I’m going to explain why I leave this board

Note to others:

LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE!!! :sunglasses:

There is the fact that none of you know that power which can bind together those forms, that make the heart a responsibility , very few including the burned house that burned down the lives and levied the pants off levy bruhl and connected it to the unforseen, wither which no one left because there was no where to go and no one to see. And that someone was a no one burning without the house.

So when anyone says they will leave , they will find no exit written all over and the loving couple , their love is as immortal as written in the secret doctrine in the cupboard. So do not under any circumstances try looking for it because it’s not there anymore. Someone excommunicated the lot of them once it was gone. The hyper mirrors; along with all the other crao. But then, they did go up to the magic mountain and he lived it, and it sustained them, and they never ever again broke any sentiment hearts the end. The bonding was unreal but hidden within the secret doctrine, and the house turned upside down so the basement was up and habitable, the roof down with smoke wafting down the chimney and darkness did not prevail for many days after putin’s tryst and then they bound for the intermediary private heaven reserved for the loose ones.

So no one leaves until given a sign of ok


This thread will die soon and I’ll really be gone from ILP.

I’m not lying to you.

Under no circumstances are you to leave, you have taken a step too far to stay too far to leave so the best plan is to just retain it .

This here thing will die a reasonable death but can be revived on short notice but who will be responsible for it’s demise specially if you leave sentience and all with only a copy of your former self?

No. Can’t be
This is a descent thread far to descent for some tastes.

Ischtus and and Ambigious can not go same reason so stop them in case they have ideas.

Meno. Understand. Nobody truly dies. Sometimes you need to see someone die or leave to understand that.

I know that but there is a carch: no body dies since by the time any body reaches the point when it dies, it ceases to be any body. Then because it is not any body, or, it is a no body, it can not die. It becomes like a living dead. It keeps acting like it was a body, any body, but it is not.

It is very painful for some one like that to think and act like it was some body or another, when in reality it is not.

It shrivels up and retreats into some cave or a hidden place with no mirrors on the walls and begins long nights of trepidation to come out of it, but avoids the sunlit places especially large and well lit places of worship where all that light bothers the hell out of it.

Some call such creature a freak of nature. Well wishers seeing it throw dimes and quarters down to it .

Is it a vampire or a student lol.

You two are out of line.

I was pulled out of a perfect heaven to be with you because it wasn’t perfect.

Now I need to make all existence perfect to get into heaven.

What the fuck are you doing? Twiddling your thumbs?

You have no idea.

My spirit is back in my body.

You can talk to me personally now.

I’m not a deity recognized on earth. At the end of the day, we’re all just people. Do not worship me. Do not pray for me. If you want me. I’ll be there.

I’m ancient.

Do not ask for a spirit to protect you internally.

Ask for them to beam love upon you.

Perfect includes mercy. Love requires choice & sacrifice. This whole thing is complete even though we’re in the middle of co-creating it with the Father. The perfect/real is eventual to us, actual to the Father/Creator — the Real (in Whom is the Actual).


Don’t fucking talk this shit to me.

I’ve endured the wrath of the cosmos.

For what?

To be perfectly honest … just so a human could have a clear conscience about fucking someone or seeing them naked.

You’re retards.

That’s your fucking cross. You’re retards.

Ichthus. I’m not from this planet.

Ec. Until the good kingdom is on New Earth as it is in heaven… this is the best we got. So if Putin doesn’t eff it up, let’s keep putting good into it to neutralize the crap & stuff.

Putin can’t destroy earth. In the current plan the earth will resurrect and he’ll be sent to the hell of billions of people’s pure imaginations.

Don’t worry about it.

I’m not worried.

I have pure intuitions.

Just kidding. I know that’s not what Kant meant.

People don’t know how to read my stuff lol.

We need all three members of the triad. But they each one represent different levels of syntheses.

I will present a complete list.

Hopeful others are already on it.

Eventually I will explain it in words a five year old would understand.

Wow, I over-estimated you Ecmandu, I didn’t realize how weak you really were… shameful.

Go ladle some soup to orphans at your local soup kitchen; then come back after you have saved some of the unclean masses from Hell.

Next up:

He explains why he has to keep explaining why he will leave this board.

Also, how does he know when – if – he’s not lying to himself? :sunglasses:

ok regular person chiming in with a little perspective here.

what is actually happening right now is that a person who is mentally unstable and suffering from all kinds of delusions is having a breakdown on a message board about philosophy, and the people on the board, apparently in the name of civil discourse or something are just going along with the conversation as if this person isn’t deeply mentally ill and in the midst of a breakdown.

if you really think about it, this is super fucked up.

i’m not even sure how to comprehend it.

The most anyone can do, is advise those in crisis to seek the help they need. Now… if a grown person doesn’t want to do that, there aren’t any other options left for those here to suggest.

i’m not saying anyone is doing anything wrong, just that the whole thing is a bit grotesque. you guys know that this is like a legit mental patient right?

He maybe a mental patient; but he’s still more rational and reasonable than the Liberal-Leftist-Democrats destroying America.