Double-Edged Golden Rule (self=other)

No, it is completely idiotic.

Isn’t that your official position on everything?

Imagine if it wasn’t, but it was only my position on idiotic things, but when you looked at it you thought it was everything?

:face_with_peeking_eye: :thinking: :melting_face: :dotted_line_face: :ghost:

Summing-up the shoddy thinking, right there^ :clap:t3:

You don’t even try to put anything forth… perhaps it’s time?


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Ok armchair whatevs.



IMG_3199 won’tcha!

I’ve only been on this site two days and have noticed the same. People with there severely limited metal capacity with absolutely nothing constructive to add. Like a child blowing bubbles still trying to figure out where to throw it’s toys. I really think there should be some form of even a basic aptitude test before allowed to join.

Nah. They’re here for a reason. Even a baby understands the eyes, voice, and handling of self=other.

I’m sorry I had a moment of static buildup there. I agree with you fully. The world needs all kinds. It would be boring if we were all the same.

Especially if we define boring as “devoid of the opportunity to treat the other as self” :slight_smile:

Alan Watts or … ?

Not familiar. It’s the Golden Rule. Found in every culture in history… the ground of culture.

Self and other is the most fascinating topic on my mind. Has been for a long time and the more I deep dive the deeper it goes. It could be that I am extremely far to one side or the other. This matter not to my journey. It is however satisfaction in abundance. I am open to discussing said matter if anyone feels like getting lost down the rabbit hole of eternity. What else could be more to one’s self realization that there is nothing but the one. Come out and play Shiva the ground of being

You have Shiva mixed up with I think Brahman.

I do not subscribe to the Hindu or any other polytheism/pantheon, but can see points of connection.

There is a ground of being.

I am open to all. Shiva wants to play. Brahman wants to enlighten. If there is a thousand ways to find something. I believe it would be quicker and easier to explore all ways instead of picking just one and to convince myself that said one is the only way. We are all electricity. Electricity travels the path of least resistance. “Go with the flow” what one thing is to another may be something totally different to yet again another. It is one’s own interpretation of what something is or is not is that is key to a greater understanding of the meaning to which we wish to be understood

If the deity does not treat self as other, they are no deity according to that standard.

There is a good destruction, like the resetting of a poorly-healing broken leg.

There is a good playing in line with self=other. All other forms of “competition” are merely scams.

That’s exactly it. There is nothing but it. You are that. I am that. All this is that and that’s all there is. The thinking that there is another is only the same that playing a trick on its own energy. The universe is all there is. Uni verse many manifestations of the one verse.