
Encode , if I had the time
If I had time
If I had
If I

If I
If I had
If I had the time.

But I am a slave slaved by love’s magic
The magic is real and alive for someone who did not think of
the affects

Watch what you wished for and then there is no turning back

No absolutely not
The wrench can no longer turn the axles the pistons are worn out no rings to compensate an engine which uses a quort every week.

Synthetic is an insult to the wallet that’s between hell and high-water. The gentle spring of an oasis of recognition is what’s left, and even a speechless slave can whittle out some fabrication of what gem there hides lurking in the strange deafness of what’s not hidden in galactic light.

Confessions abound: Augustin is one. But slaves in the depths of the deserted rain forest can not reveal what? ts it all bout. They can only quagmire that comes at them through the crack once invited.the father and the sin, figuratively and even literally frowning and laughing at the same time yes, patterns through you threw you. me inspire.throw away convention but not decency. Slave away for a fortright that if that much.

Dunno but the Golden Rule personally that is.
Will read you clear and loud God permit temporal adequacy and then, may be, May Be(but it is may …Be) and see whe not to the third quarter but all inclusive folded bird who can"t or doesent want to fly.

Had the mother burden flew away one time carried aloft by the southern wind lands drifting through the making haze and found a tidbit joyfully carry back to eager open beaks reminiscent of bruguel type epidemic frescoes that spelled like starved hungry ghosts?

No bruguel spelled wrong it’s more like some fetch east India company twirling bejeweled success of time worn Velasquez type milled wind and splendidly beautiful brook enimating all the rainbrook colors as gently churning to the sound of echoes fascinating dribble through time.

And silent flows, like dawn’s revenge no test but the flow flies in incremented not to impress herself but express desperation at the mere thought that some day the will might dry.


Races and horses blinders and beaten severely to a pulp in a black alley or feathered clown don’t cry out cause it’s useless. Well , , not nearly.

Press and express yourself until coming two terms left ee comings though two fold and then retained it, so that seminal evil can not rob the cradle.

Perfectly honest, sqared awY. The object of desire has to be willed number one.
Number has to go through a boundary of recognized joy at the though, helped along to cross.

The bridge of desiring that magic tradeoff between what’s what here and now and that object soon remote and mysterious.

Number two is very variable and eager to accommodate, but the Third one is difficult.

A fly in the ointment once got out of a bad fix almost didn’t make it and buzzed joyfully over a yellow green go
ganesque field once and the buzzing simply delicious.
Not even giving it the slightest hint I knew about it that down deep
Very deep was repulsed by his childhood .

But some magic drew him out of the sin of vanity and got it’s self somehow cause mirror mirror w b o is the beauty is contested very much.
Verily I say:

That is not the object.
That is definitely not the object but has to do with it in some obscure way.

So here he was in a police holding tank buzzed by acid, dying by time and died.

The woman sheriff could be overheard saying by God we almost lost him.

Then back to dry out .

The old all-in lamp sharpie comes over to sell The Deal and I says I wanna out of here and be able to completely unsynthesize what’s been hidden and old granddad made me do it.
And old frNddas should be given credit for the following even if it autoshyts down in the future , perfect in it’s self as is presumed.

But all kiddin aside cause there ain’t one scared of violatin’ the terms as scarlet did once in ol’ restoration was autocorrected from wantin’ to write ristocratic tumultuous tempeament- just havin fun with plantation talk.

Ya.slVery invited in, nut lovin’ it. Another mystery on accounted fir.
Now the third inning.

Now I tempt myself to nihilize the above and write something allusion and finer to simulate at least nearly as good response , Endcode, buy thought the better of it, and resisted the cut, knowing a reassanblafe could factor in the lack of intrinsic almost debilitating faults are merely signs of an amateurish attempt.

But really thinking it over, gathering the most sincere validation, I resisted that urge, and will follow up less Turley as soon as muses will allow.

Rests pen and pencil with dramatic flair.

Reverse order so I can mull over and respond kindly.

Second that order, much .next week by latest with Your per

Third but primary. Need 2 know. REVERSEDLY ○● faithfully. Less abstractly per haps.

“It is only for the one… for now…”

Premonition hint? Cease & desist? Trying to formulate a technique and/ or style.

Drops pen aghast. @what? 4gotten Johnny rotten

Meno, you are welcome here… I request that you leave the forest the same way you find it.

I hope these snippets entertain someone.

There are real-life elements that are disguised as fiction in my work that I wish to include in my stories. I, of course, want ethics to play a role in the setting and tone of the story. I am creating a narrative from the perspective of the thoughts and perceptions of my protagonist as he perceives the surrounding environment. His primary role is to live a meaningful life. He does this while he thinks about the current events and memories he has by combining them via the use of imagination. The actual world and the world of my characters often parallel one another’s histories. In his dreams, he receives messages that influence the course of the tale and provides depth to both his real life and his fancies. During his time fishing, he likes to take a break and reflect on the day’s events. It takes him some time to come to terms with the fact that he has a premonition of what is to come. As he aged, it seems that this talent is becoming more accurate. In my imagination, or in children’s books filled with tales, I can think of no reason why I could not write this narrative with such an element. Even while my character believes in God, he also realizes that he is not the only one who is experiencing these ethereal sensations. He often reflects on the Viteninja lady he met and the magnetism that brought them together. Now that he knows his wife also loves nature, it takes on a whole new meaning for him.

My character discovers what his wife loves and what she doesn’t like in this planned literary masterwork… of course, I’m kidding here… but not quite… Slowly, he learns to appreciate many of the same things she does in her everyday existence. In the back of their thoughts, however, are the fantastic things that happen, both mystical and heavenly. They both love to have a clear image of how the world around them works in their heads. Her favorite part is the story of how he discovered her and how she ended up attracted to him in the first place. When he could pick up on things about her she hadn’t said, she was amazed at how well he was able to read her mind. In the end, she wasn’t afraid of him as she was in the beginning. She had learned to like her life as it was. She was aware that this guy seemed to have a clear grasp of reality. Furthermore, she learned that there are no other realities except those that exist inside her own mind and the actual world. He’d be reminded of Vorenija more frequently than he’d want to admit. She also understood that he had a singular goal in life: to do the right thing at all times.

As I said… sometimes I can only hope…

And so we enter the first layer…

At least a part of it.

Our protagonist begins this chapter of the novel in one of the beautiful woodlands that Vorenija has to offer. He ambles over to his preferred rock, which is the location at which his recollections are most likely to surface, and the first image he has today is of a lady. It seems as if they formerly knew one other but have since lost touch with one another. It seems like the forest floor is lit up with warm light, and the man’s eyesight is so clear that it is almost too bright. He has the impression that he is floating in space, and it is possible that he will be able to get his luggage before someone else comes. A guy finds out what it is that a woman has detected in him from the lady herself. After he gives her a response, she is impressed and the two of them go their own ways.

After that, he makes his way to his wishing rock. This is the location where he has conversations with God about the mundane things he desires and expresses gratitude to God for providing for all of his requirements. This is one of the numerous little chapels that he built across the Vorenija forest. He devotes most of his time to listen to his own music and hearing tales of amazing individuals from all around the world who have tried to become closer to God by the things that they have done for other people. When they have arrived at this stage, they are conscious that they have accomplished the objective of spiritual development that the Lord had planned for them.

He enjoys going to the huge lake on occasion, and there is a spirit that resides there. The spirit takes the form of an elderly lady, and she enlightens him on a variety of topics that are helpful to him throughout his life. He is aware that she is lonely and that she is getting older. She never comes out and confesses it. At some point, a guy from another realm appears and kidnaps her in order to show her his world. She gets the impression that there is something strange about the situation, and she attempts to describe everything to him as if she has never seen it before. The male gives off the impression of being uninterested, and it’s possible that she is struggling to find her footing in this strange new environment. As time passes in this reality, she starts to run into more and more difficulties, and things only get worse from here on out.

Upon his arrival back in the hamlet, he comes face to face with the idiot. When he is with this someone, he must constantly keep his temper in check. These are really naive and self-centered statements that come out of the lips of this guy. Our hero has a lot of curiosity about the fool’s polar opposites. We found out much later that this was not the case. The guy is not impressed, but since our hero and he both have pure intentions, it is easier for him to believe our protagonist. He responds, “Of course not,” when questioned about the reasons for the acts he took. It was nothing more than an attempt on his part to be friendly.

The power of the mysterious realm is at its peak when each night finally arrives. He never inquired about it, but he has always been subjected to it by default. She acts as a guide for him while he goes fishing and hunting, and it is through her that he ultimately gets to know his wife. She is one of God’s closest friends. According to God, “She is just like the light that shines throughout the world.” It is comparable to the power that may be extracted from obscurity and incorporated into visibility in order to be of service. She is determined to protect everyone and everything on this planet by any means necessary.

Structures and alterations.

This moment marks the beginning of his new adventure, but it is only one of many travels that will take place during the course of his life. Every one of these adventures ends up being related to one another in the strangest of ways, and a valuable life lesson is gleaned from every one of them. It is not the responsibility of everyone to know which direction the wind is blowing; rather, it is the responsibility of each individual to know their own path, and this provides each person with something to feel connected to.

On occasion, he travels into the area of Vitenija, where he has a high level of popularity among the troops stationed there. They are often taken aback by the immense amount of energy that he has, and whenever he visits, he is always made to feel quite welcome everywhere he goes. Even though some time has passed, the inhabitants of Vitenija are still having a hard time adjusting to the recent changes that have taken place. They are in a certain sense living in a state of terror as a result of the shifting times and the diversions that are all around them.

And that is that for the time being…

Dear encode.

You say:

“quote=“encode_decode”]Meno, you are welcome here… I request that you leave the forest the same way you find it.”

Meno says:

Today us the day that I found time to try to get into Your rich narrative, which if course I will attend to with Your permission.
Sorry for what appeared to be blaze neglect.

Just read last two chapters. Now I know the magic of Your forest, the primeval powers possessed by both, him and her.
It’s a trip from an unfamiliar terrain, the vision of which is convoluted with it’s mirrored, manifold appearances.

Like my habit of reading backwards, I shall refrain to the beginning, the origin , not in the sense of of a real beginning with an imagination thrust , a big banged out solid core, but something more like a subtle, imperceptible whisp of the slightest stir in that forest primeval.

The exact time and date of the minutes notice, creating huge effervances of pathos. Inclined toward it.

So backward toward another beginning,from an unintended sign that an epilogue is imminent to reach another for ward off the number of spiritual helpers who simply are listening, appear to hover over the forest, like fireflies do in mid summers dreamy vapor.

I am lost, admittedly in the forests particular scents, sounds, , beholden miraculous visions of all and all of that and that too, included in a vertically arranged structure that only the grand turtle on top, unseen and unknown, can at all visualize.

Have pity on one so without aptitude, for I am like a child, afraid of the forest green allure beckoning.

Yes, of course, Meno!

I will add, that is a very interesting word pattern of yours… I decided to contemplate its underlying structure…

I hope you do not mind… I am just going to post something for its own sake and not other useful reasons… he made me feel both energetic and effective at that moment. I was empowered with life, and my strength almost reached the point where I was prepared to employ it for a function that was on par with its full potential. My mind is filled with the memories of a friend who has passed on, and the idea of them causes me to feel both rage and sadness… my thanks for all you have done to help me become stronger and there is no doubt in my mind that you have gone above and beyond for me without ever making a request for anything in return.

Interesting… honestly, this post has nothing to do with anything but I feel like doing something… as we go through these stories, we will meet a variety of individuals, each of whom has their own specific set of conditions that must be fulfilled. These specific characters are the ones who are responsible for taking the required actions to guarantee that their own destiny is achieved. They have a responsibility to acquire the knowledge and abilities required to function in a world that is populated by individuals who are already capable of doing so. Every one of these people resides in their own little corner of the landscape, and whatever remains after these first three days is theirs to distribute as they see fit among the people in her immediate environment. After considering all that has been discussed, it is obvious that these individuals do not behave in a fully sensible manner and are clueless about how to adapt to the rapidly changing times. They have been successful in making some challenging choices, yet they are still confronted with difficulties that are of their own creating.

Diametrically opposed and yet supportive? She has no doubt in her mind that his endeavor is worthy of the love that he has for her. At the end of the day, she does all in her ability to guarantee that the thoughts in her brain are unspoiled. Her compassionate nature stems from her firm conviction that every individual had the capacity to improve themselves and become better versions of themselves. In the end, he makes it his objective to improve his capabilities in every aspect of his life. He constantly looks at things from a positive perspective, and he is aware that even the smallest details are important.

I will consider the last two pages a little deeper. Perhaps I may be inspired…

Untill next time, take care!

Good morning, world… hello, Meno!

I imagine that it is unfamiliar terrain, Meno. I am equally lost and will have to work on my own aptitude to discern what you are saying to me. I have not had the chance yet to go over previous posts to make connections with what you are saying. I can only guess at this point and while that can be fun, I sense an urgency in your words. I am not sure what I can offer you but I will do my best with time permitting. In the meantime, I hope for the best, perhaps your answers will come in the middle of the night… this has happened to me before. Who knows? God bless you, Meno. I better have my strawberries, breakfast, and get ready for…ascension…feast…other! Have a fine day and if it is hot where you are, I hope you are able to stay cool. Unless you like the heat, in which case, enjoy! Or maybe it is the night… hmm, have a good night? I will be back!

Praying for peace!

Hello, Meno… I have taken another look… not sure how useful I can be directly so I hope something indirect is worth something.

Yes, unfamiliar. I would not expect any true understanding of anything I write. Sometimes when I read words, something unrelated may come into my mind.

For if we go back to the absolute origin, we may find nothing. I sometimes think of the safe middle even if I am more inclined to an extreme at the time. I often read in backward paragraph order… otherwise my eyes will skip around inside a sentence to determine broken logic. I get the gist of what you are saying and certainly, there are plenty of subtleties in anything. I guess reading between the lines is such an example.

It has been some time since I have dealt with epilogues myself. Do all spiritual helpers draw from the same source? I am not certain except that many things are connected. You are very correct about there being a vertical structure, however, I am not an expert at analyzing my own frameworks since right from the beginning it was about planting a seed to see what may grow. From my end, I am relatively happy and I can post several examples of diverging paths which would not be so easy to snap out an understanding… they each had their own seed from the same tree… so to speak.

I am without some of this aptitude as well… I am still working on it… I feel as if I have taken a baby step with this response. Apologies if it is completely useless. It is early but I see the patterns I need to consider before perusing earlier aspects… I will simply touch base here and before I go I will take a look at what I wrote the other day and decide whether it is worth posting.

It may not be very applicable but I will add it anyway…

Introduction to the Reformation.

[3:52 PM]

Therefore, to the first part of the book, is dedicated to a discussion of the topic in the first place, and for this purpose, I present the following… First I let my mind become a vast and desolate plain. I allowed my mind to seed itself with what troubled it. After this, I waited for the rain… that which would allow the seeds to germinate. A year later we come to know our memory. I wanted to float up into the clouds and see everything clearly but I was aware that caution was needed because sometimes, the clouds can make it difficult to see. Therefore I also wanted to grow wings like an angel so that I could fly beneath the clouds and over the great forests and the great mountains. I watched from up high and noticed the people were not happy and they had no idea why.

They spent their days arguing until no argument made sense anymore. Even their arguments became tired like them. I was sad and alone but I knew I still had hope. I spent some time looking at what was beautiful. The forests and the mountains as well as the rivers and the waterfalls. Perhaps I even spent some time watching the waves dance with the sand of the beach or maybe it was a dream. These things were natural and easily recognizable. In my mind, I begin to see and things started to form. I began recognizing. I left behind my judgments and sought to empty my mind. It was time to start a new journey and I stepped again into the unknown. Many thoughts came to me but what stayed with me was the earth and she was always like a mother.

It was time to become less involved with those who had completely lost touch with themselves and each other. It was time to turn my back on those who lost touch with mother nature and turned their own backs on God a long time ago. They had become a pack of wolves and I had become a lonely bear. They were great in numbers but I was great as one. I turned my back and ambled to my great forest and this forest had been calling me for a long time. Her name was Vorenija and she was a small part of the amazing Novomir. My new and peaceful world that had been born twice before and it would seem that this was its final birth that I would be aware of. It was my destiny and I would finish my natural life here, at least in spirit.

I also had to travel to a place filled with life and her name was Vitenija and I had no idea I would find a wife there. A lovely Viteninja woman who would fill me with life and my spirit would be happy again. My heart was no longer lonely and I began to feel the love again that had filled me from the beginning.

It is merely a contraption for me to work with… in a way it is a reflection of the first two posts.

Must read You tomorrow fir sure and sorry fir my irregular on again off again responses, good night from here.

I thought about this on the day… Sometimes, I like to reorder what I see in my mind…

Now, perhaps I misinterpret something… on with the flow…

Here, I have the opportunity to do it with words: If I had the time, at the moment, I would encode. Allow me…

I make the expansion…
If only I had… but alas, I am powerless in the face of love’s magic. In the eyes of someone who does not give thought to the consequences, the enchantment seems real and alive. Keep an eye on what you had hoped for since there is no turning back now. No way, and in no manner is the wrench any longer able to move the axles, the pistons are completely worn out, and there are no rings to compensate for an engine that uses a quart of oil every week. A pecuniary insult that falls somewhere between hell and high water is to be called synthetic.

Perhaps get a little adventurous…
But even a speechless slave may conjure up some fiction to describe the hidden gem that lies hidden in the strange deafness of that which is not obscured by cosmic light if only I had… Augustin is one of a number of people who have come forwards to admit their guilt. If slaves were to be discovered in the depths of the barren bush, what would they reveal? It is all about. Their only option is the quagmire that the gap invites them into. Patterns launched you, the parent and the son, both literally and symbolically frowning and smiling at once. I serve as a model for others. Keep civility while discarding convention.

Expand the adventure…
If I could have worked nonstop for a week, it would have been the best possible scenario. But because I am someone who lives by the Golden Rule, I can not say for sure. I will read what you have written aloud and in detail so that you can understand why it is impossible for a folded, fully functional bird that either is unable to fly or does not want to fly to make it to the third quarter. Perhaps it could be(but it is… may…Be). Were the Southern Wind Lands successful in easing the strain placed on the mother and in locating an intriguing nugget that they could happily communicate to the eager open beaks of the pandemic fresco painters who wrote as if they were voracious hungry ghosts?

Back to adventure…
There would not have been a problem with my pronunciation if I had… Like an alluring east Indian form spinning bejeweled success of time-worn silk… milling… wind and amazingly gorgeous stream invigorating all the rain colors as softly churning to echoes appealing trickling over time, it’s more like this. This… to express her agony at even the tiniest possibility that her will would dry up, stillness pours like dawn’s wrath, rising in increments. It is futile for a feathered clown or a horse with blinders to yell out in a dark alley. That’s a long shot. Patches!

In order to prevent primordial evil from stealing the cradle, I would have persisted in pressing and expressing myself until there were just two phrases remaining. Right on the money, to the point. First and foremost, the object of one’s desire must be aspired to. Secondly. In order for it to be accepted, it must surpass a threshold of recognized joy. It’s the miraculous interchange between the present and the future that is the bridge of yearning. The second is flexible and open to new ideas, while the third is more difficult to work with.

The buzzing was pleasant when a fly in the ointment almost did not get out of a sticky position and soared happily over a yellow-green presidential field. His upbringing was appalling to him even if he did not give it a second thought. He was, after all, a maggot at the beginning. However, he was saved from the sin of vanity by some magical force that somehow managed to get its hands on the fact that the mirror is a hotly contested source of beauty. That is not our intention, I promise you. That is not the thing, but it is somehow connected to it. That is where he ended up: high on acid, running out of time, and confined to a judicial holding cell.

Extend my imagination a little…
If I had overheard… the female sheriff says, “By God, we almost lost him,” I would have felt compelled to intervene. After that, it was time to dry everything. Consequently, then, and finally. I tell the ancient all-in lamp sharpie(who reminds me of a genie) that I want to get out of here and be able to entirely reverse synthesize what has been disguised, and my grandpa forces me to do so when he arrives to propose the deal. And old Fredda’s should be awarded the following, even if it is expected that it will automatically shut down at some point in the future. But, all jokes aside, nobody is frightened of breaking the criteria, as Scarlet was once autocorrected when she was trying to write aristocratic volatile temperament - she was only having fun with plantation language.

If I had your enslavement and was allowed to settle, while you enjoyed it, another one of these puzzles has been unraveled.

The top of the third inning has been reached.

Assuming that… if I…

Now… to the rest… leaving some [nothing in the ground] and building [little castles from the removed mud] here and there.

Perhaps I will journey into generation… and in the meantime contemplate what I had missed… from different angles!

Well… even skipping over the apparent Americanisms, which I have little hope of fully grasping in the near future… you appear annoyed about something.

It would not be the first time I have encountered an unhappy Hungarian.

I am not a magician, Meno. Even if; standing on the table inside was a magician belted with a serpent devouring its own tail… I will try and work it out for you, man!!!

Perhaps we should all make a wish… we may have more a chance!

I am not here to punish or be punished. I simply do not understand everything that I read. I work fairly hard at understanding and some things are completely clear. I will contemplate your words, have no fear… it does not mean the diamond is cut in an instant… nor can a gem without inclusions or imperfections be called imperfect. I guess you would like me to come out and say something and why is it that easy? To express the inexpressible requires with words as well as the obvious, subtle hints… I understand what I am saying, however, I would not like to post everything required to make it totally clear lest the loonies see me as the loony!

Suffice to say… I don’t know what happens when I am gone… what mischief is in the goings-on… I can only extrapolate what I have the time for and do not keep up with what is trending at each moment. Perhaps I am not being clear but is it only what I have written that makes the cloud misbehave? Or is it not separating another side tracking that happens with life in general… not being able to come back to exactly the same carriage in the train of thought. I don’t know.

I will not give up and I like to write, even in my downtime… at least get something out. Sorry if it is worthless!

I will spend more time reading what I did not reframe as well as what I did… maybe I will see something new.

I will attempt something further after dinner… as with yourself, I make no promise of anything today!


“Here, I have the opportunity to do it with words: If I had the time, at the moment, I would encode. Allow me…”

Same here but get back. Will nome3

Everyman: steady!

You will keep me guessing for a while!

Kind of spooky!