Issue: Self-Sacrifice & Consent Violation

Is consent violation seen in self-sacrifice which is a teleological suspension of the ethical (of the ethical stage … versus works of love)?


• You can’t want to not want without wanting.
• Legitimate wants recognize and acknowledge consent.

[Side issue to think alongside: Who is your father? Can people recognize who your father is — biological, legal, or spiritual — from your external behavior displaying your internal image, rather than from your external image? Related: -1, 0, 1 (the fractaliciousness) - #3 by Ichthus77 ]

Think with:

^think with^

Not saying it’s not possible but it would take a lot of dot connecting to make that into a coherent proposition. You’re usually like “…that’s somebody else’s job like…” :smirk:

Is that your way of asking nicely?

It’s feedback. Do with it what you will.

So you’re saying it’s possible? Prove it.

See that’s your M O—getting someone else to do the work. Meanwhile, you move on. I’ve seen you do that. A guy interpreted what he thought you were saying more coherently than I’ve ever seen you explain it and you just dropped it and moved on to another thread. ADHD?

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Link or it didn’t happen.

I have no need to. If it’s a pattern others will have seen it, and it will happen again.

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If? If they say they see it, I say “link or it didn’t happen” to them, too.

Until then, question every baseless accusation,

…except your own… right? :wink:

Ergo… debating in bad faith

Link to a baseless accusation I (without joking) made, or it didn’t happen. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why did you come into this thread if you didn’t intend to discuss it?

Same question for MagsJ.

If I phrase things as a question because it is a question I genuinely have (and I stopped myself before getting to the answer just so that we could all share the experience of exploring this together), you say I’m trying to get other people to do the work. If I provide the answer as far as I’ve got it (which, yes, would mean I would have to not stop myself so that we would not be able to explore this together) you say I’ve got all the answers as if I don’t care about finding out what all the possible answers might be.

If you don’t want to partake in the discussion, please don’t reply.


What is the connection between consent violation , self sacrifice, the teleological suspension of the ethical?

What does that have to do with wanting to not want to want or whatever? What does that have to do with “the father” and the “internal image” and evil?

That is also my question.

Care to take the first stab?

Ha ha! I predicted that you would repeat the pattern and you just did right here on the same thread!

It’s a guessing game. Or like a projective test.

You list possibly unrelated words in a post and then expect people to explain what the words mean and how they’re related.

How about this? If you tell me what you think the words mean and how you think they might be related, I’ll tell you if I agree or not and why.

Added to OP.

If no one replies before I do, don’t say I didn’t give everyone a running start. Deal?

I can’t read your notes. Are they a further development of your thoughts in the OP? If so, why not type them out?

You could say I’m crunched for time, and when I have time, my thoughts happen too fast and I have to write them down. That happens faster (for organizing the kind/way of thoughts they are) with pencil/pen and paper. I have just barely started trying to put them into complete sentences.

Fine. First stab.

The will in alignment with category (of “one”: father, self=other) has to break the spirit … Not getting what you want is not necessarily consent violation.

But the spirit in alignment with the father is going to be a wild freaking ride when the will has conditioned it enough to trust it without controlling it. (& that’s how you get back the aesthetic stage, Kierkegaard)

What it looks like:

p.s. Thank you.