I think I may have had one of the coolest ideas of my life.
That idea is a debate between ILP and ILO.
Here is my plan, the first thing we have to do is get at least three volunteers that will be willing to participate in a debate against three members of ILO. Now, if we were to have more than three volunteers, all of the regular posters here can vote on the three representatives that they believe will best represent ILP. (Barring the actual judges, of course.)
Once the three ILP and ILO representatives are determined, I believe the next step would be to determine judges. I believe the judges should rightfully be individuals that frequent both places who do not have an overt preference or bias. That said, should KrisWest be willing, I think her and myself would be two obvious candidates, I do not have anyone in mind for a third, but anyone that posts (regularly) at both places would work.
The next step is the picking of topics. I believe for this the representatives of ILP and those of ILO should confer with one another and each team gets to pick a topic and what stance the team chooses to defend. In the event that there is a 1-1 split tie after the first two topics have been debated the judges will have already come to a topic agreed upon by same (judges) to break the tie.
In order to avoid any home-field advantage, this debate will not be held at either website, per se, rather I will act as an intermediary. The ILP debaters will post there responses/premises or whatever the case may be that I will copy/paste and post (without adding to, subtracting from, or modifying anything) over at ILO. In turn, the responses that are made over at ILO will be copy/pasted by myself and posted over here. That way we do not have to worry about any account-creating, duplicate posts or any of that bullcrap.
Anyway, I have spoken to one of the global moderators at ILO regarding this and he would like to see it happen. I think it would be interesting myself and I am sure there are others who would agree. Basically, he told me to gauge and see if there would be any interest over here and come up with a plan that makes it feasible, I think I have done just that.