I’ve been wonderin, does the world really dislike Bush a lot? Personally, I dislike the guy; his stupidity, his running the American economy into the ground, his lack of action against coporate people, etc.
This guy should not be an American President… Gore sucked too. Bush cant even speak proper grammar. He is a horrible public speaker…
There are several websites dedicated to Bush’s infamous comments he has made at one point in time…
(off the topic)
??What ever happen with the Tax plan/tax relief (surplus) we were all going to get. I thought this was really going to help the economy.
I think they had a gallop poll a week ago in Newsweek and his popularity is going down tremendously. Maybe it was like 65% are not happy with the economy and Busy is to blame they say.
Then i was reading in the Free Press yesterday, Bush commented on the economy by saying, “we are in a hangover, from the economic binge from the earlier 90’s”
It was something similar to that. Still what a stupid choice of words I thought. Bush is just a puppet who will be gone in a short time.
But you cant blame Bush for everything. I blame Willy
Personally, I forgive him for his rather poor oratorial skills - at least he gives us something to laugh about.
My gripe is with his policy stance. He leans too far into ‘hawkish’ territory for my liking, and with people like Rumsfeld around him, one fears for international stability given that he is at the helm of the world’s greatest military power. His reflex response to Sept 11 - bombing the poorest country in the world, wiping out several villages full of innocent people in the process - achieved nothing positive, as Al-Qaida have simply relocated and regrouped - and is evidence that he is unafraid to pull the trigger even if it achieves nothing but a boost for the collective American ego.
He calls his country an exemplary beacon of democracy - yet he attempts to influence the outcome of Palestinian elections to suit his interests. Is that not hypocrisy of the highest degree? His handling of the Israel/Palestine conflict has been inadequate to say the least, and has shown considerable partiality unbefitting of a world leader.
What about the Kyoto protocol? It forms an integral part of the international community’s attempts to preserve our planet for future generations; yet Bush has displayed an alarming inability to think ahead in his decision to pull out for the benefit of the US economy. What use will his economy be when we’ve all been fried to death by UV radiation?
The isolationist is playing a central role in the increasing divergence between the international community and the USA - it is nothing more than arrogance inflated to international proportions, and benefits no one. He recently threatened the UN when they announced the finalisation of the institution of a new international court designed to meet the needs of a world faced with the threat of audacious terrorism. Bush said that any attempt to use the system against US citizens would be met with forceful resistance - he’s out for ‘himself’ at a time when the world needs to work together at an unprecedented level - hardly a commitment to world peace and stability, is it? Instead he’s declared a “war on terror,” which is basically a license for him to bomb whoever he wants, whenever he likes, without too much fear of international intervention.
Humph…I could go on forever. But anyway, Bush seems like a nice sort of guy, but his approach to politics is insular, childish, and potentially very damaging to the world situation. Why the hell did 50% of Americans vote for him? Is half of America really as inward-looking, conservative and violent as he is!!!
Also, do Americans still take the idea of Manifest Destiny seriously?
Manifest Destiny was only the perceived American destiny to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific in a huge nation. So, since that’s happened, I don’t really go along with Manifest Destiny anymore because in my mind it’s over with.
I thought Bush got something like 40% of the electoral votes? Anyway I don’t like many of the laws he’s been trying to pass. But it seems like people are being paranoid and jumping on the “bush is dumb” band wagon. I don’t know all that much about economics but I know lots of people are complaining. I think of bush as a potential danger to a bunch of things. But I figure he’s only going to be there for a few years. If he’s elected again it just goes to show how pathetic america is. As far as producing a quality leader and supporting him.
i bet you a trillion dollars he wont be re-elected. No chance…i hope he doesnt even run for re-election.
You cant really blame him nor any other new presidents of america. They are puppets.
Same goes with Congressmen…each one having dozens of men backing every word up.(or making every word up for them).
Bush doesnt make up these new policies or bills himself. his party does.
Bush should hire a ventrilaquist(pardon spelling) …then he could just lip sync instead of actually talking. He is that stupid.
Dick Cheney would of made a lot better President…his health just isnt up to par.
Regardless of what the alarmists tell you, global warming is NOT a problem. And frankly, the US is right to act in its own self-interest. The US exists for its own sake rather than the sake of the world, just like each individual exists for his own sake rather than the “good of society”. Frankly, that’s a good thing.
You act as though that’s bad. If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?
Good…frankly, it’s time for the US to get out of the UN and for the UN to get out of the US. The UN serves no purpose other than to subvert the sovereignty of its member nations and put the successful few at the mercy of the incompetent many–which, incidentally, is also the fundamental flaw with leftist politics and philosophy as well.
For several reasons–for instance, Article III, Section 2 of the US Constitution states that “The trial of all crimes…shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed”, which means that any crime committed by anyone anywhere where US laws have effect, the accused would NOT be tried in such a court anyway. For crimes committed by US citizens in foreign countries, well, they’re already under the jurisdiction of that country’s laws. There’s no valid reason, moral or practical, for the US (or any other country) to participate in such a court. It’s just another way the socialist nations of leftist Europe can subvert the sovereignty of the US.
Europe subverting the US? [sarcasm] can we say MacAruthur? are the Reds going to invade? do we need to build more nukes? are the Viet Cong looking dangerous again? is the world short of terrorist organisations? or shall we make some more anyway?[/sarcasm]
frankly WTF are you talking about? since when has Europe tried to subvert the sovereignty of the US? maybe you should consider right-wing America subverting the rest of the world, murdering, gun running, etc etc.
as for the war crimes court, when has an American ever been tried for war crimes - never. look at My Lai, Vietminese civilians were murdered by US forces and only one person recieved a sentance, which was 2 days house arrest. it’s about time that American war criminals were brought to justice along with the rest of Western war criminals.
Kurt, I appreciate your desire to see the US government protect its national interests. However, as a country which trades so heavily with the rest of the world, and whose military muscle gives it the power to reign, surely you must realise that a solely inward-looking USA would lead to serious conflict. I don’t like the idea of widespread animosity towards the world’s only superpower. Yet this is very much the case at the moment. Much of European Union’s momentum comes from a desire to ‘match up’ to the United States. I know this having just returned from the constitutional convention.
If I accidently shat in your house, I would take it upon myself to clean up. The US are, in my view, mainly a force for good in the world community. I don’t think Bush is quite the idiot people like to paint him as. I actually find his style quite refreshing. When people choose to knock America for their foreign policy, they must remember that their government is (like mine) subject to democratic pressures to act in self-interest. This can often be against the best interests of the wider community. Without a strong government there in the first place, it would simply be one populace against another.
Jawaad asks : “Is half of America really as inward-looking, conservative and violent as he is??!!” I suspect the answer is ‘no’. I’ll be interested to see whether he is re-elected. His ratings were high, until this week when the one thing that the American electorate are most sensitive to starting looking bleak: the economy. Falling share prices appear to matter more than bombing a group of people on the other side of the world.
Can any of our American users tell us more on this? putting their personal prejudices to one side as they tell.
I agree that we shouldn’t return to our old isolationist ways. If America becomes isolated like we’ve done after every war we’ve fought, except WWII, we’ll be falling back into our old rut of “let’s not care about the world”. I think isolationism isn’t going to help the country at all, and Bush isn’t going to help in any way.
Oh, and Bush DIDN’T get more than 50% of the votes in the election. He was elected through the Electoral College, not the popular vote, which Gore won.
I just got back from a drum corps show and I’m kinda tired, so I’ll respond to everything else after I sleep except for Nevir’s assertion that Gore won the popular vote. That’s not true–in fact, it’s impossible to know for certain WHO won the popular vote, simply because in many states, once a Presidential candidate has a large enough lead over his nearest competitor that the number of votes remaining to be counted is not enough for anyone else to overcome that lead, vote counting simply stops because there is no point to it. Had all those votes actually been counted, Bush might in fact have won the popular vote, or it might have been Gore. There’s no way to know.
I don’t know if the world hates Bush so much, but personally I agree with Youngman18 that he shouldn’t be president. I don’t know Bush personally so I would be judging if I said that I hated him. One thing I think that he didn’t do which is a good thing, is start a war or drop a nuke. But a baby could have figured out not to do that too.
I think I have been reading too many posts, since I was shocked at reading Youngman18’s following words which I now realize he was being facetious (I hope)…Youngman18 :
Focus on ‘like’.
Not trying to demean you youngman18, just stating an ironic fact.
Out of all the insults/accusations that Bush recieves, the one I find most mystifying is that he is “stupid.”
Do you HONESTLY think that you can become President of the USA, even if you are basically a member of a political cartel, unless you are a cunning, clever, manipulative bastard???
The guy knows EXACTLY what he’s doing. I wouldn’t be suprised if the mistakes he makes aren’t written into his speeches to give him a “regular American Joe” image for the voters.