dont do drugs

There’s a point to he argument that “drugs” in common parlance refers to a group of things that excludes alcohol, and that this distinction represents real things.

However, considering the mind distortion alcohol produces compared to any other psychotropic, the consequences of withdrawal, and the long term brain damage, on all of which alcohol is more intense than the likes of heorin and cocaine, bested only by psychiatric medicines, Neonazi Hamanize should ask herself what those real things are.

In my mind, those real things are the structure of tradition which give a framework and substructure to the consumption, preventing a mind to be lost quite as quickly as with other drugs, for which there are fewer scripts, unless you happen to be from a society that does (like heroin in Afghanistan).

Oh damn. PZR’s back swingin.

PZR don’t like socialists.

Diagnose the problem not the person. First you must define the problem.

I feel like drugs, psychedelics especially are just tools to be used in proper contexts, one can answer a lot of questions in self reflection in a state where conscious mind can directly communicate with the unconscious/subconscious mind.

This morning I was waking up in the middle of q&a with various characters of my dreams… it felt like that… I got creeped out… and I told them not to do it again when I’m sleeping & off guard.


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The mind likes to use imagery one is humble to on psychedelics, possibly for dreams as well. Education works through humility, so the only way you can educate yourself is through criticism from what you are humble to. The unconscious/subconscious is not bound to time so it may even be considered a “higher future self” educating a present conscious self.

Keep in mind that the prophets can get false visions. The body and the understanding rooted in it are like blind guides without reason synched with self=other.

I would say there is no such thing as a “false” vision, symbolism/imagery is meant to be dissected and not to be taken “literally”.

Imagery and or symbolism can be misinterpreted but that does not equate to it being false itself, merely the lack of understanding of it by the observer.

In comparison, we can’t call art false, but we can interpret it as it is meant to be or misinterpret it by mistake.

A false vision is a prophecy (or its interpretation) that does not come true. Those who value truth take such things very seriously.

[That is not to say that someone who is on drugs, or experiencing a chemical imbalance from their own body, or unable to interpret the “vision”, is necessarily experiencing a false vision/prophecy.]

An image or symbolism portrayed to the conscious from the unconscious/subconscious is not meant to be viewed as “if it will or won’t” become true.

It just is, it can be served as a lesson or reference to something in one’s life that they may need to focus on if dissected properly.

Like having a dream of teeth falling out, usually if examined further reflects the thought on self image or being self conscious, not to be mistaken with “oh my teeth are going to fall out” and taken literally.

Prophecy usually has to do with estimating events without bias in a long term fashion, not much to do with symbolism/imagery itself imo.

Prophecy (if not false) is not necessarily about things that are about to happen or eventually will happen. It could also be about things that have already happened, or are happening beyond the reach of the senses. It all boils down to truth. Examine everything; hold fast to the good.

…and what of all the other animal species that also ‘do drugs’?


Because after all, every layer of consciousness only grows more complex and it is the complexity of programming itself that allows it to function as it does.

The consciousness gives us the permanent ability to be self aware, yet when one takes psychedelics it does so as well, the conscious mind communicating with the unconscious higher self which is the string I described, but something interesting happens, this higher self can exist ahead of the string currently as a future point on it because the unconscious mind has no concept of or reliance on time, we are time travelers in our mind but our bodies and consciousness are trapped in the present.

It’s like introducing a new piece of badass software to a piece of hardware that only that hardware can run because it is of such complexity.

Life itself is a drug/ a high/ a blast… why only dwell/the emphasis on, psychedelics?

…I would hazard a guess that some minds need more [external?] stimulating/stimulation, than others… which I’m not saying is either a good or a bad thing, but a qualia fact of experiential-subjectivity… coz we all have a different vibe to foster, honey. :stuck_out_tongue::metal:t3:

For other animals, eventually things will click in my view. Once they have evolved enough, they’ll wake up to consciousness. There’s no rule saying an animal won’t or can’t get to that point. Humans are just animals who woke up.

Well it isn’t just psychedelics but those are the ones I would recommend as least amount of harm in comparison to what is to be gained. Can’t compare heroine to acid or mushrooms. Context matters. But for a person wanting to self reflect and help diagnose themself, I lean toward psychedelics. Can have some pretty deep conversations with oneself.

Diagnose the person, not the problem.

“Hallucinations” & similar symptoms… hard to diagnose as legit on acid!

But, sure, if you actually WANT the symptoms…

There are drugs/methods that remove inhibitions w/o the side effects of alcohol, and while leaving the ability to treat self as other in tact…

A lot of problems that someone has in their reality, come from within themselves.

It isn’t hard at all to diagnose oneself on acid or a psychedelic. Ask the right questions and you will have answers.

Have you taken acid?

Me? Yes. When I was in high school & shortly after. No more than a handful of times and no more than I want to say two, maybe two and some fraction, doses. That was 5000 years ago. Circa 1990s. Second time I’ve answered that question, so I added a little bit more information.

Ok well I’ve done 10 at once and more than 3 several times, I have also done DMT and 7g of mushrooms the “heroes dose”.

I can confidently say the discussion one has in their own mind can resolve a lot of issues that one projects into their own life. By asking questions, answers appear.

The unconscious things that affect one’s conscious and reality come into light when asked about or confronted on psychedelics because psychedelics act as a mirror.