Haiku Tag

no sight broken heart.
But alas - this might be true.
Discern - Be Free Again!

An excellent last line… nicely thought up :slight_smile:

Discern - Be Free Again! (that’s 6 syllables :stuck_out_tongue: )

Unconcern oneself with guilt

Not at all’s expense

not at all’s expense

know is to you doubly and

one’s feel, …that…heat(h)(s)'…green.

Ah…oops. :blush: :laughing:

one’s feel, …that…heat(h)(s)'…green.
and glistening dew of morn
A breathless “Aha”.

A breathless “aha”
rises out of forest ash
with the first new sprout.

with the first new sprout
spring’s volatile euphoria
keep your daughters safe

keep your daughters safe
Spring springs lusty pheromones
Beware that neighbor!

Beware that neighbor!
One can’t trust the promises
of a horny beast

One can’t trust anything which comes from a horny beast. :laughing: That was funny.

of a horny beast
But what a conjured image
Ode to Spring - Reign on!

Ode to Spring - Reign on!
Passion of fleeting nature
such is the young heart

such is the young heart
piercing, pinching, probing touch
move slower through it!

move slower through it!
savoring every nuance,
texture, smell, and taste

texture, smell and taste
Hmmm, a lizard’s scrumptious leg
Lucky spider am I!

Lucky spider am I!
I sit on a bed of silk
my food comes to me

my food comes to me
creative moments - fruitful!
A stunning vessel!

A stunning vessel!
Within, the primordial
silence of unseen…


silence of unseen
unheard, untouched ~ dark matter.
Mystery unfolds!

Mystery unfolds!
Ends in exclamation point!
Very excited!

Very excited!
it is forward yesterday!
fold back, tomorrow?

fold back, tomorrow?
swim in a deja vu place?
Flow back to Present!