Genocide in Gaza?

This win-or-lose perspective is not conducive to coexistence. Reducing the answer to yes or no would be a negligence of intelligence.

I think that if the British and the Zionists had respected the Arabs more, there would have been no conflict, but that was not the aim. The aim was for the Jews fleeing from Europe to have a similar national identity to the mythological one they had in the Bible – preferably the mythological realm of David.

I think Ukraine is in a similar situation to Gaza, and Taiwan faces a similar threat.

I think the West betrayed the moral stance it claimed to have been taking whilst “policing” the world early on, but we have been overly patient with them because they were calling the moves.

You may be ignorant, but you shouldn’t assume others are just because they disagree with you.

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You know how Iran would answer the question. You know how Russia would answer the question. You know how China would answer the question. Coexistence? Give me a break.

I deplore Trump. But put him back in office or someone with balls like him.

Best Charities Impacting Gaza

  • United Palestinian Appeal.
  • Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.
  • Save the Children.
  • Life for Relief and Development.
  • Islamic Relief USA.
  • Doctors Without Borders.
  • Direct Relief.

And how does Hamas handle them?

Ichthus, you complained that Felix neglected to answer your question.

You may recall, I asked you: What would Jesus do?

You replied: Turn tables?

Any tables left in Gaza? :thinking:

The ablest? :thinking: :smile:

Given all that Jesus is reported to have said, do you feel you provided a reasonable answer to my question?

Perhaps I asked the wrong question. Try again.

“What would Jesus have to ‘say’ regarding the indiscriminate killing of thousands of children?”

Is that an accurate representation of the situation?

If not, but that situation does exist somewhere in the world, and it does, except that it is not indiscriminate because it targets minorities, he would say that the people who are doing this for a profit will wish they had never been born and that a millstone was tied to their neck and they were thrown in the ocean.

Mafia tactics for the mafia, is what it sounds like to me.

in short: turn tables

Ref: Shout your Hell (~Heaven)

Israel has been making a mistake in Gaza, and turning international opinion against it. By striking Israel, directly as it did, Iran has managed to close ranks back between Biden and Netanyahu. In fact Britain and France, and most of the international community and the EU has spoken out very emphatically in favor of Israel, saying “we stand with you against Iran. Iran is the enemy not Israel.” And that’s very good for Netanyahu. It takes away the focus from Gaza and put it on Iran.

Secondly, it shows how weak Iran is. It shot over 300 missiles and drones towards Israel. Almost all of them were shot down before they reached Israeli airspace. So it looks like Iran is shooting blanks. And then it shows how successful the United States and Israel’s defense plans have been. In technology the missile defense umbrella was incredibly effective. The currency of the American arms build up and the NATO-like umbrella works. America has not withdrawn from the region, and it shows powers like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and others who joined the Abraham accords, helped to make it happen.


…sounds like one big plot, to me… after the Ukraine ‘hype’, the world ain’t falling for any-more such hypes - the hype-factory called, it’s recalling all its hypes.

But what will the plot-twist be? :thinking:

It can seem like that when you perceive a pattern in the doings on the world stage. It also sometimes seems like the US and Israel are playing a game of “good cop/bad cop” against players in the region. But according to NYT “the Biden administration is preparing to impose new sanctions on Iran after its attacks on Israel over the weekend. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen suggested that the administration was considering ways to further restrict Iranian oil exports. Another Treasury official said the U.S. was also looking at ways to cut off Iran’s access to military components that it used to build weapons such as the drones that it deployed against Israel.” These actions appear consistent with the administration’s rhetorical stance of continued conflict with Iran while avoiding escalation.


…coz nobody wants a World War 3, is why.


…how about them doing likewise to all the countries with their finger-on-the-trigger/who are currently in conflict, and not just Iran/why just Iran?

It’s tougher when those countries have nukes.

Netanyahu participating with the Abraham Accords in total disregard of Mahmoud Abbas (PLO) (see Felix Dakat’s video shared earlier in the thread: Genocide in Gaza? - #36 by felix_dakat) plays into the hands of those who want to displace Jewish representation with Arab representation.

There are landmines in the common ground.

It’s a long con.

The new global order is under China. The elephant in the room. Prove me wrong.

I restate the question.

…then perhaps the ‘global nuclear armament’ roadmap needs to be revisited.

I just think they should move the Israelis to Greenland and leave the world alone.

If the answer to this is “No”… (click the down arrow…) v

Then I stand with Mitch:

Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah kill 22, including 18 children

UPDATED APRIL 21, 20249:42 AM ET


The Associated Press

RAFAH, Gaza Strip — Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people, including 18 children, health officials said Sunday, as the United States was on track to approve billions of dollars of additional military aid to its close ally.

Means: 18 children and 4 adults. I’m sure the children were planning an uprising :cry:

World stunned as Israel fails to evidence the thing it made up (