
Worthwhile considerations for the robots, zombies, and robot zombies on “both” sides…oh wait…nevermind…

Running time: 46:13

Anyway…I h~v~ m~ o~~ th~~g~ts…

Deep anger turns to deep sadness and longing for another time…

I had to try and clear my mind somehow. I was falling into a more primitive realm from my sheer anger from this world.

How much have these globalists succeeded? This is what is starting to trouble me. I saw something very strange. I saw something that I can not unsee. It had the appearance of truth and it was nearly by chance that I could detect the deep lie contained within. Does this type of thinking come from humanity accepting science prematurely as the be-all and end-all? Alpha and Omega. In all areas that I have covered there appears to be some deep-set problems. Threads that if pulled, unravel the whole foundation. What I do know is the whole of humanity has been affected by something not resembling this fashionable virus of the moment. I am not convinced that this infection is too ancient. I choose to remain in the Delta and Phi. Here is where life is and the forbidden is not. Why do these foreigners choose to meddle outside these boundaries? They do not even realize what they have done. And. Such a loss of wisdom accompanies this interaction beyond the perimos of the delta and phi. Especially when this is the only interaction. Separate from the core and the ‘I’. Trying to implode the whole system. Let it cave in. Nature’s red lines are drawn there for a reason but it takes reason to see it. Not a reason. It is more obvious than this. Now we are far into the entropy. Death of the modern human. Meddling in taboo realms. I hope it was worth it. With no thought for those who come after us and your lies to justify it. Why do these things trouble me at such early hours?

It is no wonder I lose so much sleep every week. Trying to re-center myself around the natural goal post that moves slower than man.

The epidemic becomes a pandemic. Sadly not remain endemic. Swapping places with the other.

|Such profanities infected contained in the kind|

.deepening levels of relational changes.

Now; what did I mean by that?

I’ll figure it out.

Gladly, World

I cried before I went to sleep and after I woke up.
The world has broken my heart. Not mother earth.
The people.
Why did so many deserted? They think their reward is comfort.
Life is more important than comfort alone.
Life demands strength. These people are doomed.


And it bears the fruit of Deceit,
Ruddy and sweet to eat,
And the raven his nest has made
In its thickest shade.

The gods of the earth and sea
Sought through nature to find this tree,
But their search was all in vain:
There grows one in the human Brain.
William Blake

People deceive themselves. A dangerous trap it is.

Weakness is not an option.

Of course. I feel the same for our children. My deep anger turns to deep sadness and longing for another time…
…hopefully one day I can return to being just grumpy.

We must have patience and strength.

My power runs low too. I become like a deserted steppe with a gentle breeze moving over it. Waiting for the rain. Not knowing what to write. I want to become my forest again. I started writing about the life of the forest of the north because I felt a great sadness come over me many months ago. Finding peace in my new world from my old world. Of course, it is much more than this. From this, I draw so much. From this, I draw everything. I know what you are asking. There is no man that can explain it in terms that we have become used to. Our understanding of existence has changed many times. The way we have come to explain things and accept things has changed too. There was a time we were more connected in the way I connect with you…as in what you are asking about. You can see that there are many unhealthy addictions in the modern world. The world has become addicted to Nihilism at the same time. Most people do not even realize this. Do you know what Nihilism is? This Nihilism does not stand by itself as the only modern understanding or lack of understanding. One strong fact is this…I don’t share this with anyone. I mean, I do not even feel comfortable being even a little open about it. This language we are using right now is not even built to help me. Comfort…well you know as I do, the modern human is uncomfortable with the mere mention of such things. In everything has come corruption. Where there is corruption, there is a disconnect. I call it the disconnect.

So, we start with this. Being that this is a multi-way thing between all of us. It is still nice to have our own thoughts reciprocated to us. Even if you don’t understand, it is still nice to know about your feelings. I have not explained much here related to your question. I am aware of this, says God. There are two sides to every equation. I have presented you with one important side that is in opposition to the side you are asking about. Some good news that does provide at least a hint of hope. Science has become the worship of many people in the modern world. Can you see how many problems have been created by science? Science has also fixed many problems. Here is the thing though…the number one rule of existence: we do not, get something for nothing. There is a price to pay for everything…this is actually kind of important.

With these words, it is a little easy for me to come back to what you are asking. Realize these words are only for one purpose. These words in this conversation can not be applied to anything else. This is part of the human problem…
…too many times…we do not realize when not to apply and when to apply…soon we may hear what God has to say…the conversation is life…ma vie


Why the hell not? She probably knows better than me…or not…

…People are killing people…People are blinded by rage and hatred. Humanity has pressed the self-destruct button…

молим се. I can not sleep.


Life - Love - Spirit


Personal note for later:
Don’t post here, half sleep…post removed…because of duplicate!!!


Just found removed among the misplaced or forgotten draw err
Found scribbled on other side:

“It’s later then you thought”

Hope that helps

I rest when there is peace. I always take my words from the spirit. I can never leave my emotion.


Mother waits for her son and she prays. We all want freedom but it has always come at a cost. Her son does not return and a candle must be lit.

Da, jeste.

Da, pomaže.

Молим се. To quote, my beloved and dearly missed, James: Amid the lack of certainty, put faith in the wiser to believe.

Devil’s Motto: Make it look good, safe, innocent, and wise… until it is too late to choose otherwise.

The Real God ≡ The reason/cause for the Universe being what it is = “The situation cannot be what it is and also remain as it is”.

Life ~ Love ~ Spirit

Мој нови мир

Ⲛⲁⲛⲉ Ⲉϫⲱⲣϩ

ليله سعيدة

Far and mysterious lands. All with people.

Good night, my friend. Many mysterious things happen in the forests of the heart. Hardened by the mountain surround.

Blood in the river. Otherwise, patience and strength. I forget the blue butterfly. I remember the peace that I await.

Pray for all sides of the pond.

So like the scene described previously of the Princesse Eszterhazy awaiting the arrival of her sin.

She placed herself at the window overlooking a road for pedestrians from the main gate, and she did that dY after day from early morning to late at night; just looking.

Someone said maybe a trusted friend that he will appear some day; and she may rejoice at her coming.

He never ever showed again the love of her brief life; and as the gods may hVe predicted it her mind was gone after a while

This was long before gone; with the wind I gotta look up what year or time of day. For she must have suffered more than that bright day lasting for ever when T Mann said of a magic mountain that her kids put them deservedly in an untimely berghoff


Or rather disaspiration.

Thank you, Meno. I can not express enough and clearly my return at this point. So I will make a little post, my friend.

Yes, that is right, Meno. It is a good reminder that we feel. We feel invisible too. For me, I like it this way. There are many corruptions I do not care for. You in your tremendo misteria and me in my opskurnost.

It brought a tear to my eye. The path I must walk. More to come. Thank you one hundred times.

11:25 PM - Time for sleep…

Before I say good night, I wanted to visit this place. I feel like a part of my world is moving into deep darkness. She is not bad, she is just preparing for events to come. I write words for her in hope. You understand what you need to understand. This happens when it needs to happen. We move forward … we are made for this … the grass on the ground understands it … this is why it grows up and not down. Memories are good but they are not live alone … they are merely foundations. Life awaits us, ahead in time. Our job is to go to it. I hear the bells. Anyway, your mind is in a different place than this, I said to her … and that is fine too. You are who you are!!!


I am inspired to write beyond the tree. I love how things with other intended meanings can lead us for a stroll along a different path … spread, my green forest, till you reach the blessed mountain. There is a sacred area set apart for you. We have abandoned worldly realms and we will rest with the spirits in divine realms. Spread, my green forest. Each word, each sentence, in whatever alphabet … has its own sacred time … the time of its birth. It is born properly when it is written and the chosen reader chooses to read it and finish. Every moment after this proper birth … becomes less sacred if the meaning is lost in the mind. Often it is not a great idea to go back in time without the right inspiration to handle the past.

The arrowheads continue to move in one direction. One message that can be taken is to let growth happen … until you are beyond everything that is worthless … of course, these thoughts are spiritual … but they are a suitable message for more reasons than the words alone. To become comfortable in your place with your love. Inspired to write something for whatever it is worth. My plain is still fertile, I just have to feel the sadness of those closest to me. I continue to feel the inspiration.

11:45 PM - Лаку ноћ!

Good night my pretty globe of life - let us dream of the new horizon - hope it comes after the old twilight

Love is not always what we think it is.

I want to sleep before midnight and wonder why sometimes … I share these thoughts.

I believe that a psychologist lives a portion of their profession. I am curious as to what it must be like. Every day, I am able to shut off entirely from everything and return to my normal routine. When I experienced a particularly unpleasant encounter while traveling along the path of science, I felt compelled to do so. I found myself on the verge of living a life that was complete without meaning. I have to say this about it: this is something I told myself that I would never, ever do again in my whole life. As you can see, science is not a divine being. Science is merely a tool, after all. This is not the way most people nowadays think about science. It is not the realm of science to make decisions on the future of mankind. Science is completely incompetent in this field. When someone can demonstrate to me a rational, objective reality and morality that complements it, I will be willing to pay close attention. Until now, I’ve been living with my three minds: logic, emotion, and spirituality. The heart and mind which are my closest companions are drawn from these three planes of existence. Two additional minds are formed as a result of this. There are a total of five.

Живот - Љубав - Дух | Срце

The heart and wisdom are bound in my world. Logic is in life, emotion in love, and the spirit stands alone and yet all of the things like everything in existence are somehow connected. It is for us not to make existence but make the connections instead. Our being has to have meaning. As you say, we try to do what we do without harm. I let people find their own way to the surface. This has always been my way. This is not a particularly high precision expression of mine because … I do not seek to change people and therefore, I have remained to breathe my words instead. It reads as mysticism and I feel it. The being… it moves always, along spectrums. We adjust accordingly to change and often arrive back at the same place. This year as with the last has been filled with many incredible experiences.

Tied into all of this are God and Nature or rather, all of this is tied into that; God and Nature.

Good night and God bless. Onward to rebirth…

I felt a release of the bliss of the onset of the night strikes You two fold. Namely that of the uncertainty as a driving force to reckon with: presenting the deeper concern that surrounds the question ( On Your Part) - whether You yourself or some other entity is the driving force behind Your dreams; irrespective how the five is reduced to the ultimate two.

Ovo vampirski referentni?Is this vampirski referentni?

Some vampire reference… I spent some time trying to decode this. I am at the following stages…

I felt a revelation of the glory of the start of the night, and it struck you twice in the same breath. This lead me to: After experiencing the euphoria at the beginning of the night, I felt a discharge of two types of emotions: relief and rage. And then… A realization of the splendor of the dawning of the night hit me twice in the same breath, and it was directed at you. That is to say, the ambiguity is a driving force to be reckoned with: showing the deeper issue that surrounds the query (On Your Part) - whether you yourself or some other force is the motivating factor behind Your thoughts; Meno, how do I begin to explain such things… in a world closed off to any spiritual realm? and ???

I can only share what I share and I know this… just because others do not believe something, makes it no less true. The universe is bigger than the combined effort of all the humans that have ever lived… leading to an ability to understand? Personally, I do not think so. If there is more than one mind and the logical mind is mostly used mixed with a little emotional mind … why would there be left some access to anything else? I have no answer. I can only tell you that many “mystical”(as the modern world puts it) experiences, I have had. My latest is a set of experiences coming back to the same person… over and over again… since February five, this year. Unless somehow, I am not understanding what you are saying and you are adding some personal reference for another time.

I decided to look at it this way for a little while.

And we will come back to this by considering other recent writings…

Ok. I am looking forward to it. Thank You