
|First Covariates|

Please do not apply anything in this post of mine to your last, Meno. This is an aspect I am dealing with here…I have read and partially appreciated what you said - and for this, I will apply appreciation further to your words. Tomorrow and this is not a confirmation for an answer but as an intention of further appreciation. Written here! This could be viewed as a side path for you and for this reason does not require an answer.

I leave that up to you my friend…

I believe I have accomplished part of my goal. Some of my problems have been resolved. I would ask anyone this question: is your speech a carbon copy of your written speech? When it comes to myself, I was astonished to discover that my speech differed from my written expression of views. Which speech? Both internal and what does come out of my mouth…I put this in a more lay sense given that I am understating what I am saying with the intention of easy access and I do not require an answer necessarily since sometimes questions themselves can be answers. I am not sure how I feel about discussing this.

And here is something more to consider. Because I do not always understand foreigners, it sometimes appears to me that there is something entirely different behind polite words, which is why I say this. Foreigners create walls and red lines in interactions by using polite language to do so. That is part of what I have gathered thus far. However, there is one thing that is not clear: when speaking, foreigners frequently do not express their actual sentiments and do not turn to personal themes or judgments. So, what exactly is the purpose of communication? This is of course in the sense of communication over the internet and more often in private messaging. I have heard all of the old cultural difference nonsense before and am aware of the metric megaton of articles on the internet - which appears to be everyone’s god. No, I am not asking - I am expressing.

I can term the above as, part of what I am after - Combined Segment 1…

I can use this process with others to tickle and distill in short. Moving along…Foreign people for me are actually all people. This is why I use all my forms of writing - to help keep myself company. I live in a multicultural society in the real world but I do not really understand any of these cultural components properly. Expansion of words does appear to lose some information and perhaps gain some other information. There is still the case of people being impatient. Life is short and some questions will never be answered because the answer must change with time. Relevancy! The first question appears easy to answer. This relates to my bottleneck. I also get the feeling this is one of those questions with multiple choice answers…in the second…and in this, I purposely exclude my ethnicity.

More items of direct and indirect interest to come.

How does one express the inexpressible?

A moment between me and another…

…A deep moment…

This is not bad. Contrarily, you have surprised me. It means you totally understand me to my depths. I read your words and my heart skipped a beat and a huge warmth filled my body.

A type of speechlessness. My words will return.

This from me is all I had in a deeply spiritual moment - another one-off in time - which time is this?

In shallow terms, perplexing.

Sorry for Your perplexing.

In here for dental surgery but needed to tell You, once out of here, will thoroughly and in depth as possible get through .

No. The perplexing can be good.

It ofttimes keeps the gnats away.

The patterns have depth. My expression of clarity is currently hidden - waiting to surface.

I caught this just before sleep, Meno. May your day be blessed.

| Simple but effective |

We don’t stop learning - superior thinking and transcendence rely on this.

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers—Alfred Lord Tennyson

Knowledge formations change and sometimes we see patterns in them…

…Individuals who find themselves in a difficult circumstance, and who are no longer able to manage with the knowledge that they currently possess…

…are seen as having a need for further information…

Acknowledged, paraphrased, and reiterated: In the process of attempting to decipher any ancient text, the issue arises as to what the words meant to the writer at the time they were written and how he intended them to be interpreted by his original audiences. We must first attempt to comprehend them in the context of those initial ‘horizons’ before we can leap centuries – and cultures – and apply them to our own ‘horizons.’ Then there is the split between what is in the persons head and what comes out of her/his mouth as separate to the written word. Namely deception from the sender and self-deception in the reader. What do we actually know? We against these two mentioned…the sender and the receiver as an example separate to us. If their words are self-centered then they are of little value…of value but little…and contrary as in the floral arrangement for each logic…can not see the black flower in the black space…

- le contraste -

To reiterate: I am one person on this board. I only post my own thoughts. I do not use anyone else’s username, and no one else uses mine. I explained in another thread I used to be She™. God started bringing me back 9/22/05. If anyone intends things for evil, he can still use it for Good.



Deleted unsubstantial

Time for a new code, no?

Entre intérim. Early morning and the temperature is cool as I visit this small universe that I have lost touch with over the years. Coffee keeps me company and I have the idea to have a small breakfast since I do not have to expend too much energy today, the first day of the weekend. I will likely have a second breakfast after I walk, a snack. The intention is to keep enough energy for deep analytical thought that exists outside this universe against the much larger universe that I have existed in since my interaction with the saint. I imagine my overall experience like one song fading into the next. The twilight…a period or state of obscurity, ambiguity, or gradual decline in between and from the last medium-length era into a more clear eon. Declining from the old state and building into the new disposition.

Ready for the new day that itself builds in complexity over time and with each disruption my mind is able to re-fortify. Each day is a new formation…and is built on the last and the days go back before the formation original. Overlaying patterns outside the parenthesis. A dinner for a select few!

A brighter day! Six twilights and the(one) observer…Viedeň, Bécs.
Only to be met by a new night…built on the last.

Growth, but this later in the morning!

Now…hopefully, I can get back to sleep. Sleep well môj me, friend!

Jo ejszakat :

The photo is exquisite, commend the shot, it reminds me of so much., swinging fast to Bobby Rydell.

My favorite scenes are faded black and white, one movie with Orson Wells particularly draws into another time another place, looking out a stained window and the guy in the window says snow is coming and white Grey smoke curling into a dark sky and can almost smell the burning grass that consumes the last vestiges of a still eager sunray ; as a reminder that over that expose a song over the rainbow; before the forty five looking foreword to all that color vision of the nineteen sixties and all those futures echoing of a far away mountain top you promised her will scale every week bingo the future every spring.

So much ahead so much yet to be left behind.

The reason, the purpose is his promise to stop time. Every time. While the other side twirls around, frantically solving how to do it.

Good night to You, back toward when the country smelled sweet hay, and Bobby Sox on Fridays’ hop,

And every time like that it comes alive.

Silly? The great draw soon forgotten. Thanks for the memories, .

Are you real? Here?

Were you ever not?

I remember devo. And “how many times have you moved” or something. y’all thought you were funny

“All for you” going back to the nineties. Silly is an understatement. Especially if my hunch isn’t a delusion.

Looks like you are doing okay, though, right. Can’t be that silly.

Except for it’s still silly.

Oh well. Used to it by now.

To what end. Stupid question, right. Note the missing punctuation. Somehow messes up the timing/delivery. Oy vey.

“One does not simply” give me a good “brace yourselves” meme.

The irony.

Course o scribbled it but it’s just a mood drawn.but I know it was…well

Inadequate, as a matter of fact it’s just a seasonal transition and not worth the phone it was written on, I ask you, if you don’t think much of it either, you could have just let it pass. I just write for the fun of it, will never get published, but , …

Anyway, I’ll take it as it is: sub standard rubbish, sculptors favorite adjective funny as he’ll.

I’ll do better next time, if it ever come to it.

And yes, I am real. …trying to compose something about someone regaining his composure icould be interesting, though, and I got the stuff about me me me me me, that is pretty obvious .

So it’s night time ready to hit ol’ sack, and drowning liquor not my thing.

But though time is of the essence, there is still lot left, and no there is not going to be a European war again , though a lot of people are pining for it.

Good night to U2 77 sleep well and wonderfully dreaming to another great burst of new dawn.

When I got here a mere decade ago I knew my limitations and boundary wise was warned, and I had a guy in creative writing tell me that what good writing is usually based on personal experience, but unlike Ec, I simply can not go into some stuff and I can not begin to describe it; but can work around it cat like around a dish ful of milk, but the reality of it may make at best; a short story, compressed like to a glittering fish’s underside.

But must pass until…

Some truths masquerade in the imagination as humored delusions kept at bay until … fruition.

Unless they be delusions masquerading as truths.

Examine everything… [ ……………… ].

Pretty sure you got that first part covered.

Stuff in brackets. I dunno, man. God knows.

If you don’t got that part covered, he’s gonna cover you. I do know that much.

Yeah, it’s covered, and is perfectly recoverable. So I’m out of those woods The grandma wolf can not explain her hunger for the little red riding hood grandson and parts of which she has no inkling about goes against her will to survive.

As such , she can be tricked for that primary attachment, as inviolable way back when, defies any sleight of hand illusion.

So, she, more ware (wore) then wolf, has to fetch when called upon.

Course with the presumption that a break, whatever it may be ,makes the rejoinder tougher than the original substance.

Basic alchemy 101

Ever sooth someone inside you that didn’t feel like part of you? Yeah… Who made who?

Begotten not made…

|Second Covariates|

Unecessarily limited people make me sad…and…

I am inspired to paraphrase the following thoughts…

  • We rarely have an idea what sort of individuals surround us or how deep their thoughts go. It can be difficult to open up to these people… On the Internet, the “traveling companion effect” is nearly real…and continues… I can discuss with the person I am traveling with on the train anything I want and then get off at my station. We are not going to see each other again. At work, we all have our roles to perform. Furthermore, we are unable to hold genuine, in-depth discussions. We hide behind masks… It is possible that I pass by the same individual every day on the way to the station. And they encompass an entire universe… Unfortunately, oftentimes, I am not going to find out -

…nevertheless, there is still an emptiness in many people and we can only hope that this does not spread too far…

Then there is the mask of the internet and those with an emptiness to fill… one can hope it fills with something good…

Quick passing thoughts, brief deformation or reformation - Mention of WHY

I have a segmental philosophy on communication. There is a part between talking and questions. Titled like: Why do people talk? Not the exact title. And easy to answer like this: Indeed, ERD! Why do people talk? Apparently, it’s the only way to convey your thoughts. Thank Gods! people can’t read each other’s thoughts. That would be a disaster :slight_smile: |BUT| …and for me, this is different again…People can in a way read others’ thoughts…this is the type of thing that makes me stop and think. Here in a way appears caveman thought and in the other robotic functioning talk. Why people want to lose the reason to be is beyond me.

Don’t you see? It is in the “Why”…here: At the basis of the question comes the desire. The justification for or reasoning behind the desire to talk. A strong feeling of wanting to have communication or wishing for a discussion to happen. If a person is only in their thoughts then they only process and react to the world. This is like being a robot in that one has a function and a fulfillment of function. Me on the other hand, sense, and in a sense this helps me process more and my reaction must be of value. So for me, I explore the value and what it means to me. I consider my reaction and what value it holds in the other. And again we move to it being in the value…and so…working backward from the value to the desire. What is the value of the desire?..yet…there is even more recursion involved and branching like in the following tree…

What fits the why? In this example, the value of the desire in the why…

|each circumstance of why is different|

Formative prime > [science and technology, ethics, religion and belief, psychology and philosophy]
Subordinates > [Thought, Desire, Psychological concepts, Cognitive science, Cognition, Human activities, Concepts in metaphysics and Philosophy]