Haiku Tag

Good women reside
Pathetic and so nata
To whom owe gotta!

to whom owe gotta
bugatti pricetag be damed
sometimes a smooth ride

Sometimes a smooth ride
Loving it but what’s inside
Have to pay the price

Have to pay the price
To offer a sacrifice
Appeasing the gods

Appeasing the gods –
hot stones on a ground of blood
smoking whims of iron

smoking whims iron

image of image,image ;

four give ,trans fourm, th(r)ee !?!

four give ,trans fourm, th(r)ee !?!

A sharp mind becomes unsharp

Resharpened on you…

Resharpened on you…

so lovingly whittled down ~

I become…again.

I become…again.

rather shackled and bedecked,

you generate debt???

you generate debt???

It begs the question: To Whom?

To self or other?

To self or other

Where begin or end , smother?

knowing this much ? hurts.

knowing this much? hurts.

The thought occurs - no matter

best to starve the pain!

Obe, nice being chased by you. :slight_smile: [/size]

knowing this much? hurts.

The thought occurs - no matter

best to starve the pain!

[size=85]Obe, it’s so nice being chased by you. I so enjoy this back and forth haiku scampering around.
You always bring forth the challenge in me. :slight_smile: It’s your turn, when you’re ready. [/size] :laughing: :laughing:

Best to starve the pain!

Unsatisfied hunger, shame

oft declines the game.

arc, for a minute it seemed as if we were caught in a hammerlock inside a maze. Whew!!!Glad it’s not back to the cave.

oft declines the game.

or raises stakes - encumbered ~

a gamblers journey.

:blush: :laughing: [size=85]Yes, that was some SNAFU I created. I screamed for Ariadne’s help but apparently she only answers for men.[/size] :angry:

A gambler’s journey
randoms through the hourglass,
the language of sand.

the language of sand
she only answers for men
times, wish was other

times, wish was other

an endless journey of acts

whiling time away

Whiling time away
like frogs on a lilypad
travel on green whims.

Travel on green whims
On not so whimsical jade
no sight broken heart