Demonrats wanted a Civil War

which legislation?

I thought the US government revolved around Anglos being rejected from Britain, LARPing as Greeks and Romans, and that their religion isn’t inferior to Catholicism?

did you intend to demonstrate with this post that you have an understanding of the basic functions of govt in the us?

you’re like a below average twitter troll who jumps on every bias-confirming headline that passes your way and who has no idea how the actual world works.

What is with this 10-second memory that Liberals have??

Remember all the hype about locking Trump up for having cLassIfiEd doCuMentS?!?!

Then Biden has the same crime and is worse, as typical of this riddled dementia patient. Where’s your standards, do you have any? Of course not.

Liberals accuse everybody else of their own wrongdoing, and face no repercussions for it. This is why things like January 6th happen. Eventually the AMERICAN PEOPLE will get sick of your shit.

where are you actually from? you know that america is about a 70% liberal majority by population right? we really aren’t as divided as you might think if you understood how senate seats are distributed.

Did you just imply that liberals control 70% of the Senate??? Is that your final answer?

I mean it’s pretty simple math if you actually want to take a look at party control of the Senate. I can help you with that.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some Alex Jones to listen to…

i said by population. you are not a serious person.

i really wonder sometimes if english is your 1st language.

Whether overt or tacit, it happens. If lenders or renters don’t make an express effort to get X% of minorities in their portfolio they can and will be accused of racism or “uinfair practices”.

No one at a bank is literally refusing to loan money to minorities if they have the credit and qualifications for the loans, because banks only care about one thing: making money.

The fact that less than the normal amount of minorities get these type of loans or housing compared to non-minorities isn’t because of racism, it is because they qualify less often. It’s more than just credit score too, its credit history, amount of savings, being able to trace how they got their cash, the property values of the places they live in, etc. Lending institutions have billions of dollars and all they care about is maxinizing their profit and minimizing their risk, so they are going to loan to whoever helps them achieve that end. Race has nothing to do with it, since a bank will happily exploit (massively indebt) a black person just as much as they would to a white person, as long as they get their profit and low risk.

I dunno man, you can look it up if you’re interested.

Well the population is more like 25% liberal, 25% conservative and 50% in the middle/undecided/swing one way or the other based on the issues.

Although if you go by geographic region, around 85% or more of the country is conservative. The liberals tend to cluster into large cities thus they occupy a lot less land mass.

Clustering into large cities like that also helps them more effectively steal elections.

you’re the one who said there were laws

like right here you said there was legislation and specific programs. i was just asking what you were referring to.

Yes, where do you think affirmative action comes from? On what basis do people sue every day because “whitey didn’t give them a loan/job/promotion/apartment/place at uni”?

Like I said, kinda surprised affirmative action is a new concept for you.

I’m not gonna waste my time looking up the specific names of specific laws and shit, but you are free to do that if you want. Obviously they exist, since affirmative action is a thing in our society and companies get sued all the time for violating it.

It would be quite absurd for you to hide behind “well if you don’t look up the specific names of the laws then affirmative action isn’t real!” but then again I wouldn’t be too shocked if that was your tactic here. This is ILP after all. Internet’s Laziest Pseudo-philosophers.

First of all, most Americans are not Liberal. Liberalism has a bias because it controls main stream media, which is dying. Nobody trusts television cable news anymore.

Second of all, good thing America is a Republic, isn’t it?