviously Data is better than Spock. Data has superhuman strength, speed, and can have sex forever! Tasha Yar didn’t die, she gave up on living after having Data. No one could ever compare to an eternal erection, not even Wolf… I mean Worf So she had only one choice, kill herself in a pool of black smudge.
Data rules, and if you think I am wrong I suggest you let Lt. Commander Data show you what he is made of.
Patrick Stewart is by far the better actor. For this reason alone I voted for Picard. If Patrick Stewart had played Kirk,I would have picked Kirk.
I like the original Star Trek because of its humourous "camp’ value, but what made the show was Spock.The story of the Vulcan people remains one of the most interesting in the Star trek series. Plus, my high school debating coach used to tell me to “grow long pointy ears” before presenting any argument, so researching Spock was part of my rigorous debate training.I tell ya, Star Trek and geek clubs really makes you popular in high school society. If I hadn’t of been a Drama “star”, I probably would have been killed in high school.
Frankly, if I was in need of help immediately I would want Kirk to show up and I would be eagerly looking for Spock.
I saw PS’s character as being an extension of the bland CEO type that was so popular in the 80s and 90s, plus he was rather emotionally constricted. People like that tend to be scared. However, PS as a person makes me smile and I like him.
Patrick Stewart was an accomplished thespian long before Star Trek. His on stage presence is undeniable. His role in Star Trek was, at one point, viewed as a step down for Stewart.
Shatner was/is a hack…
Kirk was an unreliable drunkard. Picard never let his crew down…
Lastly, one more reason to like Picard more… theAdlerian prefers Kirk… ewwwwwwwwww.