I know, I know, we’re supposed to be open minded, tolerant, politically correct, non book burning people who respect and appreciate opposing views. Right. Putting that aside for a moment, let us consider this question:
If you could remove a book from history, and thus take away its impact on humanity, what book would you choose? Why?
Mein Kampf ( I think that is the correct spelling)
It is an interesting read. Its problem is that too many take it seriously. The Author should have had a private rubber room and white dinner jacket with extra long sleeves for him and lets include his playmates.
Probably the very first Encyclopedia. It began the whole social science philosophy of categorising and demographics, way before evolution and genetics became involved in drawing up broad mechanistic explanations of human beings.
It is more of a ‘lots of terrible things over a very long period of time’ vs. ‘one monumentously terrible thing all at once’.
Sadly, their removal alone wouldn’t be any security that the results that these books brought wouldn’t still have played out.
So, instead I’ll go back in time and remove ‘Pride and Prejudice’. It isn’t actually that terrible (a little whiny) but I more wouldn’t mind its removal just because that way I wouldn’t have to deal with a new movie based off of it, or inspired by it, coming out every other year that I invariably get dragged to see.