If you're listening to music right now II

Robert Schumann, Piano Concerto #1, Nelson Freire with the Rotterdam Philharmonic

A poem:




Pat Metheny Group - Letter From Home

Obe, do you know this one?:


Robert Schumann, “Kinderszenen” (“Scenes of Childhood”), 1837-1838.

Philipp Otto Runge, “Die Hülsenbeckschen Kinder” (The children of the Hülsenbecks"), 1805-1806.


Loved this song as a teen.

Was like an anthem to me.




Por ti Volare: For you I’ll fly


Favorite one.



Just watched it, imaqtpie.

I started to smile immediately, and I still can’t stop.






I know, its retarded, but kind of draws near to my inner whitetrash-redneckness.

Discovered from one of my favourite episodes of Futurama.

Another two that spring to mind - the one where Fry’s dog is found, but they don’t bring him back to life because ‘he probably had a long happy life with a new owner’. The other - Fry finds an instrument that can express his feelings to Leela, bypassing his own inability absent of it.







No time to get into any of the philosophy threads today - another day for that - I have some friends to meet up with and errands to run on this Saturday. I watched Blade Runner (the final cut) early this morning - first time ever seeing it - as I drank a rare cup of coffee. It was a notable experience both in theme and aesthetics. I got into a bit of reflection after the movie looking up various things on the internet as I listened to this album.


Have a good day, all