If you're listening to music right now II




I absolutely love this song just for its attitude:


surrealistic pillow

“Welcome to the United Snakes
land of the thief, home of the slave
the grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred
and power is God”

Amen, brother!!!

I love retro and this is soooooo African American 70’s revolution music. The beginning of Rap.


Passionate piece.


m.youtube.com/watch?v=jyFmbKdmAKw - On a mad thing, but I calmed down.


Thinking of you, Chloe.

And I can answer every single question.

Therion -Kali Yoga III

For you, Obe, a gift because (1.) the following music production is a Hungarian one, (2.) sung in English, (3.) you were born in Hungary, and (4.) you can speak English. :slight_smile:

Omega, “Time Robber”, 1976.








