god what are you doing

But then why would you need to “look for” your god? Isn’t that going into the supernatural realm? Isn’t nature awesome and inspiring and enough over the top and beyond to cease any thought about god at all? Although I suppose there are moments when I even consider: “Is it possible” I think that at times the qualia which we are experiencing comes so close to what appears to be sacred (though it isn’t - except to our minds) that we cannot help wondering but that moment fades quickly and all I am left with is an astounding nature and universe. And for me, what more could there possible be? That is what binds me - that is my religion of sorts - though not really my religion but my interconnectedness with nature and my nature within I suppose.

Yes, turtle, nature certainly is unbelievable but I’d say unbelievably amazing. And it always shows up on time.
that is where I look for my god…I don’t like supernatural explanations…
But then why would you need to “look for” your god? Isn’t that going into the supernatural realm? Isn’t nature awesome and inspiring and enough over the top and beyond to cease any thought about god at all? Although I suppose there are moments when I even consider: “Is it possible” I think that at times the qualia which we are experiencing comes so close to what appears to be sacred (though it isn’t - except to our minds) that we cannot help wondering but that moment fades quickly and all I am left with is an astounding nature and universe. And for me, what more could there possible be? That is what binds me - that is my religion of sorts - though not really my religion but my interconnectedness with nature and my nature within I suppose.
I am always studying nature and expanding my view of god as I go…

You’re forgetting that theists define God as the prime mover, the first cause, the one that caused everything that will ever happen KNOWINGLY. That’s exactly the basis of my argument.

the people at my church believe the evolution of living things is directed by god…I try to present the scientific explanation…but they wont have it
their god is in control…they seem to like to be in control…

Ask them why did God make Ebola, or plague or smallpox evolve and observe them become dumbfounded and unable to construe a proper response, you’re also likely to hear “God works in mysterious ways” :laughing:

yes I hear that ----god works in ways we cannot understand…

Well duh… it’s always about control. Except nothing revolves around us, except what we create to.

On the ravages brought about by natural causes and unnatural persons–what if God is interested in souls, not in bodies. I’d say that a soul is a natural, not supernatural part of the human psyche, which may be a trinity of mind, body and soul (or spirit).

That might be Wizard’s buddhist interpretation - all is fine with the world, all is as it should be. There is nothing that needs to be done - it is all under control ~~ we are just not capable of seeing true reality.

True reality? From my vantage point I see save me religions, politics for sale and dog eat dog economics. All is not well.